Pokémon Rate My Team
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Is this any good? I'm going to keep the Pokemon, but moveset changes would be appreciated. Thanks!

Infernape @Leftovers
Ability: Blaze
Evs: 252Atk 252Spe 4SpDef
Nature: Adamant
Close Combat
Flare Blitz
Shadow Claw

Hydreigon @Firium Z
Ability: Levitate
Evs: 252SpA 252Spe 4HP
Nature: Timid
Dragon Pulse
Dark Pulse
Flash Cannon

Gardevoir @Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace---->Pixilate
Evs: 252SpA 200Spe 58Def
Nature: Modest
Shadow Ball

Nidoking @Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
Evs: 252SpA 252Spe 4Def
Nature: Modest
Sludge Wave
Earth Power
Ice Beam
Stealth Rock

Aegislash @Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
Evs: 252Atk 128Def 128SpDef
Nature: Adamant
King's Shield
Iron Head
Shadow Claw
Sacred Sword

Meganium @Light Clay
Ability: Leaf Guard
Evs: 252Spe 128Def 128SpDef
Nature: Jolly
Light Screen

Infernape Learnset
Hydreigon Learnset
Gardevoir Learnset
Nidoking Learnset
Aegislash Learnset
Meganium Learnset

EDIT: Changed Infernape's Swords Dance to Shadow Claw and Nidoking's Protect to Stealth Rock and Sludge Bomb to Sludge Wave

edited by
Give Infernape a choice scarf to outspeed more stuff. Replace its swords dance and earthquake with U-turn to reduce the need to predict switches and gunk shot to cover fairy. Give Hydreigon a choice specs to power up all of its attacks. Replace its dragon pulse and flash cannon with draco meteor for more power and earth power to cover steel. Teach Gardevoir hyper voice for more power, psyshock to hit special walls, taunt to cripple status move users, and fire hidden power to cover steel. Replace Nidoking's sludge bomb and protect with sludge wave for more power and stealth rock to hurt stuff that switches in. Give Aegislash a leftovers and 252 HP/4 Def/252 SpD careful for more bulk. Replace its shadow claw and sacred sword with toxic to break through defensive Pokemon and shadow sneak to hit faster Pokemon.
If I give Hydreigon Specs, who do I have as my Z Move user?
Fairy types are only neutral on infernape
First, you don't need a Z-move user. Second, you might encounter some fairy types, like Tapu Fini, that resist Infernape's STAB attacks and need to be covered by gunk shot.
Ah. That makes sense.

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