Pokémon Rate My Team
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So this is the team Ive been working on for a long time. What I really notice that Im missing is a fast sweeper, Breloom just doesnt really cut it. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Also, (credit to Astronautical) I am considering changing this to a Trick Room team. Any ideas how?

EVs: 252 Sp. A, 128 HP, 128 Sp. D
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Solid Rock > Sheer Force
-Lava Plume
-Earth Power
-Stealth Rock
-Flash Cannon
I have chosen Camerupt to be my Mega, becuase I wanted to use a good Fire type, a bit bulky but Special based. Im not sure that Stealth Rock on this is hot the smartest, but I dont have anything else. Both of his STABs get a Sheer Force boost, and Flash Cannon is random coverage.

Breloom@Toxic Orb
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Poison Heal
-Sky Uppercut
-Seed Bomb
-Leech Seed
-Rock Slide
Toxic Orb + Poison Heal is one of the greatest combos in competitve battling. Couple that with Leech Seed and he's nearly impossible to kill. He has two STAB and  coverage move. The only thing that could be improved is his Speed. I'm thinking of replacing him with a faster physical sweeper, he can be used but just too slow.

Florges@Light Clay
EVs: 252 Sp. A, 252 Sp. D, 4 HP
Nature: Calm
Ability: Flower Veil
-Light Screen
This Florges is mostly support He goes in first to set up the Light Screen (when I saw he couldnt use Reflect I screamed silently...), then may switch to Camerupt for Stealth Rock. Wish is her most important move, keeping everyone alive as lomg as she can. Moonblast is powerful STAB. Protect ensures her free recovery, to set up again just in case.

Scizor@Life Orb
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Def, 4 HP
Nature: Impish
Ability: Technician
-Bug Bite
-Bullet Punch
- Aerial Ace
Im kind of confused with this. I want to use the Defog becuase I dont have another Spinner but switching is important too. Any suggestions will be welcome. The rest of his moves are boosted to great lengths by Technician.

Dragonite@Weakness Policy
EVs: 252 Atk, 128 HP, 128 Def
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Multiscale
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Punch
What hes supposed to do is to, first, set up with D-Dance, possibly activating Weakness Policy and surviving almost any hit with Multiscale. Then he will be able to sweep with the rest of his moves. Fire Punch for Ice coverage, Outrage is pure power and STAB, and Earthquake is random coverage.

EVs: 252 Sp. A, 252 Def, 4 HP
Nature: Bold
Ability: Levitate
-Hydro Pump
-Pain Split
-Will o Wisp
-Volt Switch
Finally, Rotom is support. The EVs allow it to survive any physical hit, while Pain Split and Lefties keep him alive. Volt Switch is an obvious choice, Hydro Pump is STAB and Will o Wisp is to tank even more physical hits.

Any suggestions and constructive criticsm would be welcomed!

edited by
Mega Camerupt needs Trick Room, and I mean NEEDS Trick Room. And Mega Charizard Y is bulkier than you think.
Don't use outrage on dragonite. Your screwed if the opponent has a fairy and your locked in
So I should probably use MegaZard Y over changing it into a Trick Room team? Actually...I'm not an expert, but I might be able to pull the TR team off? As most of my Pokemon are pretty slow, I can swap Breloom for something that can pull off the Trick Room and is slow.
Scizor@MegaStone- your moveset looks fine
Replace Breloom with- Starmie yay
Your Camerupt's Ev Spread isn't allowed. Perhaps, you meant 252 Sp. Atk, 252 HP, 4 Sp. Def?

3 Answers

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Best answer

Here's my opinion.

My changes will be indicated in bold.

Camerupt @ Cameruptite
Evs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 HP, 4 Sp. Def
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Solid Rock --> Sheer Force

  • Flamethrower/ Fire Blast
  • Earth Power
  • Flash Cannon
  • Stealth Rocks

Okay, I liked your Camerupt's set, but I think Flamethrower or Fire Blast will do its justice with the help of Sheer Force. Flamethrower is more viable as it is certain to hit under normal conditions.

Breloom @ Muscle Band
Evs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Hp
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician

  • Mach Punch
  • Seed Bomb
  • Rock Thomb
  • Spore

Okay, I gave you the set to my Breloom which I'm pretty sure is common enough. Technician boosts the power of moves with the base power of 60 or lower; this is great for Mach Punch and Rock Tomb. Spore is a little help for when Trick Room is set up. I didn't put a Choice Band on it because you may be in a situation where you may need to use Rock Tomb instead of Mach Punch, or vice versa!

Florges @ Leftovers
Evs: 252 HP, 252 Sp. Def, 4 Sp. Atk
Nature: Calm
Ability: Flower Veil

  • Moonblast
  • Wish
  • Light Screen
  • Protect

Let's try to use the regular duration of Light Screen and take in the benefits of Leftovers. While I strongly suggest using Reflect instead of Light Screen it's your choice either is great. This is Reflect's potential:

252+ Atk Mega Aggron Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Florges through Reflect: 144-170 (77.8 - 91.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Scizor's set is great. I'd go with Defog since Stealth Rocks can mess up Multiscale on Dragonite. I have a personal issue with Stealth Rocks as well. >.>

I can see the strategy with Dragonite being "survive an attack while Dragon Dancing, Weakness Policy kicks in, then a possible sweep!" All in all, great set!

