Pokémon Rate My Team
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Edit: I took out Abomasnow in place of Mega Gardevoir. My team had no answer to Scrafty and Conkeldurr.

Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
252 Sp. Atk/ 4 Sp. Def/ 252 Spd
-Dazzling Gleam
-Energy Ball

Dazzling Gleam offers a 2HKO on Max HP Assault Vest Conkeldur and is a spread move. Psychic is my secondary STAB. Energy Ball is another way of dealing with Rotom-W. She can act alone for the most part. Also I have Telepathy which lets her switch in on Garchomps EQ before she megas without taking damage.
Sprite Garchomp XY
Garchomp @ Lum Berry
Rough Skin
4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spd
-Dual Chop
-Rock Slide

This doesnt need much of an explanation. Everything is standard except for Dual Chop which I choose to use for the chance to break through a focus sash.
Heat Rotom
Rotom H @ Chesto Berry
248 HP / 28 Sp. Atk / 232 Sp. Def

Rest is for recovery. Will-o=Wisp stops physical threats. Discharge is STAB and a spread move. Overheat is STAB. I chose this form because of Charizard-Y. Solar Beam can OHKO most Rotom-Ws. Rotom-H counters him well.

Sprite Sableye XY

Sableye @ Sitrus Berry
252 HP/ 252 Sp. Def/ 4 Spd
-Foul Play

This set doesn't need any explanation either really. The typical Swagger/Foul Play set. Recover is for recovery. Will-o-Wisp is for stopping physical sweepers before they can get going. He's an amazing Kangaskhan wall.
Sprite Avalugg XY
Avalugg @ Leftovers
Own Tempo
252 HP/ 4 Atk/ 252 Def/
-Rock Slide

Avalanche takes advantage of his slow speed, turning into a 120 BP move. Rock Slide is for coverage. He matches up great against Talonflame. He can easily shake off an obvious Flare Blitz with Recover until Talonflame eventually kills itself or is forced to roost. Earthquake is for additional coverage.

Sprite Chansey XY
Chansey @ Eviolite
Natural Cure
252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 Sp. Def
-Seismic Toss
-Heal Pulse

Seismic Toss is the only attacking move. Softboiled is for recovery.Heal Pulse is for healing my ally pokemon, and Toxic is for stalling ghost types who I can't hit except Aegislash. She can work with any other pokemon as a supporter.

Lead duo's
Sableye & Garchomp: Sableye can Swagger my Garchomp without worrying about confusion thanks to Lum Berry, thus allowing him to try and sweep through as much of the team as he can. Since Sableye doesnt have Protect I have to be careful when I choose to Earthquake

Sableye & Avalugg: SImilar to leading with Garchomp. Swagger wont confuse thanks to Own Tempo, effectively turning him into a physical attacking wall.

Avalugg & Chansey: My defensive Core lead. They take hits and shake them off with their recovery options and procede to do whatever damage they can.

Garchomp & Rotom: Disquake Combo! Also this is my lead for Dark Void Smeargles. Both of them can shake off sleep with their berries.

edited by
1. Sadly, Chansey is not in the Kalos dex. You will have to find a cheap substitute.
Suggestions (that also happen to cut your fighting weakness): Florges, Aromatisse
2. Rest Talk is super gimmicky, especially since Rotom-H will get ruined when it has Overheated and have to deal with the special attack drop. (I think Rest Talk does better on Rotom Wash and Freeze, though.) For your Rotom Heat, I'd just go with Protect or Will-O in place of Sleep Talk.

I like the team synergy though. It's really hard to fault and seems to be a good team on paper. Plus you seem to have the common VGC Pokemon covered.
Thanks for the feedback Malachite!
And you're right Chansey isn't allowed for VGC, I'm using this team for battlespot doubles which is kinda the same thing except every pokemon is allowed.
And you're also right about the Rotom, I haven't had much success using Sleep Talk so far. I'm gonna take your advice and make changes
My question: How do you handle the Mega's in Battlespot? Also you are very very weak for any type of weatherteams.
Why do you need protect.

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