Pokémon Rate My Team
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So I recenty made an UU team here it is

So I wanted a lead so I decided to go with Azelf.Azelf is good it can shut down things then set up with rocks then explode.

I wanted a special sweeper so I went with Zoroark because it can set up easily in metagross form.

I needed a cleric and special wall so I went with florges

I went for a mixed sweeping lucario here

I wanted a banded pokemon so I went with metagross.

And finally I wanted a spinner and a mega so mega blastoise

Azelf@Life Orb
Naïve Nature
EVs 128 attack/128 special attack/252 speed
-Fire Blast
-Stealth Rocks

Zoarork@Life Orb
Timid Nature
EVs 252 speed/252 sp.atk
-Nasty Plot
-Dark Pulse
-Focus Blast

Modest Nature
EVs 252 sp.def/252 sp.atk
-Calm Mind

Lucario@Choice Scarf
Naïve Nature
EVs 128 attack/128sp.atk/252 speed
-Blaze Kick
-Aura Sphere
-Dragon Pulse

Metagross@Choice Band
Trait:Clear Body
Adamant Nature
EVs 216 attack/80 hp/212 defense
-Rock Slide
-Meteor Mash
-Zen Headbutt
-Hammer Arm

Trait:Mega Launcher
Modest Nature
Evs 252 sp.atk /132 speed/124 hp
-Rapid Spin
-Dark Pulse
-Water Pulse
-Aura Sphere

There it is please rate it I will change everything.


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