Pokémon Rate My Team
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"If you like fast-paced games, you should play Team Fortress 2 or something."

Anyway, I'm not sure if there's anything wrong with each Pokemon, just their synergy. You can suggest replacements, but try to keep the number of sweepers down to one. Also, I don't care what you say about this, but I am not adding Clefable.

rare steak (Forretress) (M) @ Occa Berry
Ability: Sturdy
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Gyro Ball
This is my hazard setter. Stealth rock punishes opponents that switch a lot; toxic spikes punishes those who don't.

I eat Klefkies (Tyranitar) (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Taunt
This my main wallbreaker and Talonflame counter. Its main problems are that its defensive typing really sucks, stone edge misses a lot, and it can't outspeed many things even with one dragon dance.

Prankster Gangster (Sableye) (M) @ Sablenite
Ability: Prankster
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Dark Pulse
This is my usual lead. It has more physical defense investment because will-o-wisp lowers physical attack more than calm mind raises special defense.

sidewalk (Gliscor) (M) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Protect
- Roost
- Toxic
- Earthquake
This is the best toxic stall that's allowed in OU. It heals 1/8 of its HP per turn and is immune to burn and paralyze. It also has great defensive stats and typing. Toxic is used in case the opponent is flying or levitating, or if somehow I haven't been able to set up toxic spikes.

Not a fairy! (Chansey) @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Wish
- Protect
- Seismic Toss
- Heal Bell
This is my attempt to continue the use of the infamous SkarmBliss defensive core from Generation IV. Wish is used as support. However, I'm thinking about replacing wish and protect with softboiled and toxic.

Fairy Slayer (Skarmory) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Brave Bird
- Iron Head
- Roost
- Whirlwind
This has extremely good defensive typing and decent stats. Its combination of sturdy and whirlwind makes it the best pseudo-hazer. It's also pretty good at slaying fairies.

add clefable
First, why would you comment on a team made for the previous generation? I already have a post here for Generation 7. Second, I hate fairies.
Tbh I just had to say that when you said " Also, I don't care what you say about this, but I am not adding Clefable."
In that case, your advice is much appreciated. I'll be not adding Clefable.

1 Answer

1 vote

Forretress is really underwhelming in OU. It's lack of recovery is incredibly noticeable even with a wish passer, plus is easy to trap and spinblock. I recommend either ferrothorn (and defog on skarm in that case) or mega scizor with defog. Also, dual hazards on ferrothorn is just not very good in general, it really misses out on volt switch and as a result kills you momentum especially vs stuff like zard X (you know, that pokemon that 6-0s your team :/). Ferrothorn would help as it prevents zard from getting a free switch because of twave, has recovery via leech seed, punishes physical attackers much better with it's ability, and scizor is better because it also doesnt give zard a free switch because you can u-turn on the switch, have ACTUAL instant recovery and can't get spinblocked (you 1v1 bisharp anyways so can't get defog blocked anyways) and offers you priority which helps as you have no form of speed control at the moment.

Mega tyranitar is not very good on stall (I mean, it's not very good in general but that's a personal oppinion). Considering this is literally your only thing for gengar, you may consider pursuit. Rotom wash and heatran both seem like better options although neither really beat charizard x. However, heatran gives you a better serperior answer as sub-seed serperior actually beats chansey 1v1 (this is from experiance, believe me or not it's a fact), and if it has ancient power/stone edge it can beat taunt talon and toxic can beat talon without taunt anyways, plus heatran gives you another fairy check. The reason I brought up rotom was it's a good way to handle taunt heatran and at the same time can switch into keldeo better than anything you have at the moment.

Protect AND roost in tandum on gliscor is never a good idea. Taunt gives you a much easier way to deal with stall, sub gives you much better stalling power (in conjunction with protect), and knock off means gengar doesnt' switch in for free, but protect+roost together don't accomplish very much. Also, spdef gliscor is an interesting idea, but without knock off it can't beat gengar, which is what spdef gliscor has a niche at being able to do. Without sufficiant physical defence, you can't check zard x or bisharp as well as you'd like.

For chansey, drop protect for softboiled. The double recovery option is ALWAYS the better moveset, the only reason stuff like florges or umbreon don't run wish+synthesis/moonlight (respectively) is because of the PP differance... softboiled doesn't have that issue. Also, I need to clarify before you respond with "gengar is a special attacker fam... chansey EZ counter". No, chansey does not wall gengar. Gengar carries taunt. Sableye gets 2hkod, as does everything else (including ttar). Toxic is an idea, but having a taunt bait chansey is never a good idea.

Dual STAB is not necessary on skarm. Spikes or defog would fit this slot much better than brave bird. Would also reccomend shed shell, as you already have 2 mons that magnezone eats alive. You can tell me you never see them on the ladder if you really want, but you WILL come across them and when you do you will lose the game.

