Oh? You DON’T want me to rate this? Well I’m a rebel I’ll rate it anyways >:)
GARBODOR - Having only Black Sludge and Pain Split to sustain Garbodor is awful. There isn’t any better recovery options though, so just don’t use either. Instead of giving it the Black Sludge, use a Rocky Helmet to punish physical attackers and to add to the damage your opponent takes from Aftermath. Replace Pain Split for Seed Bomb to hit Rhydon hard. Of the three moves you suggested for the first moveslot (one of them, Seed Bomb, is already taken though) Gunk Shot is the best because it is Garbodor’s most powerful STAB move. Your EV layout is trying to be specially defensive, but Garbodor likes to be more physically defensive because of the Rocky Helmet and also because physical attackers are much more threatening to Garbodor than special ones. (Especially when Earthquake is so common.) Also, you have no speed invensments, which can be faulty when Garbodor is paired against Rhydon, Mega Audino, and other common NU threats. Here’s the smogon suggested EVs: 252 HP/56 Spe/200 Def with an Impish Nature.
AUDINO-MEGA (VAPOREON) - Anything Vaporeon can do, Mega Audino can do better. The only eXceptions are Vaporeon having Scald and Water Absorb. However, you don’t need either of those on your team, so just use Mega Audino. Here’s a tank Wish + Heal Bell cleric set (basically what you were using on your Vaporeon anyways)
Audino-Mega @ Audinite
Ability: Regenerator
Careful Nature
EVs: 252 HP/252 SpD/4 Def
- Knock Off
- Wish
- Protect
- Heal Bell
This set is very, very weak to Taunt, so be careful around Taunt users, especially Golbat.
WHIMSICOTT - I think the main problem here is that you’re trying to run two completely different sets on one Pokémon: a SubSeed + Prankster set and a Defog + 3 attack’s set. I think you need the Defogging set more, so replace Leech Seed with Psychic for coverage against Poison Types. Giga Drain offers very little damage or niche, use Energy Ball instead for more damage.
XATU - A Rocky Helmet is perfectly fine, but your team is really weak to Knock Off. Try fixing this by replacing the Rocky Helmet with a Colbur Berry. (This also helps against Pursuit users, like Sneasel.) Other then that, I don’t really see a problem with your Xatu. I’d recommend keeping Psyshock anyways, but you might still want to consider switching Psyshock with Psychic for more damage.
DIANCE (SNEASEL) - From what I can tell, your team is a stall team. So what is a Sneasel doing here? I replaced it with Diance because you don’t have a Stealth Rock user or a single Pokémon with Toxic. Here’s the standard tank Diance set (A slightly adjusted smogon suggested set. If you want the original smogon suggested one, go here.)
Diance @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
Calm Nature
EVs: 252 HP/252 SpD/4 Def
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Power Gem/Hidden Power [Fire]
- Moonblast
KLINGKLANG - If it wasn’t for the fact that I wanted to keep at least 4 of your Pokémon, I’d recommend swapping Klingklang for Slowbro. Since I’m keeping your Klingklang a Klingklang though, your current set is fine, you can keep it the way it is.