Pokémon Rate My Team
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Exactly what it sounds like. Please feel free to give any suggestions at all. This is my first team, so please give me some pointers on how to make better teams in future.

Introduction: This team sprung to life as a way to utilize Bisharp. After beginning my team, I realized Bisharp struggled against physical walls. Consequently, I came to the realization that i need a special attacker. I procured, from a bit of research, that Volcarona would complement Bisharp well. I selected some support Pokemon, and this is what the resulting team looks like.

Team:(I don't know how to add pictures, can someone tell me?)
Smeargle@Focus Sash

       Ability: Own Tempo

       Ev's: 252 Defense, 252 Speed, 4 Special Defense

     Nature: Timid (+Speed, - Attack)

       Moves: Spore
                    Sticky Web
                    Stealth Rocks
                    Destiny Bond/U-Turn
       Synopsis: Smeargle is a lead. Its one job is Sticky Web, because Bisharp is stupidly slow. If I'm taunted, I'll U-Turn out. I don't know whether to use Destiny Bond or U-Turn. My strategy is to use Spore, the set up in their face. Not much more to say. If he survives the initial few turns, I'll use him to put Pokemon to sleep. Timid maximizes speed.
        Bisharp@Dread Plate
        Ability: Defiant

        Ev's: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Special Defense

        Nature: Adamant (+ Attack, -Special Attack)
        Moves: Swords Dance
                     Sucker Punch
                     Knock Off
                      Iron Head
         Synopsis: The main stay of this team, Bisharp will be used as a late game sweeper. I'll get free switches, set up Swords Dance, and then sweep up the team. Dread plate was used over Darkinium Z, because my Volcarona has Psychium Z.  Max attack & speed for obvious reasons, Adamant for greater power. What more do I say?
      Volcarona@ Psychium Z
     Ability: Flame Body

     Ev's: 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Special Defense

     Nature: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)

    Moves: Quiver Dance
                 Fire Blast
                 Bug Buzz
    Synopsis: The special counterpart to Bisharp. It simply gets rid of physically orientated Pokemon, by snagging free switches, setting up Quiver Dance, and sweeping. Timid is there to get Quiver Dance up.
     Tornadus-Therian@ Life Orb
     Ability: Regenerator

     Ev's: 252 Speed, 252 Special Attack, 4 Attack

    Nature: Naive (+ Speed, - Special Defense)

     Moves: Hurricane
                 Heat Wave
    Synopsis: Tornadus's job is to get rid of fighting types, that could be too risky for Volcarona. It also uses U-Turn to get some momentum (And get Bisharp and Volcarona in without taking damage). It can also function as a pivot, because of Regenerator. 4 attack is just to make superpower do something.
      Starmie@Life Orb

     Ability: Analytic

     Ev's: 252 Speed, 252 Special Attack, 4 Special Defense

    Nature: Timid (+ Speed, - Attack)

    Moves: Hydro Pump
                 Ice Beam

     Synopsis: This one is questionable, at least in terms of moves (And my last mon). The only reason I don't have Rapid Spin is because I need Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, and Psychock. Thunderbolt is my only check to Water types. I need a good Electric type (Rotom-Wash was dismissed because I need an offensive Pokemon, and Rotom-W is a lead, which I already have.) Any suggestions? 
         Excadrill@Focus Sash

          Ability: Mold Breaker

          Ev's: 252 Speed, 252 Attack, 4 Hitpoints

          Nature: Jolly (+Speed, - Special Attack)

          Moves: Earthquake
                       Iron Head
                       Rapid Spin
                       Rock Slide

          Synopsis: Because I can't use Rapid Spin on Starmie, I have to resort to Excadrill. I need a good electric type, please suggest some. I don't want Defog, because it would get rid of all hazards.
   Conclusion: My team does need some new mons. Please suggest some Electric types, and feel free to suggest anything at all. Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!
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which pokemon should i replace sir?
I don't know. Just keep playing until you find one of your Pokemon to be less useful, and then replace that.
would giving greninja hp electric instead of hp fire help?
It might, but then you lose out on the opportunity to become fire type and cover fire-weak stuff.
thank you very much sir, for your assistance on this matter.

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