Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello there reader! This is my completed team for the ORAS Generation Showdown and I really want to know if it will be able to hold up to the onslaught of overpowered 'Mons in the competition. Seriously, this is just Nintendonese for "Mega Rayquaza Free-for-All".


I put a lot of research into this, since this would be my first official competition. The first thing that I – and everyone else – noticed was that Mega Rayquaza wasn't banned. After that it was a mad scramble to find counters and checks for him as well as get one for me (thanks to the Delta Episode). I researched different ways to deal with M-Ray, and eventually settled on a few good choices. Next I looked through what were likely to be popular playstyles and found answers to those. I feel as though this team has what it takes to do well in the tourney, so long as my n00bishness doesn't get in the way. As for the name of the team, I picked names that I thought would suit them and translated them into French. It seemed to have a lot of powerful Pokémon on it as well, so it became the French Inquisition. Nobody expects the French Inquisition!


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Calcul (Kefki)@ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature
- Foul Play
- Swagger
- Protect
- Thunder Wave

Translation: Reckoning
Details: Most people start RMTs with the star. I'll start mine with the troll. Klefki is frickin' amazing with Prankster T-Wave, slowing faster threats and letting the slower members of the team outspeed and get some KOs. Protect is mandatory to escape Death by Groudon and get a turn of Leftovers recovery. Swagger + Foul Play lets me really troll around. It also makes me not complete Taunt bait. EVs and Nature help mne survive +2 M-Ray's Dragon Ascent (79.2 - 93.2%). I chose the name Reckoning because so many players underestimate the keychain.

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Horloge Fer (Dialga)@ Weakness Policy
Abiltiy: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 248 HP / 8 SDef
Modest Nature
- Flash Cannon
- Thunder
- Dragon Pulse
- Fire Blast

Translation: Iron Clock
Details:This is the King of my team. I love him even more than M-Ray. I chose him as my answer to GeoXern and Kyogre, among other things. I toyed around with a lot of items, including Choice Specs and Lum Berry, but I decided to use Dialga's tankiness to soak up Earthquakes and get to +2. I'll let the clacs speak for themselves:

252+ SpA Dialga Dragon Pulse vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Rayquaza: 666-786 (370 - 436.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 252+ SpA Dialga Thunder vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Kyogre: 438-516 (128 - 150.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 252+ SpA Dialga Flash Cannon vs. 104 HP / 0 SpD Xerneas: 648-764 (154.6 - 182.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Final calc vs. Xereneas. Clean OHKO. You might be asking "But what about Geomancy?" It's okay, that's what Thundurus is here for. The only move I'm on the fence with is Fire Blast; it could be more beneficial to run Protect to avoid 2HKOs and let a partner clean up. I chose the name Iron Clock because it reflects on what Dialga is: the unyielding Time Lord. And horlage sounds cool.

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Ouragan (Thundurus)@ Expert Belt / Rocky Helmet
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Timid Nature
- Taunt
- Thunderbolt
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse

Translation: Hurricane
Description: Ouragan is probably the MVP of the whole team. He provides invaluable Taunt support which helps me in a number of ways, namely A) stopping GeoXern, B) stopping Trick Room, and C) preventing M-Ray from getting a Swords Dance, among other things. He's pretty straightforward: Taunt, laugh, Thunderbolt, repeat. Nasty Plot + Dark Pulse was originally for destroying Cresselia, the #1 Trick Room setter and my team's worst nighmare. However, I ran some calcs and found that it would proably be easier for a teammate to eliminate her. I want to keep my Taunter alive for as long as possible, so I was considering replacing the two with Volt Switch + Protect and Thunderbolt for Thunder Wave. Feedback appreciated. I chose Hurricane as his moniker because of the utter chaos he causes with Taunt.

Terres Voler (Landorus-Therian) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- U-Turn
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Knock Off

Translation: Flying Land
Details: The original holder of this spot was Primal Groudon, but as Ion so helpfully pointed out I had too many Legendaries on my team (I misunderstood the rules). I looked at my three and found that the easiest to replace was Groudon. Enter Landorus-T. He brings much-needed Intimidate support to my team, and allows Klefki to survive Earthquake from Mega Rayquaza at -1. U-Turn is my way to escape undesirable matchups and so that I can come back to spread Intimidate later. Earthquake is my powerful STAB attack, while Rock Slide checks Talonflame, Volacrona and Charizard. Knock Off is my answer to Aegislash, OHKOing 252 HP / 0 Def variants at full health with an item. I think that Landorus is a valuable addition to the team, filling in gaps and doing everything his predecessor, Groudon, could. I named him Flying Land because it's impossible, but Landorus doesn't care.

