Pokémon Rate My Team
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Jewels(Carbink) @ Pixie Plate
EV: 169 SAtk/ 169 Def/ 169 SDef/
Trait: Sturdy
Nature: Relaxed
-Stealth Rock
- Trick Room

Clawz(Barbaracle) @ Wide Lens
EV: 252 Def/ 166 Atk/ 86 SDef/
Trait: Tough Claws
Nature: Impish
-Razor Shell
-Stone Edge
-Cross Chop

Desert(Tyranitar) @ Smooth Rock
EV: 252 Def/ 252 Atk/ 4 SDef/
Trait: Sand Stream
Nature: Brave
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge

T-Rex(Tyrantrum) @ Life Orb
EV: 252 Atk/ 252 Def/ 4 HP/
Trait: Rock Head
Nature: Naughty
-Head Smash
-Ice Fang
-Dragon Claw

Fossil(Cradily) @ Hard Stone
EV: 252 SDef/132 SAtk/120 Atk/
Trait: Storm Drain
Nature: Sassy
-Sludge Wave
-Energy Ball
-Ancient Power

Rhino(Rhyperior) @ Expert Belt
EV: 252 Atk/ 240 HP/ 16 Def/
Trait: Solid Rock
Nature: Brave
-Rock Wrecker
-Drill Run
-Thunder Fang

Don't give Tyranitar dragon dance if it is a trick room team. Give barbaracle a nature that lowers speed so it can abuse the trick room.

1 Answer

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Carbink: Pixie Plate is a bad item. Give it an iron ball to abuse Gyro Ball better. Run these EVs: 252 HP, 252 Sp.Def, 4 def
Barbaracle: Give it a -speed nature. Run these EVs: 252 HP, 252 atk, 4 def
Tyranitar: Replace D-Dance with Hone Claws. Mega Tyranitar is too good to pass up, so mega him.
Tyrantrum: Run Choice Band>Life Orb. Good set though.
Cradilly: I would run 252 Atk, 252 Sp.Atk, 4 HP as it is a mixed set. Hard stone is wasted, use life orb.
Rhyperior: Rock Wrecker is a really bad move, use Stone Edge instead. 252 HP/4 def is better than 240/16.
