Pokémon Rate My Team
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I've been working on this team for a while, does it need changes? If so, please say what I need to change. Also, most of these pokemon are over Level 95, so if the Nature is the main problem, I probably won't do anything. Unless it's about Lucario. I have more of those. (Pokes marked with a * are over level 90.)

Swampert @ Swampertite
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 252 Attack, 252 Speed
Moves: Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Rain Dance

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Ability: Steadfast
Nature: Jolly
EV's: 252 Attack, 252 Speed
Moves: Close Combat, Iron Tail, Me First, Swords Dance

Avalugg @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Impish
EV's: 252 Defense, 252 Sp. Defense
Moves: Avalanche, Hail, Iron Defense, Toxic

Staraptor @ Focus Band
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 252 HP, 252 Attack, 4 Speed
Moves: Brave Bird, Roost, Close Combat, Confide

Talonflame @ Sky Plate
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Naughty
EV's: 252 Attack, 252 Speed
Moves: Brave BIrd, Swords Dance, Roost, Flare Blitz

Cresselia @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold
EV's: 252 Sp. Defense, 252 Defense, 4 Sp. Attack
Moves: Psychic, Moonblast, Calm Mind, Moonlight

Lucario: Me first isn't viable in competitive because there's a lot of status moves and priority moves. Replace it with crunch to get neutral coverage on everything.
Avalugg: Move the defense EVs to HP so you can take more hits.
Staraptor: Replace focus band with leftovers or fist plate or something like that. Focus bands aren't viable in competitive.
If you are gonna run Mega Swampert, I would highly recommend using Politoad on your team, because its hidden ability Drizzle can summon rain on the field. Politoad must hold Damp Rock so the rain can last for 8 turns instead of 5. Another opinion of mine: Get Blaziken on your team with the hidden ability Speed Boost and the move Baton Pass. Get Blaziken to hold out as it gains speed before baton-passing it to Mega Swampert. Then the mega will become more faster as it wrecks teams. I haven't tried this idea yet, but it is my opinion ^^;

1 Answer

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-you can't have two Megas, and Mega Lucario is banned. Give it the Focus Sash instead so it can get a free swords dance.
-Rain Dance is pretty meh on Swampert. Superpower is much better for it, as it provides great coverage.
-Me First and Iron Tail shouldn't be used on Lucario, considering it's not fast and Iron Tail can miss often. You should use Extremespeed and Ice Punch on it instead, as Ice Punch provides good coverage and Extremespeed provides a great priority move to help your sweep with Swords Dance.
-252 Defense AND SpDef is pointless for an EV spread. Take out the 252 SpDef and throw those into HP instead, as it'll be just as bulky if not bulkier than it was before with those EVs on both Physical and Special defense.
-Use Rapid Spin and Recover over Iron Defense and Hail on Avalugg. Hail wastes a turn on something that can hinder your team and Iron Defense isn't as useful as Recover, which Avalugg needs to stay alive. Rapid Spin helps get rid of Sticky Webs, Spikes etc.
-Many things are outclassed on Staraptor by something else. Focus Band shouldn't be used on it and Choice Band should be used instead to give it more power, Reckless beats Intimidate because Staraptor needs power and isn't bulky, Jolly is preferred, but not required, next to Adamant because the small amount of extra speed helps in the end, Roost and Confide shouldn't be used because Staraptor isn't bulky and U-Turn and Quick Attack should be used instead. Quick Attack gives a nice revenge killing option and U-Turn turns Staraptor into a good lead.
-Give Talonflame the Leftovers over the Sky Plate. The Plates are terrible items and Leftovers gives Talonflame some extra bulk which it likes, unlike Staraptor.
-Gale Wings and 252 Speed EVs are pointless together. Give it 252 HP EVs instead because Talonflame likes to be bulky.
-Adamant nature is preferred to Naughty on TFlame as Naughty hunders its bulk a little bit.
-Don't use the Colbur Berry. Use the Leftovers here to give Cresselia reliable healing.
-Like Avalugg, the 252 SpDef and Defense together are pointless. You should either give it 252 HP and Def or give it 252 HP and SpDef and change its nature to Calm. I'd prefer the second of the two, since Avalugg covers your need for a Physical wall.
-Half of your team is weak to Rock. You probably should replace Talonflame or Staraptor with a Special Attacker that resists Rock attacks, as you really need a Special Attacker as well. I suggest you use this:

Sheer Force @Life Orb
Timid Nature, 252 SpAtk/Speed
Earth Power
Ice Beam

All of Nidoking's moves there can cover all types so you'll never be stuck using a not very effective move on an opponent. Sheer Force powers them all up along with the Life Orb, which has no downside since Sheer Force neutralizes the damage you take from it.

Yeah, I agree after losing a battle using Staraptor and Talonflame a bit too much. For the Spec. Sweeper, I'm using my Venusaur which I've had since my first playthrough of X, and he's a pretty decent. EV training him right now-ish... and my Golurk is replacing Talonflame. And I will definitely update Lucario, I won't be remembered for messing up a Lucario. And no offense, but I'm not going to change anything with Swampert. He was my first pokemon. Ever. I got him 2 months before I got X. Swift Swim and Rain Dance is... wow I need to change those EV's...

But thanks!
Rain Dance is excellent on Mega Swampert because of Swift Swim. Also Avallugg isn't really viable, so it honestly shouldn't be used at all in OU.

Btw @ Cresseliator. OU is a specific format created by Smogon for use on a site called Pokemon Showdown! in particular. If you want to battle with OU rules than use Showdown!, as it's far faster.
Avalugg is more viable with SpD investment than Def investment because its base defense is already extremely high. 252 HP/4 Def/252 SpD Careful is much better.
Also, why is it pointless to invest in both defenses? It's a good option for Pokemon with a lot of HP.
Because if you invest in both you miss hitting key benchmarks. You normally invest in a single (or heavily favour) defensive stat in order to fend off particular pokemon.