Pokémon Rate My Team
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I have been out of the TCG game for many years. But my son got into the Pokemon TCG at the age of 10 (he is now 12) and after a little prodding, I dusted off my old (and by old I mean first generation) cards to play against him. My daughter (8 when brother got into it) had only been vaguely interested, only getting a pack here or there if she liked the artwork on the packaging. One day recently though, she got interested enough to throw together a deck using her cards and some of my old cards. Using a single Weedle - XY Kalos Starter (and I am not kidding with this), she took down my son's Aggron EX and won the match. A freakin WEEDLE. I helped her flesh the deck out a bit, bought her some cards based on her lines of strategy already implemented, her brother is "lending" her some cards, and I currently think she has one of the best "Unlimited" builds I've ever seen. Granted I haven't seen that many in a long time. We'd like opinions on any weaknesses noticed or constructive thoughts please. And yes, we know this deck is not tournament compatible; although we hope to be able to make it so by the time she is confident enough in her abilities. I mean after all, a kid who (who is now 10) is able to take down a two-year player with some powerful cards, by throwing together some semi-random cards and then beating an Aggron EX with a Weedle?! (Yeah, I'm not ever going to get over that, lol) She's got potential...

Seedot - XY Flashfire x3
Weedle - XY Kalos Starter x2
Grimer - Fossil x2
Shroomish - XY Primal Clash x2
Venipede - XY
Whirlipede - XY
Golett - XY Ancient Origins
Miltank - XY Kalos Starter
Snorlax - XY Kalos Starter
Baltoy - XY Ancient Origins
Celebi - Pokemon 4Ever Movie Promo
Genesect - Black&White Plasma Blast
Giratina EX - XY Ancient Origins
Mewtwo - XY100 Promo
Mewtwo EX - XY107 Promo

Steven - XY Roaring Skies
Tierno - XY Kalos Starter
Lass - Base
Shauna - Generations
Bill - Base set x3
Psychic's Third Eye - XY - Breakpoint
Wide Lens - XY Roaring Skies
Assault Vest - XY BREAKpoint
Lucky Helmet - XY Ancient Origins
Poke Ball - XY Kalos Starter x3
Switch - XY Kalos Starter x3
Potion x3
Energy Retrieval - Base2 x2
Energy Search - Fossil
Radio Tower - Neo Destiny

Psychic Energy x7
Grass Energy x8

Over All that is a  amazing deck and if she toke down a AGGRON EX with a stupid weedle (although its kinda cute) is pretty amazing and because of the tank Pokemon Snorlax, Mewtwo, MewtwoEX , ect... She can take down Heavy Foes or Even support pokemon card your daughters deck is flawless there is nothing wrong with this deck and im sure she will not lose :D
EDIT:Just Make sure she makes a plan to take down certain pokemon that are strong against hers
Ex:Weedle is normaly weak to flying and fire get a lunatone for instice with the right moves and youll be good :D
I want to thank SteelPiplup and Sempiternus for their comments, and the enthusiastic (albeit I'm guessing just from the fact that its her first deck) praise. Although I do not see how a Lunatone could work for this deck, giving its energy requirements.

However, after reading the comments on another site, here is my rework of my daughter's deck (albeit concept only at the moment), while trying to also maintain her likes and wants in the deck as well. I also made it, I believe, compatible for Expanded Format tournament.

Kriktot - XY BREAKpoint x3
Weedle - XY Kalos Starter x3
Venipede - XY
Whirlipede - XY
Shaymin EX - XY Roaring Skies
Baltoy - XY Ancient Origins x2
Genesect - Black&White Plasma Blast
Giratina EX - XY Ancient Origins
Mewtwo EX - XY107 Promo X3

Steven - XY Roaring Skies x4
Tierno - XY Kalos Starter x3
Judge - XY Breakthrough
Bridgette x4 - XY Breakthrough
Shauna - Generations x2
Psychic's Third Eye - XY - Breakpoint
Ultra Ball - XY Kalos Starter x3
Switch - XY Kalos Starter x3
Max Elixer x3

Psychic Energy x8
Grass Energy x8
Lunatone Works If it 1 of two type eletric or water thus why it could work with a weedle cause a fire type is good against it so lunatones water type attacks will come in handy cause fire is weak to water :)EDIT: k i getchu then do whateveer u want
Yes, I get the point about resistance, but I would then also have to change out cards to add energy for specifically one card. By focusing on only the two types, grass and psychic, which also complement each other; one is more likely to draw the correct energy card needed at any specific time.

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