Pokémon Rate My Team
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I somehow stumbled onto a tier called Monotype and the basics are all pokemon of that team have to share a common type and they are allowed to be dual typed so I thought i'd try it out:

Spy(Greninja) @ Focus Sash
EV:252 Spd/ 252 SAtk/ 4 HP/
A: Protean
N: Hasty
-Dark Pulse
-Hydro Pump

Swampland(Swampert) @ Rindo Berry
EV: 252 Atk/ 164 HP/ 92 Def/
A: Torrent
N: Brave
-Power-Up Punch

Sea Eel(Gyarados) @ Gyaradosite
EV: 252 Spd/ 192 Atk/ 64 Def/
A: Moxie
N: Adamant
- Bounce
- Earthquake
-Dragon Dancing
- Aqua Tail

Bulb(Lanturn) @ Leftovers
EV: 252 SAtk/ 154 SDef/ 102 HP/
A: Volt Absorb
N: Hasty
-Dazzling Gleam
-Ice Beam

Kingdom(Kingdra) @ Damp Rock
EV: 252 SAtk/ 124 Def/ 124 SDef/ 4 Atk/
A: Swift Swim
N: Modest
-Dragon Pulse
- Rain Dance
- Flash Cannon

Snapper(Clawitzer) @ Mystic Water
EV: 252 SAtk/ 124 SDef/ 124 Def/ 4 Atk/
A: Swift Swim
N: Modest
-Aura Sphere
-Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam

Make changes if you want, I could really use the tips. And just so you know, I know that there is little synergy here. So give different tips then that.

edited by
Replace Hydro Pump with Scald, it has 100% accuracy and could burn your opponent which could easily make or break a game. Expert Belt or Choice Specs on Clawitzer is good, put water pulse on him for extra damage. Put hydro pump on kingdra, as it is better to ohko pokes easily. Stockpile on lantern is great, so replace dazzling gleam for it. DO NOT mega evolve gyrados because kingdra will be the only thing on your team that isnt hit superffectively by grass, Your moveset is fine on it though.

1 Answer

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Greninja: Good, but Focus Sash is pretty bad on him. Give him Life Orb, I would say specs but you have spikes. Also, Scald>Hydro Pump.
Swampert: No real use for Rindo Berry. I would band him personally, but life orb would be good too. Great moveset though.
Gyarados: 2 turn move and no power herb. Ice fang is much better to cover grass. For the reason Scare-Wolf said, don't be too quick to mega-evo. You could still run mega if you wanted. Max out attack too. Expert belt is good if you decide to not to mega him.
Lanturn: Good set, but I'd run specs instead of lefties. You could also replace Dazzling Gleam with Volt Switch to make him a good scout.
Kingdra: Good set, but there is little point for rain dance. I'd run a sniper one holding a razor claw. Replace rain dance for dragon dance.
Clawitzer: I don't think you can get swift swim ones. Run mega launcher one with water pulse instead of scald. Use Choice specs for an item.

I think I need to mention Stall Ludicolo. He's hit neutral by Grass, and is really useful:
Ludicolo @ Leftovers
Nature: Can't remember what name, but it's +def/sp.def, -atk
EVs: 252 HP, 252 (sp.)def, 4 sp.atk
Ability: Rain Dish

Mega Drain
Rain Dance
Leech Seed

If you run the Ludicolo I suggested, don't change Kingdra. He would help him by setting up rain.
