Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello Pokemon DB! I have made a Stall team and I would like some help with it please!
Its gimmick is the Regenerator core, I have been testing this team for quite a while and have gotten some overall decent results! Just curious of any more things that could be better!

The first pokemon is what the team was initally built around was Amoonguss

Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator

EVs: 252 HP / 96 Def / 160 SpD
Bold Nature
- Spore
- Giga Drain
- Clear Smog
- Sludge Bomb

Amoonguss can take quite a few special hits! Because of his good typing he can switch into quite a few moves, then either switch out and regain some health with Regen, or he could put a big threat to sleep! This movest is the most change heavy as i'm not exactly sure how to build it.

Reasons for choosing moves

Spore= A really good 100% accuracy sleep move, usually used to shut down the most threatening Pokemon on the other players team.
Giga drain= a simply draining move, mediocre damage but still his best option for stalling. Also stab
Clear smog= A way of removing stat ups from the opponent, pretty much it's only use
Sludge bomb= A really REALLY huge threat to this team is Sylveon, i'll explain why at another part of this post but pretty much this is my desperate attempt to take on Sylveon, problem is that I can only sometimes 4-5KO it soo...

The next pokemon is Alomomola, who has good Type synergy with Amoonguss, and she also has Regen! Her main role is to spread toxic and stall with it, she's a very valuable asset to the team!

Alomomola @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Waterfall
- Toxic
- Protect
- Wish

The listed EV spread is simply for survivability, I dont really need to lift the damage on Waterfall due to it not doing much on less its super effective, anyway she's a generic Bulky water with Regenerator..and she works really well! With her monster HP stat she passes very good Wishes to keep the team healthy! Which is one of her utility uses

Waterfall= Simply due to her Attack being higher then her Sp.Attack, her strongest water stab.
Toxic= The main way this team gets any kills, very useful
Protect= Help stall and possibly see what the next move the opponent will use when I switch in
Wish= Her only recovery move (besides aqua ring kinda) is overall helpful for her and teammate

The next Pokemon was chosen due to how well it works with Amoonguss I find..its Regirock

Regirock @ Assault Vest
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 240 HP / 16 Def / 252 SpD
Impish Nature
- Fire Punch
- Drain Punch
- Stone Edge
- Iron head

Regirock's typing works surprisingly well with Amoonguss, he resist both his Fire and Flying weakness (Talonflame Murderer) while Amoonguss can take water,grass,ground, and fighting moves fairly well! He was more of a glue then anything for the team and takes hits from both sides very well!

Fire Punch = To hit grass types, very simple
Drain punch= Originally I opted for Superpower, however I found this move to suit better on a stall team, with its well..drainy properties!
Stone edge= Murder Talonflame and get some stab
Iron head= My second (and last) way off attempting to deal with Sylveon! He can 3KO Sylveon with it, however..to get a switch he will most likely have to take a hit..and since Sylve can 4KO him it probobly wont work..but hey I tried

Next up is the Lead of the team..Gliscor

Gliscor@ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 248 HP / 188 Def / 72 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Roost
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Stone Edge

My priorities with Gliscor are Taunt first, get SR off after..Getting any form of hazard on the field will severely hinder the regen powers..With a Jolly nature and 72Spe EVs Gliscor can outspeed the majority of leads! He will quite often live to defend later in a fight as well which is very very nice as well!

Roost= Obligatory healing move
SR= One of the best overall moves in the game, can wither down one of my threats, Mega Zard X..since it will be at half half potentially (if it doesnt run roost)
Taunt= Ruins Leads existence
Stone edge= Can just hit overall more pokemon then Earthquake..

The next up is Clefable! A dragon slayah and a suprise attack against set-up sweepers

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Heal Bell
- Moonlight
- Moonblast
- Toxic

Not many take into account of unaware..so some sweepers will just spam swords dance..while im just here like using toxic and moon blast. My team is complete set-up bait so this aids me ALOT in those kind of pokemon..the only problem I have run into is that it can always take on Scizor and the like..