Continued in Answers.

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Sadly, I cannot nickname Dialga because he is transferred from my Diamond     T–T
You needn't ultra big images to make your team look great >:D
Seriously, you're presenting a very well thought out team and cleanly.
My suggestion: Protect > Fire Blast on Dialga imo because you're not targeting anything notable with Fire Blast while Protect allows more longevity.
That's practically it. I don't have anything to add, except excellent team, I hope you'll win! :D
Pokémon Restrictions: National Pokédex. Up to 2 of the following allowed: Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Xerneas, Yveltal or Zygarde.

Straight from Serebii.

Sorry, but your team is illegal for the comp it's meant for, as you have Groudon, Dialga and Rayquaza. :c
I read the rules, many times. I believe it means that I can only take 2 of those Legends with me. I can have 3, but only 2 will be allowed per match.
Players can register a maximum of two Pokémon to the Battle Box from the following list: Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde

Taken from Pokémonb Global Link. You were right Ion. It's okay, I have a plan to replace Groudon.
Dang, I feel like a party-pooper now. Anywho, gl with the tourney c;
You're not a party pooper, you just saved my rear end c:

1 Answer

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Gardiénne (Togekiss)@ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 248 HP / 192 Def / 68 SDef
Timid/Modest Nature
- Follow Me
- Roost
- Protect
- Dazzling Gleam/Air Slash

Translation: Guardian
Details: Gardiénne is the first part of the infamous M-RayKiss duo. Her main purpose is to tank hits meant for her teammates with Follow Me. Protect giards against double-targeting. . Between Sitrus Berry, Roost, and Togekiss's natural bulk I expect to be able to survive at least three redirected attacks. The EVs are to survive Garchomp's Rock Slide. Dazzling Gleam and Air Slash are fighting for the final moveslot; Dazzling Gleam is spread and hits M-Ray and Air Slash benefits from Serene Grace. But Gardiénne isn't terribly speedy, so I think the flinch hax will be useless. I dubbed her Guardian because that is her job, to guard and support her teammates.

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Vaincre (Rayquaza)@ Life Orb
Ability: Delta Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Ascent
- ExtremeSpeed
- Swords Dance
- Waterfall/Earthquake

Translation: Overpower
Details: Behold, the vicious overlord of Pokémon. The near-flawless stats, typing and ability make him a beast (he gets a gold star in appearance for badassery, too). But you know that already. M-Ray is the heavy hitter of the team. Dragon Ascent is wicked STAB that OHKOs or 2HKOs a massive chunk of the metagame. ExtremeSpeed picks off weakened opponents. Swords Dance boost Ray's Attack to absurd levels, and when paired with Adamant… shudder. Waterfall was originally chosen to OHKO Primal Groudon, but was replaced with Earthquake once Landorus was added. Rayquaza was christened Overpower because that is his sole purpose.


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I began with Mega Rayquaza and his trusty sidekick Togekiss. With Delta Stream removing her Rock Slide weakness, this is pretty much the staple lead of the tournament.

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I wanted someone who could dish out massive damage with a strong spread move. I also desired something to negate Delta Stream. Enter Bulk Up Primal Groudon.

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Next I needed an answer to Xerneas, who can outspeed and OHKO M-Ray after Geomancy. My old Dialga from Diamond hopped aboard. His Dragon Pulse can OHKO M-Ray, and he can OHKO unboosted Xerneas with Flash Cannon. He also threatens Kyogre via Thunder.

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Since my Rayquaza was Adamant instead of Jolly, I desperately needed speed control. I chose Klefki because of the other cool thing it could do with Prankster: Swagger.

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I did some more research and learned that I was extremely susceptible to Trick Room. Sadly, Klefki can't learn Taunt. So I added Thundurus to Taunt Cresselia, the best TR setter in the game at the moment. He also let me have a secondary T-Waver outside of Klefki.

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All was happy and merry until I learned that I had one to many Legendaries. I looked at the three of them and decided that I had to sack Groudon. Sadly, he was removed from the team. Then I found Landorus-T, who offered everything Groudon did (except weather control) and more: Earthquake, an Aegislash check in Knock Off, and Intimidate. I had my team.

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Togekiss should be "Gardienne" without the "é".
French-English Dictionary > Google Translate

JK, you probably didn't use GT. "É" is what the dictionary told me to put, and besides it looks more French.
I'm a top student of my French class so yeah :P
Very nice team again.
Thanks for the correction :)