Pokémon Rate My Team
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I've watched a lot of battle recordings so my team has a lot of very commonly used pokemon just because i've seen how powerful they can be and this is my first competitive team so i went off what i have seen work well.

Ability:Parental Bond
EVs:4 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spd
-Fake Out
-Power-Up Punch
-Sucker Punch
The strategy is pretty simple. Kangaskhan fakes out for a little damage, then power-up punches if i think i can take the hit, then sweeps with return and sucker punch. If i can't take the hit i attack with return or sucker punch to kill or switch to something that can handle the opponent.

Aegislash@Weakness Policy
Ability:Stance Change
EVs:252 Hp/252 Atk/4 Def
-King's Shield
-Swords Dance
-Sacred Sword
-Shadow Sneak
This thing is OP. It's so tanky in it's shield form that it takes the hit uses swords dance then either OHKO's with priority shadow sneak or takes another hit and OHKO's with sacred sword. Weakness policy is there because i can tank a super effective hit pretty well and boost attack, then use swords dance and sweep with shadow sneak/sacred sword

Talonflame@Choice Band
Ability:Gale Wings
EVs:4 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spd
-Brave Bird
-Steel Wing
-Flare Blitz
Comes out as a lead and scouts with u-turn then can come back out later to revenge kill or sweep late game.

EVs:252 Hp/252 Def/4 Sp Atk
-Wil O Wisp
-Hydro Pump
-Volt Switch
I put him on mainly to handle talonflame and some other strong physical sweepers. Volt switch also combos really well with talonflames u-turn.

Garchomp@Rocky Helmet
Ability:Sand Veil
EVs:4 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spd
-Swords Dance
-Dragon Claw
-Rock Slide
Basically just adds more coverage and can become a very strong sweeper if he gets a swords dance off.

Infernape@Life Orb
EVs:4 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spd
-Mach Punch
-Close Combat
-Flare Blitz
I added him to handle mega kangaskhan, who he out speeds and OHKO's with a close combat. He can also deal large amounts of damage to other pokemon with such high base power moves and decent attack stat, but i really chose him over all the other pokemon who can kill mega kangaskhan because of his very usable speed stat.

edited by
Well i'm using it for battle spot and that isn't a specific tier so...
It can be rated for WiFi, Sobi. Or PWT or Battle Mansion or whatever.
This site never asked for a specific tier, just not ingame teams. Also there are rules in competitive wifi, you can't bring the same mons on the same team. WiFi competitive is a legitimate thing you can ask help for.
I'm not arguing, I'm just telling you the rules. If you can't rate it then don't.
Please do not flag comments unless they are breaking the rules. PX is absolutely correct, this team is completely legitimate and can be rated according to Battle Spot rules, like an OU team can be rated according to the tier's rules.
I do not understand why you think there is no "basis" to rate the team. Battle Spot is very similar to OU except that it doesn't ban certain Pokemon that OU does. I can have a team of six Abras in OU and nobody would have a problem there either. They're equally as bad in both games. Viability rankings are not necessary at all to rate a team; some logic, experience and applied knowledge is all that's required.
Battle Spot isn't a tier -- but yes I am aware they edited the title. I don't understand how this validates your point though, are wifi and Battle Spot not the same thing? And even if they differ, there's still a basis to rate each of them to as they'd each have their own set of rules, bans and restrictions to consider.

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