Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello! I just finished a playthrough on Black 2 and was looking to make the team that I used during the campaign viable for competitive battling in the PU tier on Pokemon showdown. I do know that I may not have the ideal natures currently, but I am working on breeding in order to obtain those. What I will list here is what I currently have. I will take any suggestions on how to make this team more viable in the PU metagame.

So here is the team:
Item- Magnet
Hardy Nature
EVs 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
Electro Ball
Volt Switch

Emolga has been the absolute MVP for me, as weird as that sounds. Emolga has served two roles for me and I feel like this move set does a great job of balancing the two. First, Emolga serves as an annoying lead and a pivot. With Encore, I can trap foes in an unfavorable move, and Volt Switch will allow me to get out of unfavorable situations. The only downside of Volt Switch is that if the opponent sends out a ground type as their lead or switches into a ground type then Emolga is stuck. Emolga has also served as a Sweeper when he is able to set up on favorable matchups. I will use Agility to increase my already high speed and then hit with a very powerful electro ball. I was also considering using the same EV spread to add Charge Beam and Substitute instead of Electro Ball and Agility because Substitute would minimize the amount of damage that Emolga takes and Charge Beam has a 70% chance to increase Special Attack.

Ability: Sturdy
Item-Shell Bell
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 Att/252 Def/4 SpD
Iron Defense
Stealth Rock
Rock Slide

Gigalith serves as the physical wall of my team. With maximum Defense investment and Iron Defense, he can even take super effective physical attacks. I use him to set up entry hazards (stealth rock) and weather conditions (sandstorm). Additionally, with a potent STAB attack in Rock Slide, he can OHKO many Pokemon in the tier, even ones that aren't weak defensively. I am considering replacing Sandstorm with Earthquake to give Gigalith some coverage.

Ability-Water Veil
Item-Expert Belt (I think that I am going to replace this with a Chesto Berry)
Bold Nature
EVs 252 Def/252SpD/4 HP
Ice Beam

Wailord functions as the Special Wall on this team, and is my only check for Dragon Types. Ice Beam provides coverage against Dragon, Flying, Rock, Grass, etc. and the expert belt makes Ice Beam more powerful when it is super effective. Rest allows Wailord to have access to a recovery move. Amnesia is probably the most important move of this set because it increases my special defense from meager to very good, and the sheer amount of HP that Wailord has allows it to function as a wall. Scald is a great STAB move that has a 30 percent chance of a burn, weakening physical attackers.

Item-Wide Lens
Mild Nature
Sunny Day
Focus Blast

Heatmor serves as the special sweeper for this team. Having a very powerful STAB that has no drawbacks in Flamethrower is a huge plus. Additionally, Sunny Day will increase the power of that Flamethrower and speed up Leavanny in the process due to Chlorophyll. Will-o-wisp is a great way to inflict burns on the opponents Pokemon, weakening physical attacks and causing residual damage. Focus Blast is a Powerful move that provides coverage for Heatmor against some of its weaknesses, especially Rock Types and Wide Lens will increase the accuracy of Focus Blast.

Item-Sharp Beak (contemplating putting Scope Lens or Razor Claw here due to Super-Luck)
Quirky Nature
EVs 252 Att/252 Spe/4 SpD
Aerial Ace

Unfezant has the ability to be an offensive juggernaut and an annoyance at the same time. Featherdance is used to check physical attackers such as Golem or Gigalith. Roost gives Unfezant access to a recovery move. Return is a great STAB normal type move with a 102 power at max happiness. And Aerial Ace is a strong STAB move that never misses. But, his middling speed does hold him back from achieving his potential at times.

Item-Scope Lens
Sassy Nature
EVs 252 Att/252 Spe/4 HP
Swords Dance
Struggle Bug
Leaf Blade

Leavanny is the set-up physical sweeper of the team. Even with the sassy nature I should be able to outspeed much of the tier. I am also considering adding sticky web to this set to increase this advantage and to add another entry hazard. With an increased special defense due to the sassy nature, I hope that I can take a neutral hit in order to set up a swords dance. Then I can use X-Scissor or Leaf Blade depending on the type matchup. Even though struggle bug can be used on Special Sweepers to lower special attack the low amount of power makes it a move that I don't use very often.

This team definitely has several weaknesses such as extremely fast Pokemon who are potent attackers as most of the members of my team are average to below average in speed. Also, I don't have very many checks for dragon type Pokemon that may appear within the PU tier. But, my biggest weakness, in my opinion, would be dual type steel Pokemon such as Magneton, Durant, and Ferrothorn/Ferroseed (although most of those are in different tiers) as I have no coverage for them once Heatmor dies. I have been considering a lot of changes such as switching out Unfezant for Swoobat to cover for poison types that I do not have a counter for. I also have considered switching out Gigalith for Crustle to give me a little more Speed. Additionally, I am also considering switching out Leavanny for Leafeon due to its 4x weakness to fire, ice, and flying.

I appreciate any opinions and considerations on this team as I am still learning the game and the strategy behind it.

Ice isn't strong against rock or bug...
You're right.  Sorry, that was my mistake.

1 Answer

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Emolga: Replace magnet with life orb to deal more damage. Give it a modest nature.

Gigalith: Its stats and offensive typing aren't very good. Replace it with Golem.
Golem @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
-Stealth Rock
-Stone Edge
Toxic wears down opponents that don't switch out. Iron defense isn't viable, as there are still lots of special attackers in the tier. Not many Pokemon resist both earthquake and stone edge.

Wailord: If you want a good dragon counter, use Walrein. It gets STAB ice attacks and has better defenses.
Walrein @ Leftovers
Ability: Oblivious
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD
Bold Nature
-Ice Beam
Toxic deals passive damage that increases over time, allowing it to break most walls. Roar stops setup sweepers. Surf and ice beam are STAB attacks.

Heatmor: Replace wide lens with life orb or expert belt to deal more damage. Replace gluttony with flash fire to better switch into fire attacks. Give it 252 HP/4 Def/252 SpA Modest. Replace sunny day with giga drain for full weakness coverage and healing.

Unfezant: Give it a jolly nature. Yes, scope lens is better than sharp beak on this set. Replace feather dance with taunt to stop status moves like stealth rock, stat raising moves, and status ailment inflicting. Replace aerial ace with u-turn so you can switch out after seeing what the opponent is switching to.

Leavanny: Its relatively low speed and access to sticky web means it's better as a support than a sweeper. Replace swords dance and struggle bug with sticky web and knock off. Knock off is very viable especially since many PU Pokemon rely on eviolite. Give it 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe Jolly.

Awesome!  Thank you for the advice! Your advice will definitely help!
why do people keep using spdef golem? Raichu runs surf, and even those that don't will still run focus blast which will 2hko regardless of spdef evs. Zebstrika's that aren't bad sets carry hp grass because hp ice only hits dragons like zweilous or sliggo or something for more dammge... both of which wall zebra anyways so if you're predicting those mons you'd always want to just volt switch anyways for mometum. I don't get what spdef golem is supposed to do... other than take even more dammage from stoutland and flareon. Not knocking your advice on the mons to use, you did a good review. But I just hate how everybody runs special defence ev's on golem, but never ends up actually using those evs to take on any special attackers in the tier other than chatot.
Okay, I admit I'm not very good at PU, so are there any more problems with my answer?
No no, your answer was very well put together :) I'm sure you're great at PU, I wasn't calling you bad. And to be fair, many people will disagree with me on my oppinions on spdef golem, it's just that I can never help myself but to comment my oppinion when I see the set.