Pokémon Rate My Team
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This team is built around Mega Sceptile's Lightningrod ability; Rotom attempts to outspeed with it's scarf and use discharge, boosting M-Sceptile's special attack. Any suggestions would be welcome!

Team Overview

Sceptile-Mega @ Sceptilite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Protect
- Energy Ball
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast

My favorite of the new ORAS megas, Sceptile can counter a lot of the bulky water types (Rotom-W, Suicune) and the pseudo-legendary dragons (Garchomp, Salamence) in the current meta. Protect is standard, Energy Ball and Dragon Pulse are consistent STABs, and focus blast provides extra coverage when needed.

Woolly (Mamoswine) (M) @ White Herb
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 96 HP / 252 Atk / 160 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Mamoswine can find surprising OHKOs with its priority Ice Shard, its STAB Earthquake is a necessity, and Rock Slide because of its strength in the format. I chose the white herb, because Mamoswine becomes near useless when intimidated, and Landorus-T is in so many battles. It hits hard and has a DisQuake combo with Rotom-Heat.

Easy-Bake (Rotom-Heat) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 48 HP / 252 SpA / 208 Spe
Timid Nature
- Discharge
- Overheat
- Thunderbolt
- Trick

Scarf Rotom-Heat is just fast enough to outspeed my M-Sceptile, giving it the oppuritunity to discharge and boost Sceptile's special attack, as well as having a 30% chance to paralyze foes. Overheat scares off the steel types that Sceptile has so much trouble with (Aegislash, M-Mawile). It completes the DisQuake with Mamoswine.

Nacho Libre (Hawlucha) @ Power Herb
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Quick Guard
- Taunt
- High Jump Kick
- Sky Attack

Hawlucha became an integral part of this team, plugging nearly all of its holes. Taunt can destroy a Trick Room team, Tailwind setter, or Spore Pokemon, Quick Guard protects the team from Talonflames, most Fake Out users, and Scizors. High Jump Kick can find many OHKO's, such as Hydreigon, Excadrill, etc. Sky Attack+Power Herb is an amazing combo, as it can one shot Conkeldurr, Amoongus, and Volcarona. I chose Limber instead of Unburden because of the surprise factor; many Thundurus have wasted a turn on T-Waving it.

Bisharp @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 112 HP / 232 Atk / 80 SpD / 84 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Protect
- Iron Head

One of the best VGC Pokemon, Bisharp hits hard, and often first (thanks, Sucker Punch!) It attempts to repair my team's fairy weakness with its high attack, natural bulk and necessary outspeeds; the rest is standard.

Cofagrigus @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Mummy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hex
- Pain Split
- ?

This is my defensive backbone, who can ruin many Pokemon with Will-O-Wisp, then Hex them later and Pain Split for recovery. Pokemon using contact are terrified of Cofagrigus, and he completely walls most Kangaskhans. I'm not sure about the last move, though I have been using Trick Room, in case I predict my opponent using Trick Room.

Thanks for any suggestions!

If you have white herb on mamoswine it should know superpower
I will do a full review on this team just give me a couple hours to study your team :)
are you okay with me changing mega sceptile?

2 Answers

0 votes

Okay so I hope your okay with this as I am making some pretty bold changes, but the team I'm about to suggest will hold up much better in VGC, even if it is a little unorthodox :)
To start with I love the team, however there are a couple things that do not work.
I can tell you did your research but when it comes to VGC, trust me. I am going to worlds this fall, and hopefully win. Furthermore, I know you like Mega-Sceptile but in a competitive sense it will not hold up. However its replacement is one of the strongest Pokemon in the game, so lets begin this rate.

Salamence-Mega @ Salamenceite
Ability: Intimidate --> Aerilate
EVs: 20 HP / 252 SpA / 236 Spe
Modest Nature
- Protect
- Hyper Voice
- Draco Meteor
- Hydro Pump/Fire Blast

Woolly (Mamoswine) (M) @ White Herb
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 96 HP / 252 Atk / 160 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- SuperPower

Easy-Bake (Rotom-Heat) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Def / 28 SAtk / 116 SDef / 4 Spd
Calm Nature
- Pain Spilt/Protect
- Overheat
- Thunderbolt
- Trick

Cofagrigus @ Leftovers/Sitrus Berry
Ability: Mummy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hex
- Pain Split
- Energy Ball

Slaking @ Assault Vest
Ability: Truant (Not for Long)
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Brick Break
- Pursuit
- Return

Empoleon @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 12 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 Atk/ 240 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Knock Off
- Rock Slide
- Protect

The Rate:
Now that you got a look at your team, What do you think? I know your thinking "Why is slaking on my competitive team?", but hear me out.