Finally we have your awesome Rotom-W! I can really see him having potential although his EV Spread, could go a little like so:

Rotom-W @ Sitrus Berry
EVs: HP 252, Def 44, Sp Atk 60, Sp. Def 148, 4 Speed
Nature: Calm
Ability: Levitate

  • Hydro Pump
  • Pain Split
  • Will O Wisp
  • Volt Switch

Additional Edit

Alright, sorry for the mistakes but I tried to find the best candidate for this team to have a Trick Room user. After a few thoughts, I concluded that despite the Fighting Weakness Porygon2 would be best. So lets replace Florges with Porygon 2, since Dragon is covered by Dragonite and Dark is covered by Breloom.

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Evs: 252 HP, 160 Def, 80 Sp. Def, 16 Sp. Atk
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Download

  • Trick Room
  • Recover
  • Thunderbolt // Tri- Attack
  • Ice Beam

Since Florges's role wasn't as important as a Trick Room setup I decided to remove her. Porygon2 will help out Breloom, Camerupt, and Rotom-W in this setting!

Rating: 4/5


Your team is seemingly pretty balanced in both coverage and hitters!

Hopefully you take my suggestions into consideration! Glad to have Helped!

selected by
Umm...camerupt can't learn trick room...
Bah.. Fixed it XD, simple mistake.
Oh thats why...and thanks! (Florges cant learn Reflect, I screamed when I saw that). Also, do you have any suggestions for a Trick Room team from this team?
Okay, hopefully this'll help and again sorry for the mistakes!
Also, I've been thinking about this. I'm using Porygon-2 (thanks), but I'm replacing Breloom instead. He's too fast to be of use, and Wish support is more useful than you may think (restoring Dragonite to full health). Also, the Florges will be useful in covering the Fighting weakness. I'll post a fully revised team after I change it a bit more.
Okay :) I"m glad you're considering it!
Kay posted it
0 votes

I think you can fit a bulky fire type withouth resorting to lumpy camerupt.

Heatran@Leftovers Flash Fire 252hp/252Sdef/4Satk
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock
- Roar/Taunt/Torment/Coverage
This basically does what camerupt does, but better. This is a special wall and phaser. He won't be getting any crucial KOs, but he's a great statuser and phazer, beating camerupt because he's got a better typing. Adjust the EVs as you like to make him more sleepy.
Mega Charizard Y@Mehgastone blaze to drought 244Satk/12spD/252speed modest
- Solar beam
- heatwave
- ancient power
- protect
He's got good Sdef so adjust his EVs. This is just a sample but will o wisp gets him good mix walling kind of, but is VERY offensive.
The last, least qualified replacement for cammy is Bulk up Talon flame
-bulk up, brave bird, will o wisp, roost
This one focuses on slowly building up boosts by neutering one Pokemon with w-o-w, then bulking up, roosting, and Bird spamming. He's not specially based but he's a good bulky and can sweep with all these boosts, works great with Florges is wish and light screen support. To replace Breloom, well I'll have to find one later. But yeah I think your pokemans is mostly good, but Camerupt is just to slow.

I think that I'll use Mega Charizard instead, but what should I use for a hazard clearer? And also a hazard setupper.
Starmie fits quite well in ur team
0 votes

My Revised OU Team

EVs: 252 Sp. A, 252 HP, 4 Sp. D
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Solid Rock --> Sheer Force
-Earth Power
-Stealth Rock
-Flash Cannon
Yes, Camerupt. The EVs are changed to have more HP, which will allow him to get the better of Wish.

EVs: 252 HP, 160 Def, 80 Sp. D, 12 Sp. A
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Download
-Trick Room
I wasn't so sure about no STAB, but in the end Thunderbolt was more helpful. Also, I changed up Ice Beam for Fighting coverage.

Florges@Light Clay
EVs: 252 Sp. A, 252 Sp. D, 4 HP
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Flower Veil
-Light Screen
Even though you said replace Florges, I decided that Breloom was too fast for Trick Room, so I ditched him instead. This is standard Wish support. She doesn't need the Lefties either cause of Wish.

Scizor@Life Orb
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Def, 4 HP
Nature: Impish
Ability: Technician
-Bullet Punch
-Bug Bite
-Aerial Ace
Not many suggestions anyone said, so I'll keep him the same.

Dragonite@Weakness Policy
EVs: 252 Atk, 128 Def, 128 HP
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Multiscale
-Dragon Dance
-Fire Punch
@JJ123 I can bait the Fairies in using this guy, while my Camerupt has proven itself worthy of eliminating them before being eliminated.

EVs: 252 Def, 128 HP, 128 Sp. A
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Levitate
-Hydro Pump
-Volt Switch
-Will o Wisp
-Pain Split
I modified the EV set to tank more Physical hits and also more recovery.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys!