These edits will NOT fix your team, but I think they could help. I would like to list some things you don't have answers for though, to help you in your own edits. I don't know how helpfull I was able to be, but at the very least I hope explaining what you are weak to will help you in improving.

Keldeo: you do not have a counter. Actually, you don't have a water resist... period. That's never something you want in OU. Slowbro could help with this, as would rotom.

Azumarill: Same reasons as above.

Gardevoir, Gengar, Gliscor, heatran, sableye, thunderus: these are all taunt users that sableye cannot switch into, barring maybe gliscor. Gengar 2hkos tyranitar and your team cannot pursuit trap it.

Tornadus: special attacker that knocks off chansey and can taunt

Manaphy (obviously) and Serperior can set up quicker than you can stop them with chansey (serperior being sub seed as I mentioned).

Weavile and bisharp: because spdef skarm is NOT a true counter, and neither is sableye. They switch in, but you need to keep them both at pretty much full health the entire game because weavile only needs a small amount of dammage onto either do 2hko.

Charizard x and heracross: 6-0s, but these do that to any stall team. Quagsire is the only real way to stop zard on stall and clefable is the only real way to stop heracross on stall (spdef gliscor does not outpace SD mega heracross, it kills you before toxic kills it).

Jirachi and the less common togekiss can flinch everything and has coverage for ttar and skarm.

Most of the taunt users can be countered by mega Sableye's magic bounce.
Protect and roost can heal Gliscor by 3/4 for every attack. I actually liked the substitute set until I found that anything that outsped Gliscor was a reliable counter. I know that protect+roost is better against sweepers, and taunt+roost is better against walls. I just don't know which one I'll see more often.
Azumarill is easily countered by whirlwind. I know from experience.
Tornadus should be easy to counter with mega Sableye since it doesn't get nasty plot.
Sweepers DO NOT 6-0 my team because of Skarmory.
Otherwise, I can try using Heatran and a better stealth rock setter.
Also, why does everybody think I use a mega Tyranitar? It's clearly not holding a mega stone.
Not sure if you just skipped over what I said, or if you've never actually faced the pokemon I talked about. So I'll quickly explain why you're wrong in the cases that you are. If you'd like legitimate damage calcs, I can provide them as well.

For starters... you just implied sableye counters mega gardevoir. I don't think I need to justify how laughable that it. I'm going to assume you don't actually think this, but I'm mentioning this because mega gardevoir is a very common taunt user.

sableye gets 2hkod by gengar, 2hkod by thunderus, and loses 1v1 to heatran because of lava plume burns and lack of spdef. THESE are the common taunt mons that you for some reason pray sableye can beat. Again, I'll provide calcs if you think I'm wrong still. Oh, and in what universe does sableye counter life orb torn-t???  The only real taunt user sableye can truly counter is gliscor, and you said "sableye counters MOST of the mentioned taunt users".

Protect+roost I personally think is a bad set... however I suppose that's a fair point and this was more personal oppinion. I just think taunt would suit you better but I can understand why you are using roost+protect and don't really disagree.

252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Skarmory: 178-211 (53.2 - 63.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

When your azumarill "counter" takes 60-ish percent... just to whirlwind it out. I don't think you understand what "counter" means, a counter is a pokemon that can switch into any attack and then survive the second attack the turn after or threaten that pokemon out. Skarm does neither of these things to banded azumaril, which is more common than AV, and belly drum is barely ran at all anymore.

252 SpA Life Orb Tornadus-T Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Mega Sableye: 185-218 (60.8 - 71.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
I also needed to include this because you refered to sableye as an "easy counter". Again, refer to the accepted definition of counter for this.

Avery sweeper I mentioned DOES 6-0, skarmory does not prevent that just because it has whirlwind. if you're at full health, sure you can SAC your skarm just to whirlwind. But you lose a mon and they can easily set up again.
Sableye: can't be whirlwinded. You should know this, you're running it.
Manaphy: +3 brings you down to sturdy or kills with rocks up.
Charizard x: brings down to sturdy or ohkos after rocks.
Thunderus: brings down to sturdy, or ohkos after rocks.
Serperior: +2 HP fire from leftovers  does over 50 percent. So your skarm is at 30 percent after it whirwinds, and life orb serperior  does up to 75 at plus +, with leaf storm doing up to 15 before a boost and can taunt both chansey and skarm. So I can give you this, but it's a VERY shaky answer.

Let me know if you need clarification on anything I said, I'm not trying to be rude but I am trying to point out some things you are underestimating or overestimating (this being sableye's spdef before it calm minds).
LOL you're right it isn't mega ttar, my bad. I guess that's because mega ttar is the only ttar that can pull off DD, regular can't really. But yeah, my bad IDK why I said mega ttar, ignore that.
I guess I can agree with most of these, but Sableye gets prankster before it mega evolves, so it can usually set up calm mind before the opponent moves.
That's an interesting point. Either way, good luck with building and on the ladder :P
I just realized that this is pretty much the only helpful answer I've ever got. Here's an up-vote.