So to start with I gave you mega Salamence, a Pokemon with a base stat of 700 and great move pool. When you send out normal Salamence it will spread Intimidate which is always useful. Aerilated Hyper Voice is STAB and your main move. Draco Meteor will leave a dent in any Pokemon. Protect is used because this is VGC and you don't want your Mega dying too quickly. You can chose between Hydro Pump and Fire Blast, but I would recommend Hydro Pump as it protects your Mamoswine more, and you already have a strong fire move with overheat in Rotom-H. I chose Mega Salamence because you needed a Mega Flying type due to the two earthquake users now on your team. I really great Pokemon please do note though that Hydro Pump is an egg move. I also gave it a custom EV set to deal maximum damage with Modest, and just outspeed Maximum speed Garchomp, one of the fastest in the Game. Whew I'm tired now haha.

Mamoswine was very good almost perfect in my opinion, just one small change. I went for superpower to take advantage of the white herb in case you did not face an intimidate user. Also fighting is such a great offensive, I like that superpower adds some immediate power to Mamoswine. Now with a flying type and a levitate user, you can use earthquake, his most powerful attack, at a whim. Great Job!

Okay so I love Rotom-H and liked your set, however not that Mega-Sceptile is not here, there is no need for Discharge. I went for Pain Split because it provides some healing while also damaging your opponent. However you could go more standard and just do protect. Either one is perfectly fine. Also switched the scarf with the specs because any Pokemon could benefit from the speed boost, but only special attackers (less common) benefit from the specs being thrown on them.

Cofagrigus will play an even more important part to your team than before. I put energy ball in that last spot, now that you do not have a grass Pokemon on the team. It offers valuable coverage. Sitrus Berry or Leftovers could be used, its a personal preference. I like this Pokemon because of its ability...Mummy....

Mummy...The savior of Slaking. Here is the plan...Send out Cofagrigus and some Pokemon will surely have their ability turned to mummy. Then when Cofagrigus faints send out Slaking. The opponent may have sensed your plan by then and try to switch out their Pokemon with the ability mummy. However use pursuit in order to ensure that you get mummy. Now that his hindering ability is gone, proceed to sweep with your 670 base stat monster. Slaking has only one weakness, fighting, which is almost always physical, and he has great defense. I chose 252 speed and Jolly so that you out speed or speed tie with the large base 100 speed group. The special defense is the only thing that is poor with this pokemon. That is why assault vest was choosen to bring that special defense up to a very good 97.5. So now your stats are 150/160/100/95/97.5/100. Look at those, they are incredible, that 702.5 base stat total; higher than any Pokemon including Megas that are allowed in VGC. This will destroy teams. Anyway went with Brick Break because you lost your fighting type Hawlucha. I also chose earthquake to destroy the enemy team by spamming them with this move (with Salamence or Rotom preferably). Pursuit's function was stated earlier. Return is STAB and excellent neutral coverage. Trust me this Pokemon will demolish.

The last Pokemon was a bit tricky. Having Bisharp left some holes in the team. However defiant is a very useful ability to have. Also you did not have a water Pokemon, always a valuable type. Then it hit me...like a truck...EMPOLEON. A very underrated Pokemon it has potential. It has patchy speed but makes up with speed invested EVs and STAB priority Aqua Jet. He has a similar function as Bisharp, lower attack, but better typing and move pool. I choose knock off for the very same reason Bisharp carries it.I realized when I took rock slide off Mamoswine that you had no rock slide user, so Empoleon took up the role. Finished it off with Protect to round the set. Empoleon is great as he is very weather friendly (Sand and Rain) and is a strong Trick Room counter.

All and all this team balances very well, has much more attacking power than your previous team. I don't even think my Worlds team can take this kind of attacking power haha :) . It also has two solid Trick Room counters and two very speedy Pokemon. For several of your Pokemon I gave them custom EV sets to take huts from the most common VGC pokemon, while still dishing out maximum damage. This answer took a lot of effort and time but I really hoped you liked it, because I sure did. Good Luck in the future and may this team bring you victory.

