Pokémon Rate My Team
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I made a pretty standard OU rain team. It works really great, but I'm having some issues with it, which I hope to solve here.

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Politoad@Damp Rock
Bold nature
Hydro Pump
Focus Blast

Obviously, it has Politoad. Rest is in there because the idea is to stay alive as long as possible. Also, using rest and then switching out is handy to trigger sleep clause (Although I have never done that in the short while I have used this team) against the likes of Breloom. I practically never use psychic, so please tell me if there is a better option.

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Omastar@Life orb
Modest nature
Ability:Swift Swim
Hydro pump
Ice beam
Shell smash

Special rain sweeper. Just totally wrecks things. After a shell smash it's pretty much gg for an unprepared opponent.

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Kabtops@Life orb
Ability:Swift Swim
Stone Edge
Stealth Rock

Physical sweeper. 116 speed EVs give it 450 speed in the rain, which I think is enough.

The part of my team that is really working out ends here. The remaining pokes are underwhelming. And as you might have noticed, I have a MASSIVE grass weakness.

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(It's actually the therian form, I couldn't find the sprite.)
Tornadus-T@Choice Specs
Rash nature
Sludge Bomb

Mixed Tornadus-T. While it's good at clearing the grass weakness, choice specs hurricane is surprisingly underwhelming, failing to do over 50% to the vast majority of pokemon I've faced.

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Latias@Sitrus berry
Bold nature
Draco meteor
Healing wish
Energy ball
Rain Dance

Secondary rain inducer, In case Politoad gets KO'ed. Healing wish rarely sees any use, but when I do use it, it usually turns the tide of the game.

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Adamant nature
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
Bug Bite

Just decided to throw this on as it has only a fire weakness, and I have 2 mons that 4x resist fire and another 2 that 2x resist it. Bullet Punch can sweep teams at +4 or +6, but other wise it just provides a safe switch to certain moves.

So that's it!
I have some problems, especially with the last 3 pokemon. Once both Omastar and Kabutops goes down it's pretty much game over for me. So please give suggestions to improve this team.
You're relying too much on Rain, that you'll surely lose instantly if the opponent has a Ferrothorn. And any hazard stacking mons can easily beat out your team. I'd suggest replacing either Omastar or Kabutops, as having two Swift Swimmers that are useless outside of Rain doesn't help your team either.
^ Agreed.
Plus why not use M-Swampert?? It's perfect for a rain team and is much better than Kabutops.
You also should seriously go for Keldeo / Kingdra in replace of Omastar.
You seem to need a Hazard setter so maybe Ferrothorn or Skarmory in replace of Scizor (cuz it virtually does nothing for your team).
I didn't use M-Swampert because SS is not activated on the turn of mega evolving, which can make all the difference between getting OHKO'd or sweeping the opposing team.
I will replace Scizor with Ferrothorn.
Kindra is great, but it lacks the power Omastar has, but I'll give it try and see how it goes.
You can always run Protect on M-Swampert if you're worried about SS not activating. It also offers an opportunity to scout for potential OHKO moves.

2 Answers

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Personally, I love weather teams, so I decided to rate your team!

Synergy / Typing

Your team has quite a few weaknesses: 2x Rock , 2x Ghost , 2x Grass, 8x Electric , 2x Dark.
Obviously, your major weakness is Electric, so I'll try to improve on it.
Even though Rain teams are sorta a thing of the past, Rain Offense is still viable in many tiers.

Movesets / Pokemon

Here I'll be replacing and fixing some of the Pokemon's movesets.

This set is okay, but you should use Politoed's support moves.
Sample Moveset of Support Politoed:
Ability - Drizzle
Item - Damp Rock
EVs - 248 HP / 164 Sp. Def / 96 Speed
-Hypnosis / Toxic

The EVs are meant to outspeed max Speed Azumarill and deal with threats like Charizard Y.
Scald is STAB and chance of burn. Hypnosis puts the opponent to sleep, but has a low accuracy. Toxic has better accuracy and deals damage that builds up each turn. Toxic can also catch threats like Latios/Latias on the switch-in. Encore is used to trap set-up Pokemon. For example, use it when you're expecting Azumarill to use Belly Drum.

