Pokémon Rate My Team
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I'm new to competitive so my team isn't the greatest so some suggestions would be nice. I'm aware of some of the mistakes but some suggestions for items, moves, and even pokes.
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Slowbro @ Slowbronite
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: Hp: 100 Def: 252 SpAt: 158
Bold Nature
-Calm Mind
Possible lead for my team. If my opponent has a very defense invested team I'm going to lead with slowbro or if there are just a lot of hard hitters like Scarfchomp. Slack-Off is for if he gets too hurt obviously. Calm Mind helps him become even more of a tank and then there is surf and psychic.
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Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: At: 252 Spe: 252 Hp: 4
Jolly Nature
-Stone Edge
-Fire Fang
-Dragon Claw
This is my other alternative for a lead if the team is Sp defensive. EQ is for STAB damage. Stone Edge is for just damage maybe a crit and flying type. Fire fang for ice types. Dragon Claw for STAB.
enter image description here
Bisharp @ Metal Coat (for Steel boost)
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: At:252 Def: 252 HP: 4
Hardy Nature sadly
-Sucker Punch
-Iron Head
-Psycho Cut
-Stealth Rocks
For those pesky fairy types -_-
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Sableye @ Shell Bell
Ability: Prankster
EVs: Hp:108 Def:200 SpDef:200
Careful Nature
-Fake Out
-Knock Off
I wanted to use sableye because I've never used him in any playthrough and he is somewhat of tank. Recover is for when i get low willow-wisp is my lead move with prankster fake out is obvioulsy first move and then knock off after that I can finally set up a willow-wisp and keep using Knock Off.
enter image description hereenter image description here(sorry couldn't be mega)
Mienshao/Mega Medicham @ Choice Band/Medichamite
Ability: Inner Focus/Pure Power
EVs: At:252 Spe:252 Hp:4
Mild Nature/Jolly Nature
-Drain Punch/Thunder Punch
-HJK/Psycho Cut
-U-Turn/Fake Out
I added this because I really just wanted some more type coverage and I've never used either. If you could help me decide which one to pick that would be great thx. If you were wondering about Mega Slowbro i was thinking the same thing except i was thinking it was just dependent on the opponent. As moves go its pretty self explanatory.
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Dusknoir @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: Def:204 SpDef:204 Hp:100
Quirky Nature
-Pain Split
-Fire Punch
-Shadow Punch
I added Dusknoir because I wanted a better tank. Pain split is pretty much mandatory on Dusknoir. Fire punch is for damage shadow punch is for perfect accuracy and STAB. Willow-Wisp is to tank physical hits LIKE A BOSS.

Please don't forget to answer my question about Mienshao or Mega Medicham.(BTW-Dusknoir is shiny)

This might be a valid singles team (I've almost never played singles though, please spare me the insults in case I'm wrong </3), but I have doubts it can be your doubles team at the same time.
^ what he said.

You're trying to mash two playstyles into one, and that usually doesn't work. Before I switched over to VGC battling (that's Doubles to you), I put a lot of research into Singles, and this team certainly has potential there.

As for your question about whether to use Mienshao or MegaCham, IT depends on if you're opting for Doubles or Singles.

Basically what I'm saying is, change the team to one battling type, and then maybe Scilicet or I or someone else can rate it :)
Nothing at all will makes this team looks doubles for me.
The most fundamental move in Doubles, Protect, should be on every Pokemon that's not AV/Choiced. Then, you have some unviable choices for Doubles like Dusknoir.
However, it looks pretty fine for singles, I may rate this one later. I have so much work to do >.<
ok so i made some changes to my team so i have less of a weakness to fairy types mienshao/medicham are out for a sylveon and it is also holding leftovers (got from wondertrade). Thank you for the suggestions about changing it from singles and doubles to singles also bisharp is supposed to have something else and recommendations? Sorry i keep editing this but also dusknoir is getting switched out for tyranitar

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