Heal bell= Status WILL ruin this team so its very helpful
Moonlight= Originally I went for Wish, however pretty much every other pokemon on my team has a form of healing..so I went with this since its alot more reliable!
Moonblast= Stab+Dead dragons
Toxic= Aids in death by injection spreading!

The last pokemon on the team is just an anti-stall..Sableye

Tails doll (Sableye) @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 52 Def / 205 SpD
Impish Nature
- Confuse Ray
- Taunt
- Recover
- Foul Play

This Sableye keeps getting his moveset changed..it helps break many other stall pokemon and has caused countless rage quits..I originally ran Mega sableye..but I found Prankster the more helpful ability..also I know Calm mind is not on this set..but I just find with all the switching it isnt all that useful..

Confuse ray= More experimental then anything really..Has helped alot since ive started though
Taunt= I love this move..with Prankster this move breaks so many pokemon..
Recover= Priority Recover helps with more Stalling and is just really awesome
Foul play= Honestlyyy I dont know what to choose for an offense move..I settled with with just because stab but please do help with this one because I have no clue..

Im just gonna put down a small threat list I may need some help with please..!

Sylveon: Can use Heal bell and remove all of my hard earned toxics! Its horryfying and a pain in the ass to KO

Bulky sets in general: I just cant out-stall these usually..I dont really have any answers to them.

Mega Sableye+Normal sableye= Im almost complete taunt bait to be honest..and he just ruins my day

Anyway thank you for reading this really long RMT post! Any help at all will be really really appreciated! Have a super great day!

Use mega sabelye. All you need to do is use the status moves before you mega evolve. In example... sabelye used will o wisp! (Prankster)... Sabelye, MEGA EVOLVE!!! See? You don't have to mega evolve on the first turn.
You should use mega sablye. He is REALLY OP in my opinion and also u should have a sweeper like talonflame to finish off enemies after u weaken them. Lastly, you should put knock off instead of confuse ray on sablye.
Yeah now that I think about it Mega Sableye is definitely a better idea..Who should I replace for a sweeper Pokemon? Because I pretty much need one late game now

1 Answer

1 vote

If this is a dedicated stall team, than you might want to consider synthesis on amoongus. I know it might be redundant with regenerator, but at least consider it. Also, your moveset lacks any way to touch steel types. Hidden power fire? Hits skarm and scizor.

Your alomomola set is ok... but you misspelled scald. It's spelled S-C-A-L-D, not W-A-T-E-R-F-A-L-L. Lol ok that was a joke, but seriously, the burn chance, for a physical wall, is much better than waterfall.

You might have the wrong idea with assault vest. Assault vest is supposed to act as special defence EVs. You should not be max HP max SpD, rather max HP max Att (otherwise drain punch will not get you enough back).

Also, run mega sableye. If you know that praknster will help you more (say against a hyper offence team?) you don't need to mega evolve. And why the heck are you running confuse ray? Don't. It's bad. Just, don't. Trust me on this one. Will o wisp is this amazing move that actually impacts the game more than 50% of the time, and cripples many physical attackers (like that scizor you said gives your team trouble). And of coarse magic bouce is pretty much a godsend to stall teams. Seriously, it means you basically win against other stall teams, as they can't touch you but you can taunt their walls and foul play their attackers.

I really disagree with your gliscor set. Anything that you can't hit with earthquake you probably don't want to be in on anyway. Honestly, you're missinng out on a lot of kills you wouldn't get otherwise if you don't run earthquake. Even knock off or toxic are good. But not stone edge, it's just not good man.

Last thing, but the MOST IMPORTANT thing, you have no defoger/spinner (unless I just missed it... it's late for me). If you're running stall, you NEED a way to remove hazards or you loose. Simple as that. You may think it's not an issue for now, but hazards are the easiest way to beat stall teams, even with regenerator and wish. You need some way to remove hazards, and magic bounce sableye will not be enough. Heck, slap it on gliscor if you want. But you need it
