Pokémon Rate My Team
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I can use any moves, natures, EVs, and items! Also, feel free to replace any Pokémon you feel doesn’t synergize well with other members. I’m very open and thanks for helping me out!

Scizor@ Life Orb
248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Bug Bite ( STAB )
Bullet Punch ( STAB )
Pursuit ( For Pokémon who are weak to it and are most likely switching out )
Swords Dance ( Setup )

Sylveon@ Assault Vest (my favorite Eeveelution, so please don’t replace if not needed )
252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Hyper Voice ( STAB )
Moonblast ( STAB )
Psyshock ( Poison )
Shadow Ball ( Coverage )

Hawlucha@ Leftovers
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Flying Press ( STAB )
X-Scissor ( Psychic )
Drain Punch ( STAB )
Poison Jab ( Fairy )

Mimikyu@ Leftovers or Mimikium Z
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Leech Life ( Drain and Coverage )
Shadow Sneak ( STAB )
Play Rough ( STAB )
Drain Punch ( Steel and Drain )

Magnezone@ Air Balloon
Sturdy ( can’t decide on ability, would like help with it )
248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Tri Attack ( Powerful move, chance for status )
Thunderbolt ( STAB )
Signal Beam ( Coverage )
Flash Cannon ( STAB )

Blacephalon@ Ghostium Z or Focus Sash
Beast Boost
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse


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SCIZOR-MEGA (SCIZOR) - Right off the bat I can tell you’re missing a mega, and that can easily be solved by switching Scizor out for Mega Scizor. If you do decide to make this change, replace Pursuit with Roost and get rid of Bug Bite for Knock Off. Then, change his EV layout to be more appropriate towards his now mega form: 248 HP/8 SpD/252 Def with an Impish Nature. Also, make his pre mega ability Light Metal in case of Grass Knot/Low Kick/Heavy Slam. (These moves are extremely rare in OU but you’re going to be mega evolving immediately anyways)

HEATRAN (SYLVEON) - Sylveon is very out of place and is in UU, not OU. Instead, use Heatran because Heatran’s ability, Flash Fire, makes him a great switch in for Scizor because of Scizor’s 4x weakness to Fire Types. If you agree Heatran would fit better on your team even though Sylveon is your favorite eeveelution, then use this set:

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 HP/4 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Protect/Stealth Rock/Toxic

Out of all the options I gave you for the fourth moveslot, I think Stealth Rock would be best because you don’t have a Stealth Rock user in your team at the moment. Earth Power is for other Heatrans, and 252 Spe is so you can outspeed most Mega Scizors and use Magma Storm. Heatran has no reliable recovery except through Leftovers, so be careful not to let him take too much damage, and avoid Ground Types at all costs. If needed, you can switch to Hawlucha, who is immune to Ground Type moves.

HAWLUCHA - You aren’t making use of Hawlucha’s best ability, Unburden. The smogon suggested set is to run an Electric Seed with Tapu Koko, but you don’t have a Tapu Koko, so I’ll suggest a gimmicky set of my own invention (not the greatest, but it works in some very specific scenarios). Here it is:

Hawlucha @ Focus Sash
Ability: Unburden
Hasty Nature
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe
IVs: 0 HP, 0 Def, 0 SpD
- Swords Dance
- Acrobatics
- High Jump Kick
- Poison Jab

0 defenses and a minus defense nature is so that you ensure Focus Sash always kicks in. The main things that destroy this set are priority moves (like Bullet Punch) and Stealth Rock (breaks Hawlucha’s Focus Sash)

MIMIKYU - Definitly go for the the Mimikyunium Z, Mimikyu is much too frail to run Leftovers. Leech Life and Drain Punch are both 100% useless, replace the, with Swords Dance and Shadow Claw. I know you already have Shadow Sneak, but when you outspeed your opponent it’s better to use Shadow Claw because it has twice the Base Power of Shadow Sneak. Swords Dance works really well with Disguise, allowing Mimikyu to get at least one free Swords Dance off. Another option is to replace Shadow Claw with Wood Hammer, but Wood Hammer doesn’t offer much cover and has recoil damage so I wouldn’t recommend doing that.

MAGNEZONE - For your ability, I’d suggest Magnet Pull. If you decide to make this change, then you should also get rid of Tri Attack (seriously what is it doing there it only has 80 BP, has no coverage, and just a really small chance to inflict status conditions.) and use Hidden Power [Fire] to trap in steel types, outspeed them, and wreck them with HP Fire. Signal Beam has terrible coverage and only has 75 Base Power anyways. Replace it with Volt Switch (Volt Switch and U-Turn are always appreciated on scarfed pokemon). Change his EV layout to fit a scarfed set better: 252 Spe/252 SpA/4 Def with a Timid Nature.

BLACEPHELON - You already have a Z-User, so go with a Focus Sash. Replace Flamethrower with Fire Blast for more damage at the cost of 15 accuracy. Dark Pulse offers no coverage that Shadow Ball doesn’t, replace it with Hidden Power [Ice] to wreck Landorus-T, one of the most common Pokémon you’ll find in the OU metagame. Psychic also offers basically no coverage, replace Blacephelon’s Timid Nature with a Naive Nature, and invest 4 Attack EVs instead of 4 Special Defense EVs and then use Flame Charge instead of Psychic. You could also use Explosion, but I find myself using Flame Charge much more often than Explosion, so I’d recommend Flame Charge

CLOSING NOTES: Whenever you run a special attacker, always make them have 0 IVs in attack to minimize confusion damage. (Confusion does damage based on the confused user’s attack stat.) This team is much more balanced in terms of special attackers and physical attackers than your previous team, but what you made up for in that you lack in tanks. However, Hyper Offense is a completely viable format used by many OU players, so this is fine. If you find my Hawlucha set too gimmicky, use Landorus-T instead.

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A Hawlucha without a Tapu should probably be replaced with Keldeo.
I'd say to replace Blacephalon with Tapu lele