Pokémon Rate My Team
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First, this won't be compatible with tournaments since the Rotom cards in the deck are banned (unless I heard wrong)
Second, this is an Expanded deck, so only cards from the Black White set onward are to be considered.
Third, the Rotom have different names, right? I'm pretty sure they do.

Pokemon (22)

4 Mow Rotom Ultra Prism 14/156
4 Heat Rotom Ultra Prism 24/156
4 Wash Rotom Ultra Prism 40/156
4 Frost Rotom Ultra Prism 41/156
4 Rotom Ultra Prism 50/156

Trainer (38)
4 Tierno BREAKPoint 112/122
4 Professor Sycamore XY 122/146
2 Ninja Boy Steam Siege 103/114
4 Ultra Ball Fates Collide 113/124
4 Bursting Ballon BREAKPoint 97/122
4 Hard Charm XY 119/146
4 Choice Band Guardian Rising 121/145
4 Poison Barb Sun Moon 124/149
4 Rocky Helmet Boundaries Crossed 133/149
4 Lucky Helmet Ancient Origins 77/985

Energy (0)

Explanation: NO ENERGY? WHAT?!? I know, right? I don't need them. But seriously, let me explain:
All of the Rotom Cards are banned because they have this Ability:

(Ability) Roto Motor: If you have 9 or more Pokémon Tool cards in your discard pile, ignore the Energy in the attack cost of each of this Pokémon's attacks.

So essentially, Ninja Boy does what he does best: replaces a Rotom, Sycamore discards your hand (preferably full of tool cards) and has you draw another seven cards, Ultra Ball requires you to discard cards to get more rotom, Tierno is for draw power, and Bursting Balloon/Lucky Helmet can be exhausted easily, while allowing more draw power/damage. The Rocky Helmet, Poison Barb, Hard Charm, and Choice Band increase damage/versatility if you meet the 9 tool card quota and still have some.

And before you say "you only need 9 tool cards," up to 6 of those can be prize cards. In theory, you need at least 15, but having 24 helps consistency and makes tool cards more likely to appear (a little over 1/3 of the deck is tool cards), which is what the deck relies on, as well as more chance to use the aforementioned Poison Barb/Choice Band/Rocky Helmet/Hard Charm.

The only problem I see is that it could have more draw power. If someone can help that, that'd be great.

If you can suggest better tool cards (more useful for self discarding) go ahead, I didn't look that long.


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Woah, No energy card!
I haven't played the TCG in over 7 years, so I might not be the most qualified to give advice, but I found a few tool cards that might be useful:

* Balloon Berry: the Pokémon discards this tool as a replacement for a retreat cost. Only problem is that it hasn't been printed in about a decade, so I don't know if it's allowed (then again, Roto-Motor is banned too, so maybe that's not a problem)
* Lum Berry: if the Pokémon becomes statused, that condition is cured and this card is discarded. Also has same issue as above with printing date.
* Buffer Piece: reduces opponent's attacks by 20 damage for 1 attack, then gets discarded. Once again, hasn't been printed in quite a while.
* Fighting Fury Belt: the Pokémon gets 40 more HP and its attacks do 10 more damage. Not great for getting discarded, but it just seems like a really good card to boost endurance for those first few turns, since you're going to be a sitting duck until you get 9 tools in your discard pile. And, hey look, this one was actually printed recently, so that's a plus, too.

I found this pretty useful: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_all_Pokémon_Tool_Cards
Thanks KRLW eight-ninety, that is a good starting point for better items.

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