Pokémon Rate My Team
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Politoed @ Choice Specs/Scarf
252 Sp. Atk/ 252 Spd/ 4 HP
-Hydro Pump
-Focus Blast
-Ice Beam

Azumaril @ Life Orb
Huge Power
244 HP/ 252 Sp. Atk/ 12 Spd
-Aqua Jet
-Play Rough

Tyranitar @ Chople Berry
Sand Stream
252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 HP
-Rock Slide
-Brick Break

Scizor @ Scizorite
252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Sp. Def
-Bullet Punch
-Rock Smash/Brick Break

Shuckle @ Sitrus Berry/Chesto Berry
252 HP/ 244 Def/ 12 Sp. Def
-Power Trick
-Helping Hand
-Sticky Web/Rest

Manectric @ Manectricite
252 Sp. Atk/ 252 Spd/ 4 HP
-Electric Terrain

The idea in mind is to lead with either my Politoed & Azumarill combo, or my Tyranitar & Scizor combo.

Politoed: I just want him for all out attacking and getting rain up for Azumarill. Under Rain Hydro Pump can dent a lot of things. And If I dont wanna rely on the poor accuracy I can use Surf and hit both targets. The other moves I probably wont even use., they are just there for lack of better options.

Azumarill: Aqua Jet hurts a lot of things under rain. A Hydro Pump and Aqua Jet combination is pretty much able to take out what I imagine will be the biggest threat. Play Rough is for Dragons. I would rather use Super Power instead of waterfall for steels, mainly Ferrothorn.

Tyranitar: This is just a set I got directly from Smogon for last year's VGC. I've used it before and it works so why change it? Rock Slide is STAB and hits both targets. Crunch is STAB and is very sexy. Low Kick is unobtainable unless it is a new egg move after PokeBank comes out so Brick Break is my choice to deal with steels. But since Crunch isnt resisted by steel types anymore maybe I can use Iron Head instead to deal with fairies?

Scizor: BP is STAB and a must have for fairies. Thief got a boost in power and can be useful to get rid of items. Rock Smash can lower Defence and I think that'll be very useful if I get the drop I can follow up with a BP for a possible kill.

Shuckle: Infestation is a good move. 1/8th damage each turn added with 1/16th from sandstorm racks up quickly and, let's be honest, this is the only way Shuckle can cause decent damage. Also it prevents switches. Helping Hand boosts my allies' move. Power Trick cripples any attacker. Sticky Web slows pokemon switching in, but all my pokemon are slow to begin with so idk about it. Rest is the better option with Chesto Berry and is the only reliable recovery.

Manectric: My second MEvo. He can be used with Politoed. Thunder is the strongest move he has and is perfect to lead with Politoed. Thunderbolt allows him to not rely on horrible accuracy if I choose to use him with my Tyranitar or Rain just simply wears off. Flamethrower is to deal with grass types. Electric Terrain boosts electric moves by 30% and it prevents any pokemon on the ground from falling asleep. Not Sure how it affects Shuckle if he uses rest though.

This is my team! Please tell me what you think

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