Pokémon Rate My Team
0 votes

Hello people! I'm here to get my Deck rated. It's called the Shocking Aqua! I made it by myself using some cards from the Black and White and X and Y expansions. I have presented it kinda like a Theme Deck.


Choose Shocking Aqua, and lead your team to victory

With the Shocking Aqua, use Feraligar's Hyper Whirlpool to discard Energy cards from your opponent's Pokemon, throwing them off balance, then use Second Strike, to deal massive damage to the opposition. Greninja-EX's Aqua Blast decimates the opponent and Zekrom-EX's Glinting Claw has the potential to do 80 damage, for only 3 energies! Pokemon Center Lady helas up your Pokemon while Luxray's Fang Snipe allows you to discard a Trainer Card in your foe's hand, turning the tides in your favour. The Shocking Aqua's arsenal is sure to lead you to victory!


2x Greninja
3x Frogadier
4x Froakie
1x Feraligatr
2x Crocanaw
3x Totodile
2x Luxray
2x Luxio
3x Shinx
1x Zekrom EX
1x Keldeo EX
1x Greninja EX
2x Clawitzer
3x Clauncher
1x Ultra Ball(discard 2 cards from you hand and then search your deck for a Pokemon)
1x Pokemon Center Lady(remove 6 damage counters + special conditions from 1 of your Pokemon)
2x Professor's Letter(search for 2 basic energy cards)
1x Pokemon Fan Club(search for 2 Basic Pokemon)
2x Tierno(draw 3 cards)
2x Switch(switch a Benched Pokemon with the Active Pokemon)
1x Evosoda(search your deck for the evolution card of 1 of your Pokemon in play)
1x Potion(remove 3 damage conters from 1 of your Pokemon
10x Water Energy
10x Lightning Energy


1 Answer

2 votes

Have you tested this deck out before? Because you barely have any supporter cards. You have 11 supporter cards and only 2 allow you to draw any cards.

Considering that you have 4 evolution lines and 1 evosoda, you are going to be so hard pressed in getting your Pokemon out quickly.

You also have far too many Pokemon. You have 30 Pokemon, you don't need that many.

Generally speaking, supporter heavy decks are the best to play, because they don't give you dud hands as often. You need to run N, Shauna, Professor Sycamore/ Juniper and Skyla, because drawing cards is so important.

My views:

  • Ditch the Greninja and Luxray lines. Their attacks aren't worth while.
  • Ditch the Clawitzer line. Its attacks are alright, but Keldeo's attack overlaps with it, and Reverse Thrust isn't really necessary when you have Rush In.
  • Ditch Pokemon Centre Lady and Potion cards. The Potion barely heals anything, and you don't need Pokemon Centre Lady when you have Rush In (it gets rid of special statuses). If you really want healing cards, use Max Potion and pair it with energy retrieval cards or use the Ace Spec Gold Potion.
  • Ditch switch cards; no need when you have Rush In
  • Introduce another Keldeo
  • Add Float Stones x2 or 3 and pair them with Keldeo to make use of Rush In
  • Introduce drawing supporters: Sycamore/ Juniper, N, Colress and Shauna. I would have a mix of 10 of them at least.
  • Introduce Skyla. She gets you what you need.
  • Introduce Blastoise line, the one that has the ability Deluge. Also use Rare Candies so you can get Blastoise out quicker, and use Skyla to find those candies. This also means you can ditch all your Lightning energy and have a pure Water Deck.
  • Replace Greninja EX with Seismitoad EX. Quaking Punch is really useful, and prevents set up from your opponent.


  • Introduce Suicune (Safeguard). Good EX buffer and fits well with a water deck, but not essential.
  • Ditch Pokemon Fan Club for Dedenne x2. It's a very good starting Pokemon and since it uses colourless energy it's able to fit into any deck.


Pokemon (13)
Keldeo EX x2
Seismitoad EX x1
Blastoise x2
Squirtle x3
Feraligatr x2
Totodile x3
Supporters (28)
Vs Seeker x1
Rare Candy x4
Professor's Letter x3
Ultra Ball x2
Master Ball x1 (or whatever Ace Spec you think is good)
Float Stone x2
Muscle Band x2
Pokemon Fan Club x1
N x3
Shauna x4
Sycamore x3
Skyla x2
Lysandre's Trump Card x1
Energy (18)
Double Colorless Energy x3
Water Energy x15

what do I do with blastoise if there is no wartortle
Rare Candies bypass 1st stage evolutions, i.e. you have Squirtle on the bench, you have Rare Candy & Blastoise in your hand, use the Rare Candy and put Blastoise onto Squirtle.