Pokémon Rate My Team
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I worked on this team, and I just want to say that this is my one of my first teams. Please be hard with the rating.
I know I had a like question but I've changed the team a bit, and included some more information.
I don’t know much about EV’s so that is Why I have Why they trained in and not the Numbers.

My team is:

Ability: Pressure
EV’s: HP and defence
Nature: Bold
Role: Set Up Wall
-Hydro Pump

I plan on leasing with Suicune, set up the defense for the other pokemon, set up the Toxic and stay in If it’s needed. And If Suicune is needed again but has a little bit to low health I use Protect so the Leftovers will heal it a little bit.

Charizard-Charizardite Y
Ability:Solar Power/Drought
EV’s: Attack and Speed
Nature: Modest
Role: Sweeper
-Flare Blitz
-Dragon Dance (I think about switching this out to Mayby Roost, Earthquake or a Dragon Type move.)
-Solar Beam
-Air Slash

Silvally-Ghost Memory
Ability: RKS System
EV’s: (Random)
Nature: Adamant
Role: I don’t know yet any suggestions?
-Iron Head

Sceptile-Foucus Slash
Ability: Overgrow/Lightning Rod
EV’s: Speed and Attack
Nature: Mild
Role: Our Revange Killer
-Frenzy Plant
-Swords Dance
-Dragon Claw

I plan on when someone has fainted (If the reflect is still up) I switch into Sceptile and If I need attack Uses Swords Dance and then an attack. If reflect isn’t on I switch into Suicune first.

Tapu Koko-Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
EV’s: Random
Nature: Timid
Role: Our Fast Attacker
-Dazzling Gleam
-Volt Switch

Switch into Tapu Koko If a pokemon has low HP and If a pokemon have a Type advantage over it I’ll use Volt Switch or U-turn depending on the pokemon.

Mudsdale-Groundium Z
EV’s: Random
Nature: Sassy
Role: I don’t know, any suggestions?
-Mega Kick
-Heavy Slam

If you have something that can make my team better please tell me.
I'm thinking about switching Sceptile into Venusaur that has random EV's. I'm thinking about Mayby raplacing Charizard into my other sweeper Ninetails that is EV trained in Sp. Atk and Speed.

edited by
Random EVs are 100% always bad for competitive.

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