Pokémon Rate My Team
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So, I use Ghost, sometimes. Team was pretty good, nearly won a tournament with them... Friggin E-Series... any nevermind This is them.


Aegislash@Weakness Policy
252 HP / 252 Attk / 4 Sdef
Ability: Stance Change
Adamant Nature
-Kings shield
-Swords Dance
-Shadow Sneak
-Sacred Sword

Aegislash, Shadow sneak for STAB Priority, SD for a boost in power, King's shield for alternating forms, and Sacred Sword for some Dark coverage. Almost always used for switching though.


Golurk@Assault Vest
Ability: No Guard
252 HP / 252 Attk / 4 Sdef
Adamant Nature
-Dynamic Punch
-Drain Punch
-Ice Punch

Dynamic Punch is there to confuse and annoy, Drain punch is to help maintain my Golurk, Ice Punch is for coverage against Flying, other Ground, and Grass. EQ is for stab and coverage.


Drifblim@Flame Orb
Ability: Flare Boost
252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Sdef
Modest Nature
-Shadow Ball

When you see this, you must think strange, I say, see how hard it hits. Shadow Ball is STAB coverage, Thunderbolt is for water coverage. Defog is because this is my lead, and rest is to keep from fainting and to negate burn for a short time.


Gengar@Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
252 SpA / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Timid Nature
-Shadow Ball/Sludge Bomb
-Energy Ball
-Dazzling Gleam

Sash Disable, For all your Band/Scarf destroying needs. Dazgleam for coverage, Energy ball for more Coverage, Shadow Ball for even more Coverage. Sludge Bomb is an option to help against fairies, but really that's for a physical attacker to do.


Spiritomb@Chesto Berry
Ability: Infiltrator
252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Careful nature
-Sucker Punch

Tada! Troll Chesto-rest Spiritomb, Will-o-wisp for burn Taunt to keep them attacking, and Sucker Punch to hit them while they can only attack. Rest to remove damage and status.


Nopeface(Chandelure)@Choice Scarf
Ability: Infiltrator
252 Speed / 252 SpA / 4 HP
Timid Nature
-Energy Ball
-Shadow Ball

Scarfelure! So Shiny! So... Ok you get it, this is a pretty common set.

So, this is my team, Pretty Nifty isn't it? Tell me what you think, I am not super sure about the Drifblim and Golurk, they seem sorta iffy to me.

edited by
Mixed Aegislash > your Aegislash
Then what sort of set would you recommend? That may be useful. Also, I attempted to play Mixed Aegis, but it was unsuccessful. A note to all, Mixed Autotomize Aegislash Sucks... really, really bad.

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