Pokémon Rate My Team
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I've tried a lot to get that 100 streak or more, but I always lose out by mid 70s.

I've used a variety of teams, with different levels of success, so I was wondering if there's something I'm doing wrong.

My most recent streak of 40 something was broken by sheer, unadulterated hax, so I'm not sure how my team responds to the higher battles. In these battles, I used:

Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite
Adamant, max investment in Attack. Rest in HP and Speed.

  • Power up Punch
  • Sucker Punch
  • Protect
  • Outrage (I know, but it's surprisingly effective)

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Max HP and defenses.

  • Recover
  • Toxic
  • Thunderbolt
  • Ice Beam

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Max HP and Special Defense.

  • Substitute
  • Kings Shield
  • Shadow Ball
  • Flash Cannon

These three are the strongest 1-v-1 Pokemon I've used in Super Singles, often taking care of all three opponents on their own. However, I still have problems with:

  1. STAB Fighting moves like Close Combat. While Aegislash can switch in once, a strong Earthquake is enough to render it useless.

  2. Fairy types: Aegislash is excellent in countering them, but once it's defeated, Kangaskhan can't touch them. I may have to switch our Outrage for Earthquake / Double Edge, but I'm reluctant because Outrage hits a lot of folks for neutral damage. At +2 Attack, it generally OHKOs the remaining one or two mons.

  3. Set-up sweepers: Volcarona and the like. You get it. With Porygon2, I can can the waiting game for tens of moves with Recover and amazing bulk, but if Kangaskhan is defeated before the set-up sweeper, I'm done for.

  4. No switch in for strong Fire / Ground moves.

Suggestions on movesets are welcome, but apart from EQ > Outrage, I don't see any other viable options for any of them.

I've played around with other mega Pokemon, but apart from Char-X, none seem strong enough. I haven't tried Altaria or Lopunny, so I might try that. Is it worth training them? If yes, what movesets should they have?

What abilities?
Early Bird, Download, and Stance Change respectively.

Since I mostly evolve on turn 1 (or 2 if I use Protect), I don't miss Scrappy too much. Once Kangaskhan is Mega-evolved, it doesn't matter anyway.

Download is a boon, though. I get lucky about half the time, getting a free Special Attack boost.

Anyway, my current (ongoing, hope I don't jinx it) streak is 40+ Haven't been able to play much, so it's kinda stuck there. Will play again to continue it.

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