I gave advice about Omastar in the comments, but if you need details on the set for Kingdra, here it is:

Kingdra@Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk / 216 Speed / 46 HP
Modest Nature
- Ice Beam / Rain Dance
- Hydro Pump
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse / Ice Beam

Obviously, do not have Ice Beam on the same set. So Ice Beam is coverage, Hydro Pump is powerful STAB, STAB Draco Meteor can land easy kills on other Dragon-types, and Rain Dance is just in case if you need it.


Kabutops sorta gets outclassed by M-Swampert as a rain sweeper and, since you're thinking about replacing M-Scizor with Ferrothorn, your mega slot is free.
So why not? Anyways here is the set:

Ability: Damp -----> Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Def
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Protect / Power-up Punch / Superpower
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake
- Waterfall

Protect allows a free turn to Mega Evolve (without getting attacked). Power-up Punch is generally used for boosting attack, while Superpower gives immediate power. Ice Punch is coverage against Grass-types (like M-Sceptile). Earthquake and Waterfall are dual STABs.

Pretty good set, but I may know the problem for this Pokemon.
On your team, Tornadus-Therian is supposed to act like a pivot.

You can't really do that with Choice Specs, so switch it to something like Life Orb.

Also replace Superpower with Focus Blast (even though it has lower accuracy, it better abuses its Sp. Atk and can mean the difference between an OHKO or a 2HKO).

Finally, replace Sludge Bomb with Taunt or Knock Off. Sludge Bomb doesn't give much coverage, but Taunt prevents the opponent from using set-up moves or entry hazards. and Knock Off is useful in getting rid of the opponent's items.

Your EVs on Latias are a bit weird. You should invest more in HP and Sp. Atk. It should be like 72 HP / 184 Sp. Atk / 252 Sp. Def. And the nature should either be Modest or Timid.

To be honest, Defog > Rain Dance and Psyshock > Energy Ball. Defog is good for removing hazards and Psyshock forms Dual STAB with Draco Meteor. You don't really need 2 rain inducers; Politoed is a pretty reliable rain setter and if you play Politoed right, you can have him induce 24 turns of rain. Energy Ball doesn't really give much coverage either because you're replacing M-Scizor with Ferrothorn.

I already suggested replacing M-Scizor with Ferrothorn, but I'll give you a good set for Ferrothorn.

Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 188 Sp. Def
Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock / Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball / Power Whip
- Power Whip / Thunder Wave

Ferrothorn can set up Stealth Rock / Spikes and Leech Seed pretty well because its overall bulk. Gyro Ball and Power Whip are both powerful STABS. Thunder Wave cripples most sweepers.
I put the suggested moves in italics. Note that these are mere suggestions and that you can tweak the moves if you feel something works better.

Overall Rating

Your team is good, but it has some notable flaws that you can fix by simply updating the movesets or replacing the Pokemon.
If you have any questions, just ask it in the comments.
Hope I helped!

edited by
Lol this answer took an hour to write and I didn't even notice.
0 votes

Possibly, you could replace your Kabutops with this:

Swampert (M) @ Swampertite
Ability: Damp
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Def / 16 SpD / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide/Power-Up punch
- Aqua Tail/Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
Mega swampert's ability is Swift Swim as well. It has more attack than Kabutops & has grass recovery with Ice punch, and electric type attacks do nothing. I think waterfall is better than Aqua tail because of accuracy. and earthquake gives good STAB. I prefer power-up punch. I would use it when the opponent has low HP, or just to get better attack.

Now, since 1 mega can be used per battle, it wouldn't make sense to have Mega scizor. i dunno, but i think Mega Swampert is your best bet. Also, Mega Swampert is UU, which i find interesting.

Another option would be Heliolisk:

Heliolisk @ Life Orb
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunder
- Hidden Power [Psychic]
- Surf
- Hyper Beam/ Hyper Voice/Dragon Pulse

Thunder can't miss in rain. Surf gets a boost (is also a ground recovery) Hidden power Psychic is to deal with fighting types, and Hyper Beam/Hyper voice is more STAB, While Dragon Pulse is just.... Good.

Life Orb + Dry skin is great because you get the life orb boost and fully recover from the self-inflicted recoil.

Is there any reason for those specific EVs on M-Swampert? (I'm just wondering)
I dunno really. i just thought to balance him out a little XD