I don't get you, your crap at making singles teams but you have always been good at making the best VGC teams, that's a pretty good  answer haha, how long did that take you?
Wow, thanks for taking the time to help me out! I love the new team, and I see much more synergy than before (and the addition of Slaking was genius!)
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks!
Okay, I have a few issues with this team. First, Cofagrigus should not be your only answer to bulky Waters. Energy Ball is weak as heck coming from Cofagrigus into a Suicune. Also, Slaking is flat out awful. No matter how many Mummy, Worry Seed, or Skill Swap shenanigans are attempted, Slaking will never work. The Mummy - Traunt idea is brilliant on paper, but in reality it falls to pieces. Landorus, Terrakion, Kang, and Scrafty all shut this pair down hard. If you're looking for a bulky-offensive Normal-type, run dual Megas and Kangaskhan. Also, Empoleon will not be fishing for Rock Slide flinches outside of TR due to his awful Speed. Put it back on Mamo and Scarf it.

Oh, and please explain the use of Pain Split on a Choiced Rotom?
You didn't have to down vote it, it is an opinion and it works. Slow Pokemon can make it with good typing and defenses. Kangaskan is not bulky. You don't want duel Megas when Mega Salamence is one of them. Mamoswine needed Superpower and the other two were STABs. I've used the Slaking-Mummy idea and it works, yes a strong fighting type can one shot it, but that is true for all Pokemon. My bad I did not realized I gave him a choice item for some reason I thought he was running sitrus berry. The down vote was not necessary, I did my best and gave a a good answer in my opinion. Furthermore Empoleon is a defiant water type that fit well with his team.
WARNING: This comment might seem overly critical, and maybe even offensive :C. I apologize if it sounds rude. But it's just my opinion, and try to take no offense from it:

- You do realize that this team was built around Sceptile, and you replaced it? It's not surprising the team would look off track after doing that. This is a fair enough reason to not replace it, otherwise a major portion of the team will have to be changed, as you did.

- Don't mind my saying it, but Slaking + Cofagrigus is a tried and failed strategy, like it or not :c. And even after Slaking is in gear somehow, Kangaskhan does more damage, is faster, has priority (Sucker Punch), hits twice, and best of all works entirely independent of it's partners. Slaking, on the other hand, cannot work without coffin.

- In my opinion, Cofagrigus actually works better with Rocky Helmet to scare away physical attackers alongside W-o-W. Sitrus works well too, but coffin doesn't have the kind of HP that it would want to recover. 95 special attack leaves a lot to be desired, especially since Cof doesn't invest any EVs into it. Energy Ball will be doing negligible amounts of damage to water types, who are mostly specially defensive

- Do you have a really good reason for using Empoleon?? Because honestly, Intimidate usage has dropped tremendously. How's that bad, you ask? Empoleon can't do a thing without that boost; on the other hand, Bisharp still has it's 125 base attack that it can use to fire off good attacks. In other words, it's simply outclassed.
You do know that part of rating a team means making it better, right? You pulled his perfectly viable Bisharp and semi-viable Hawlucha for… Slaking. RMTs are supposed to make them better, and not introduce poor strategies unless you have a solid reason for putting it in. You just put in Slaking because it looked like it could work, but also completely overlooked Mega Kangaskhan. And as Scilicet pointed out, Empoleon is "underrated" for a reason, and Bisharp didn't leave any serious holes in the team that Empoleon doesn't bring with him.

I'm sorry if I seem rude or harsh, but I do (respectfully) object to most of your changes.
"I know you like Mega Sceptile, but in a competitive sense it won't hold up."

You just object to slaking, and bisharp was good but he has poor typing , I will make changes and I hope you reconsider your choice
Bisharp's typing is balanced by the valuable assets he brings to the team. He has priority, necessary Rock coverage, scares Intimidiate, and stops Ice types for Sceptile. In fact, the team covers his weaknesses nicely. Mamo and Sceptile for Ground, Rotom resists Fire, and Cofagrigus and Hawlucha cover Fighting-types.
I think milotic would be better than Empoleon
Milotic's a good choice.
0 votes

I tried to keep your team as close to the original as possible, borrowing a bit from this article that also starred Mega Sceptile, placing in the Top 8 of Dutch Reginals. I hope these changes will bring you some success. Changes / suggestions will be in bold.

Sceptile@ Sceptilite
Timid | Overgrow
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def
- Dragon Pulse
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Protect

The star of the team remains mostly unchanged. I would like to point out that you will want to have Overgrow as his pre-Mega ability as a sort of emergency power buff. Focus Blast, or any move with less than 80% accuracy, is – for lack of a better word – bad (with a few exceptions, like Sleep Powder). The concequeces of missing an attack are much greater in Doubles than Singles. For that reason, I suggest HP Fire to let you dent Bisharp, Aegislash, Scizor, Ferrothorn and Mega Metagross, all of whom resist the Grass / Dragon / Fighting coverage (bar Bisharp).

