Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey folks, im new to the competitive pokemon circuit. I would like some help tweaking my team for an upcoming convention any help would be greatly appreciated. My current team is:
Kangaskhan- kangaskhanite
Ability: Early Bird
Given vitamins for attack and hp
Power up punch
Fake out
Sucker punch
Usually my lead man, start off with mega evolving and using fake out for the free hit. Then use power up punch to boost attack stat then sweep with return. I keep sucker punch to guarantee the first strike if my opponent proves faster than me. by far my best sweeper, i love putting kangaskhan in and watching several pokemon faint in his wake.

Umbreon No item
Ability: Synchronize
Nature: Adamant
Used Eviolite for most of training given vitamins for Defense and Sp Defense
Mean look
Dark pulse
Used to play catch up, mean look to lock them in, toxic to poison after theyre stuck with me, dark pulse to cover psychic types and moonlight to heal up mid battle. Absolutely one of my favorite pokemon, Although i think his moveset could use tweaking but hes proven himself time and time again to be on the team.

Arcanine no item
Ability: Intimidate
Given vitamins for Attack and Sp Attack
Will o wisp
Extreme speed
Morning sun
For other Aegislash or steel types, keeps attack down with intimidate and will o wisp dosent hurt to have in my back pocket. Morning sun to bring health back, and extreme speed for the priority. i mainly use him to finish off a weakened opponet who took down one of my other pokemon.

Milotic no item
Ability: Competitive
Nature: Hasty
Given vitamins for Speed
Magic coat
In my opinion one of my weakest links is milotic. i just use her for magic coat to prevent status effects and haze to reset any swords dances or power up punches. ill use scald in hopes for a burn and heal when necessary. Shes supposed to be a defensive player, and i use her as such, she faints almost every battle and i think her usefulness is limited.

Goodra no item
Ability:Sap sipper
Nature: Gentle
Given vitamins for Speed and Sp. Attack
Draco meteor
Fire blast
Sludge bomb
I mostly use Goodra to sweep dragons, or to finish off opponents in an attempt to avoid putting my real sweepers in harms way. So i went with a pretty general moveset and chose sludge bomb to take on any fairies i may encounter. He wasnt my first choice for a dragon type, but he typically gets the job done

Aegislash Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
Given vitamins for Sp attack and Sp defense
Kings shield
Swords Dance
Sacred Sword
Shadow sneak
My special sweeper, if i dont lead with Kangaskhan i lead with Aegislash, i start with swords dance to power up for as many turns as i can and use shadow sneak for first strike every time. Overall im disappointed with Aegislash, maybe my strategy is wrong or im using the wrong moves, i am definitely considering dropping from the team.

I find myself being swept by Talonflame quite often, begging the question should i replace Arcanine with Talonflame? Also i would like suggestions to replace Aegislash (thinking Gallade) and Milotic (no ideas).Any help would be greatly appreciated and im open to any and all suggestions, like i said im the new guy around here, thanks in advance!


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