Pokémon Rate My Team
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Ability: turboblaze
Evs: 252 spe
Nature: timid
Item: focus sash
Moves: spore
knock off
stealth rock
destiny bond

Ability: poison heal
Evs: 252 hp, 252 def, 252 spa, 252 spd, 252 spe
Nature: modest
Item: toxic orb
Moves: moonblast
earth power
quiver dance

Ability: Magic Bounce
Evs: 252 in all
Nature: adamant
Item: leftovers
Moves: shift gear
Diamond storm
precipice blades
shore up

Ability: queenly majesty
Evs: 252 in all
Nature: Adamant
Item: focus sash
Moves: Shell smash
dragon ascent
thousand arrows
Sunsteel strike

Ability: unaware
Evs: 252 in all
Nature: adamant
Item: leftovers
Moves: Spectral Thief
Sunsteel Strike

Ability: Speed Boost
Evs: 252 in all
Nature: Adamant
Item: flynium z
Darkest Lariat
Dragon Ascent
Sunsteel Strike
Swords Dance

So, any thoughts? Any productive criticism is approved. Thanks!

I don’t really play BH, but this team looks pretty good to me. Just one thing: special attackers should have 0 Attack IVs to minimize confusion damage. Also, why does your Deoxys-Speed have Turboblaze? I mean, you might be able to catch your opponent with Stealth Rock off guard, but other than that, Turboblaze is pretty situational.
It lets Deoxys hit magic bouncers with spore.
I think your yveltal should have one of them choice item things and spam oblivion wing so if it gets hit it can heal and attack at same time I’m not too sure what move to swap out though and also is nuzzle a good move on Gyarados?
Yveltal usually needs safety goggles to beat spore users, and it's usually better as a defensive Pokemon than an offensive Pokemon. If you want to use swords dance, then you should use mega Mewtwo X. Also I don't think nuzzle is good on Gyarados. Also also if it's a solid team, is it a crystalline solid team or an amorphous solid team?

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