Mamoswine@ Focus Sash
Jolly | Thick Fat
252 Atk | 252 Spe | 4 HP
- Protect
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide / Icicle Crash

Mamoswine needs a bit of work. The bulky set is okay, but a Focus Sash can garuntee a good matchup with Landorus since you can get off two Ice Shards. Plus, with Bisharp on the team, Intimidators will have to think twice when they lead, meaning that Mamo will have less of a problem with stat drops. A basic EV spread is best, while also giving Mamo the ability to get Rock Slide flinches on slower Pokémon. On that note, however, Mamo's purpose is to handle dangerous Dragons for Sceptile. While Ice Shard might be enough to stop non-bulky Salamence, bulky Specs Hydreigon and his friends can easily take Ice Shards all day. You may find Icicle Crash will help your matchup against them (as well as Landorus and Thundrus).

Rotom-H@ Choice Scarf
Timid | Levitate
252 SpA / 208 Spe / 48 HP
- Overheat
- Discharge
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Shadow Ball / Trick

I like the Scarfed Rotom. I don't have much to say. My only qualm is Trick. It seems a bit out of place. If you Trick off your Scarf, then Rotom loses the ability to Discharge Sceptile first and outspeed important opponents like Mega Salamence. I would keep your Scarf as long as possible. In the place of Trick I primarily suggest HP Ice to check Mega Salamence and Choice Band Landorus. Shadow Ball can also work to chunk Cresselia and Aegislash.

Thundurus@ Sitrus Berry
Bold | Prankster
188 HP / 192 Def / 92 SpD / 36 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Thunder Wave
- Protect

Hawlucha is the first casualty of my RMT. While Taunt looks good on paper, it's actually not that good of a Trick Room stopper. Most setters run Metal Herb and/or Fake Out support, meaning that Taunt is useless. Your team also lacks good speed control and isn't overly bulky. For those reasons, I have replaced the luchador with Thundurus-Incarnate. I took the set from Nugget Bridge. It speed creeps things that speed creep Breloom by one point. It survives Adamant Kangaskhan Double-Edge and Aegislash's Shadow Ball is a 3HKO. Thunderbolt and HP Ice are staple attacks. Thunder Wave is, in the opinion of many, the best for mof speed control there is. You can also priority Thunder Wave your Sceptile and get him the boost.

Bisharp@ Life Orb
Adamant | Defiant
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Protect

Bisharp is fine, but I strongly suggest the standard 252 spread. Bisharp's bulk isn't actually that good in practice, since he often attracts double targets. Similarely to why bulky Salamence don't run Double-Edge and why more and more bulky Kangaskhans are choosing Return is that recoil of any sort (in this case Life Orb) completely negates any bulk calculations.

Swampert@ Expert Belt
Modest | Torrent
252 HP / 228 SpA / 4 Def / 20 SpD / 4 Spe
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Wide Guard

Cofagrigus is cool, I'll admit to that. But his home is more in Trick Room, which your team is not. In that case, I narrowed the field to find the last member. You needed a slow Pokémon to work in Trick Room. You needed Wide Guard to protect Mamoswine, Bisharp, Sceptile, Thundrus and Rotom (all of whom have a weakness to spread moves). You needed something to check Terrakion, a major threat to your team. I settled on Swampert. The EV spread survives Double-Edge from Salamence, Return from Kangaskhan, and Draco Meteor from Hydreigon. It can OHKO Terrakion, Salamence, and Landurus with Earth Power and Ice Beam. It has a decent chance to OHKO most Hydreigon, and chunks Thundurus and Amoonguss. Scald is to get some nice Burns on Kangaskhan, Landorus, Bisharp, and Terrakion.

So there's the new-and-improved team. I hope these changes are managable. I tried to make the team so that Mega Sceptile could still be the main focal point, but could function without him as well. I do hope that these improve your team, and that you have fun with it.

edited by
Anything to tank/counter Scarfed threats?
Landorus-T, Mean his Mamoswine, Terrakion.

Or even Setup Up strategies like DDance MegaTar/MegaSalamence?
Thanks for the help! I am a fan of this team, and I think the addition of Swampert will be beneficial (Love the set!) The ice coverage seemed excessive, so I think I'll stick with Rock Slide on Mamoswine. Thanks again!
Is Scarf Terrakion a thing? I didn't think it was.

I think Swampert alone is bulky enough to stop Scarfed Landorus and DDance Tyranitar (which isn't too common anymore) and Salamence. Still, Rotom's HP Ice and Mamoswine are enough to answer these threats, I would think. Thundurus can slow all but Landorus with Thunder Wave.