Pokémon Rate My Team
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Ability: Protean
Hasty Nature
252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Atk
-Hydro Pump
-Gunk Shot
-Ice Beam

Ability: Multiscale
Adamant nature
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Def
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Punch
-Iron Head

Not so sure about the last, I usually use one of:

Ability: Cursed Body -> Shadow Tag
Modest Nature
252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Sp.Def
-Sludge Bomb

Ability: Blaze -> Drought
Modest Nature
252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Sp.Def
-Fire Blast
-Focus Blast
-Solar Beam
-Dragon Pulse

I have bred all the above Pokemon to have perfect IVs (Dragonite missing Sp.Atk, Charizard and Gengar missing Atk., though it doesn't really matter)

Greninja sets up a layer or two of spikes. If the lead has an electric type move, all the better due to protean. Then score a KO with Hydro Vortex.
Dragonite is a Dragon Dance sweeper, with Fire Punch for Steel types, and Iron Head for Fairy and Ice types.
Gengar is a utility sweeper, with Will-O-Wisp and Hex for Crippling physical attackers, along with Sludge Bomb. Taunt is for Passive foes.
Charizard is the best Drought sweeper, with Dragon Pulse for Dragon-Flying types which resist other moves.

Should I change my Greninja's set-up moveset? Make my Dragonite's EVs bulkier? Turn Gengar into an all-out sweeper? Give Charizard or Dragonite Roost for Multiscale? And which mega-evolution suits my team- Gengar or Charizard? Do help me better my team.

i like your greninjas moveset. you don't need to raise your dragonites special evs because you use mostly physical moves. an all-out sweeping gengar would be a very good idea. switching fire punch for roost on you dragonite would be a very smart move. I think gengar would be better for your team if you make it an all-round sweeper.
I'm pretty sure "Spe" meant speed, not special attack. As for Gengar, taunt is probably not very useful and can be replaced with destiny bond, but other than that, Gengar is good at using status moves.
Yes, Spe means speed, but I usually use my Gengar as a late game sweeper if my first two are down, or if it is the obvious choice. So how about:

Ability: Cursed Body -> Shadow Tag
Modest Nature
252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Sp.Def
-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball
-Sludge Wave
-Dazzling Gleam/Focus Blast

Energy Ball for Ground types, Dazzling Gleam/Focus Blast for dark types
And I think I shouldn't replace fire Punch with Roost on my Dragonite, cuz then my Dragonite would have no answer to steel types.Also I should have a bulkier moveset if I will utilise Roost. Maybe put Megazard-Y on my team?
Don't use an all-out attacking Gengar. Hex and will-O-wisp were good. I think Dragonite would be better if you simply replaced it with a Landorus or something like that.
Ok, Taunt to destiny bond, and maybe landorus therian?
Change to Excadrill if you are changing.
Since Gengar is a trapper, you want its moveset to be really good at beating a few Pokemon rather than have a lot of coverage for a plethora of different types, so Will-o-Wisp + Hex is probably better than all-out attacker.
eXcess, you are forgetting this is a battle tree team, where I have to beat hundreds of trainers with different pokes with just three. My Gengar needs a plethora of coverage then.
Ok, my comment didn’t make very much sense, but I still prefer Hex + Will-o-Wisp over all out attacker. After all, that was your original set.

1 Answer

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Greninja needs to finish the opponent fast because Greninja's health is not the best and doesn't survive too long.
Instead of spikes, how about Night Slash (Increased critical chance) or Dark Pulse (20% flinch) as Greninja works well with this moves.
You might consider Scald too(30% Burn)
Ability: Protean
Hasty Nature
252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Atk
-Night Slash/Dark Pulse
-Hydro Pump/Scald
-Gunk Shot
-Ice Beam

Dragonite should be ok though you can consider a careful nature to increase special defence and allow it to take lesser damage from Ice Beam and Blizzard.

This is my usual moves as I use Mega Gengar a lot.Hopefully it works for you.
Ability: Cursed Body
Modest Nature
252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Sp.Def
-Dark Pulse-Flinch
-Energy Ball-Counter Ground weakness
-Sludge Wave-Poison and good damage
-Dazzling Gleam-Good against Dragon,Dark and Fighting

Charizard simply needs to last longer so roost instead of Focus Blast
Charizard@Firium Z
Ability: Drought
Modest Nature
252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Sp.Def
-Heat Wave(95 power,10%Burn and 90%accuracy)/Flame Burst(splash damage)
-Roost-Restore Health
-Solar Beam
-Dragon Pulse

Charizard without a mega stone has very bad stats. It's outclassed by stuff like mega Charizard, Blaziken, Volcarona, therian Thundurus, and therian Landorus. Don't use it.
Dude- Gengar doesn't learn Sludge wave.
Also, Charizard doesn't get the ability Drought without mega evolving.
Why keep a dark type move on Greninja if Gengar already has a ghost/dark type move? They provide the same coverage.
Thanks for the effort anyway.