Pokémon Rate My Team
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So my team is allowed to consist of 3 Ground Pokemon and 3 Pokemon that can use Ground Type Moves, that is the rule. Now the team i have works fairly OK, was wondering if there is anything i can do to Improve it. Gen 5 and Below.

Poke One.
Ability : Poison Heal
Nature : Careful
Moves : Protect, Earthquake,Toxic,Roost
Evs : 244 HP/ 8 Def/ 200 SpD/ 56 Speed
Ivs: 5/6 missing sp.attk

Poke Two.
Ability: Moxie
Nature: Jolly
Moves: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Crunch, Outrage
Evs: 252 attk / 252 speed/ 4 def
Ivs: 5/6 missing sp.attk

Poke Three.
Ability : Sheer Force
Nature: Modest
Moves: Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Ice Beam, Earth Power
Evs: 180 HP / 252 Sp.Attk / 78 speed
Ivs: 6/6

Poke Four.
Ability: Moxie
Nature: Adamant
Moves: Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Ice Fang, Waterfall
Evs: 252 attk, 252 speed, 6 spdef.
Ivs: 5/6 missing sp.attk

Poke Five.
Ability: Motor Drive
Nature: Hasty
Moves: Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Earthquake.
Evs: 252 attk / 252 speed
Ivs: 6/6

Poke Six.
Ability: No Guard
Nature: adamant
Moves: Dynamic Punch , Eathquake, Stone Edge, Knock Off
Evs: 252 attk, 252 speed. 6Def
Ivs: 5/6 missing sp.attk


1 Answer

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In the overall, I find your team very good. But you should teach your Pokemon more coverage moves. First, you could teach gliscor fire fang( he learns it naturally) and forget protect. For your krookodile, teach him fire fang if you have access to move tutors, else teach him aerial ace (by TM) to cover 3 of his weaknesses ( grass, bug and fighting). Finally, forget your nidoqueen’s earthpower and teach her earthquake(her attack is higher than her sp.attack) and also teach her superpower (learns it by levelling up) to get rid of those ice types. Your other pokemons are very good though.

Gliscor wants protect to reliably poison itself and abuse poison heal. Nidoqueen's earth power is stronger than its earthquake because it has sheer force, and it needs ice beam to cover ground, grass, and flying. Ice Pokemon are so rare in Generation 5 that Nidoqueen doesn't really need to cover them.