Pokémon Rate My Team
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I have never made a team before. Need Help. (Just making it clear) Here is a team I created using the Pokemon: Ferrothorn, Shuckle, Ninjask, Xurkitree, Dragonite, and Greninja. I am looking for suggestions to make my team better. Thanks!

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
Level: 50
Careful Nature
-Leech Seed
-Stealth Rocks
-Toxic Spikes
-Gyro Ball
EVs Maxed: Hp, Defense
I don't which of these 5 moves I will choose. Suggestions? I want to lead with Ferrothorn to set up toxic spikes and stealth rocks then switch to Shuckle. (Ferrothorn can stall enemies while they die from the toxic spikes but only shuckle can poison their first pokemon)

Shuckle @ Chesto Berry (Not sure about this)
Ability: Contrary
Level: 50
Careful Nature
-Shell Smash
EVs Maxed: Hp, Defense
Shuckle can use Infestation to keep poisoned pokemon on the field. Contrary + Shell Smash boosts his defensive stats. I want all the opponents pokemon to be poisoned (which is why I have toxic spikes) because I have lots of stall pokemon in this team. I'm wondering if I should switch Shuckle's toxic to encore and give ferrothorn the rocky helmet so he can KO the first pokemon. (Then the rest of the pokemon will be poisoned)

Ninjask @ Leftovers
Ability: Speed Boost
Level: 50
Jolly / Impish Nature
-Baton Pass
-Swords Dance
EVs: Hp(244) Speed(12) Defense(252) (I watched a Ninjask guide. This worked)
It's a Stall/Baton Pass Ninjask that can pass on substitutes. Done.

Dragonite @ (I have no idea)
Ability: Multiscale
Level: 50
Jolly Nature
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Punch
-Stone Edge
-Extreme Speed (Choose 4 moves)
EVs Maxed: Attack, Speed
My physical sweeper

Xurkitree @ Life Orb
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
Timid Nature
-Tail Glow
-Signal Beam
-Energy Ball
EVs Maxed: Speed, Spc. Attack
My Special Sweeper

Ability: Protean
Level: 50
Timid Nature
-Surf (Not Scald because you can't burn if they're all ready poisoned)
-Dark Pulse
-Ice Beam
-(Wanted Hidden Power: Fire but it's too hard to pull off. Any suggestions for this move?)
EVs Maxed: Speed, Spc. Attack
My revenge pokemon

That's my team! Any suggestions?

sumwun, I didn’t know you only played showdown.
Can you please call me "sumwun" and not "Sumwun"? Thanks.
:| Kay then.
A Ferrothorn Moveset I heard works well is leech seed, gyro ball, toxic, protect
I'm pretty sure Ferrothorn can't heal fast enough to make toxic work. Power whip will usually be better.

1 Answer

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This is great for a first team, but here are my improvements:

1: Ferrothorn can’t learn toxic spikes. (Guess decision is made)

2: Greninja should hold an item.
Most Pokemon should be holding an Item, except some acrobatics users. And keep trying for hidden power fire.

3: “Stall” and “Ninjask” shouldn’t be in the same sentence.
Ninjask is extremely frail, so those defense EVs are pretty much pointless.

4: Signal Beam is a pretty bad move, so you should try the Smogon Xurkitree:

Pokemon: Xurkitree
Item: Psychium Z
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk/4 HP/252 Spe
Timid Nature

  • Hypnosis
  • Tail Glow
  • Thunderbolt
  • Grass Knot

5: Dragonite.
Your dragonite is good, but replace stone edge with dragon dance, and give dragonite a Life Orb

Hope I helped, and welcome to competitive!

Forgot to give greninja  an item thanks. Why grass knot over energy ball? Are most ground or water types heavy? Doesn't giving a life orb to Dragonite waste the multiscale? Also, why is signal beam a bad move for xurkitree? It provides bug type coverage for a pretty good amount of damage. Side Note: I'm going to reposition those evs for Ninjask, however any pokemon that has substitute, protect, and has their opponent leech seeded can survive indefinitely if the opponent has bigger max health.
Why signal beam is trash: low base power, and has literally no important coverage. Also, multi scale would not be wasted, because Dragonite would likely be hit on the setup turn. Also, ninjask would not survive if he got OHKOed. However, I will congratulate you on the shuckle, which is a nice set. (Kinda commen, tho)
Life orb Dragonite is bad. Other items, like leftovers, choice bands, Lum berries, and Z-crystals keep multiscale active for longer.
I would’ve given him a z-crystal, but he already had one. A lum berry may be a good idea, tho...