Pokémon Rate My Team
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trevenant@ sitrus berry
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trait: harvest
careful nature
252 sp.def/ 252 hp/ 4 def

  • will-o-wisp
  • leech seed
  • shadow claw
  • horn leech

trevenant was the pokemon i wanted to test out, so i´m keeping this one. while i played competitive with my rain team, the pokemon that always stopped me was harvest trevenant. i thought: why not try it out for myself? and there it was. will-o-wisp makes up for lack in physically defensive ev training, leech seed heals and heals, shadow claw is STAB and coverage. horn leech is STAB.

terrakion@ leftovers

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impish nature

trait: **justified**

252 hp/ 202 speed/ 54 def

  • close combat
  • earthquake
  • smack down/ stone edge
  • x-scissor

terrakion covers all of trevenants weaknes (except for ghost) earthquake kills fire, close combat is for dark and ice, and stone edge kills most flying types. x-scissor is really just filler

charizard@ charizardite y

enter image description here

trait: harvest
timid nature
252 speed/ 252 sp.atk/ 4 hp

  • dragon tail/ roost
  • overheat
  • solar beam
  • air slash

my lead. although this is not a sun team, i felt like some extra boost for solar beam and fire moves could be an great addition, also, trevenants sitrus berry will be quicker harvested with sun on the field. overheat is STAB, solar beam is coverage and works well with sun, air slash covers umbreons (scroll down) fighting weakness. roost is self explained and dragon tail is in case of baton passers that has forgot to ingrain.
umbreon@ leftovers

enter image description here

bold nature
trait: synchronoize
252 def/ 252 hp/ 4 sp.def

  • wish / moonlight
  • heal bell
  • substitute/ foul play
  • baton pass/ toxic

umbreon is my tank and suporter. wish restores an ally with almost 200 hp. heal bell fix all status conditions. umbreon uses substitute and baton pass so the dying ally will get a free turn before taking damage. the other set is pretty much self-explained

kingdra@ white herb

enter image description here

trait: swift swim
timid nature
252 spe/ 252 sp.atk/ 4 hp

  • draco meteor
  • ice beam
  • surf
  • flash cannon

kingdra is my answer to rain teams. it will kill others kingdra with draco meteor before they can use focus energy, surf is STAB and both flash-cannon and ice beam is coverage.

for the last pokemon i need something to counter one of my teams biggest weakness: mega alakazam and mega kanghaskan. i have two suggestion: gengar and aegislash. gengar is best at countering kanghaskan while aegi is best for alakazam.

gengar@ leftovers

trait: levitate
timid nature
252 spa/ 252 hp/ 4 def
-dark pulse
-focus blast

the perfect mega kangashgan counter: immune to earthquake, fake out, power up punch aand drain punch. substitute is in case of sucker punch then i disable it and kills with focus blast. dark pulse fixes alakazam.

aegislash@ air ballon
trait: stance change
adamant nature
252 atk/ 252 hp/ 4 sp.def

-shadow sneak
-king shield
-sacred sword
-gyro ball

perfect for countering mega alakazam. just using shadow sneak for OHKO. thats it. sacred sword for mega kanghaskan although sucker punch is a problem.

please come with your thougts and if time: please rate it. thanks!:)

edited by
come on guys! this team just doesnt work. please help me.
This is actually a pretty solid team, however, I have a few suggestions.
With SR running wild, along with Sticky Web and [Toxic] Spikes, I can see why this team can face problems.
So I've noticed that this is a Hyper Offensive team with a Trevenent + Umbreon core, is it not? If it is, I highly recommend running a rapid spin/defogger, simply for the fact that 1) You have a charizard and 2) with all the switching of HO teams, SR and Spikes can dent your team so much. This is solved by running A spinner over gengar. Fun fact: Gengar does not actually counter Khangaskan because most if not all run Scrappy, and that allows it to hit ghosts. Also Sucker Punch and more than easily kill Gengar.
Now, I would run Physically defensive Trevenent and Specailly defensive Umbreon to better take advantage of their defenses. (Trevent has more Def and vice versa) Harvest on Charizard =/= Drought. Use Drought. Also Have Dragon Beam on their somewhere, maybe roost but definitely dragon beam. Run a scarf Terrakion to take our Greninja's and stuff. Run a Lum on aegislash.
yes! this is good! thanks for your suggestions and i will follow your tips, but remember: while kanghaskan mega evolves it looses its ability scrappy so gengar will still fix it, and sucker punch is easily countered with substitute + disable so i will keep gengar. also will-o-wisp burns opponent and therefore halves its attack. thats why im running sp.defensive on trevenant. but for the rest: thanks a lot, and who should i replace with a spinner if i wants to keep gengar :) ?
I'd suggest replacing dark pulse with shadow ball because it's pretty much the same thing(except the normal immunity), and shadow ball gets STAB boost
um i would say excadrill.

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