Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey, so my friend and I do double battles a lot, and I’m not too confident with my team. Here it is:
Tapu Koko @ Life Orb/Timid (Lead)
-Dazzling Gleam
-Volt Switch
252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spe

Rotom Wash @ Choice Scarf/Levitate/Timid (Lead 2)
-Volt Switch
-Trick (for the choice scarf)
-Hydro Pump
252 SAtk/252 Spe/4 HP

-Garchomp @ Persim Berry/Rough Skin/Jolly (I know not the best nature)
-Earthquake (duh)
-Iron Head
-Swords Dance
252 Atk/252 Spa/4 HP

Porygon2 @ Eviolite/Download/Modest
-Ice Beam
252 def/252 SpD/4 HP

When we do 6v6, I also use:

Gengar @ Focus Sash/Levitate/Timid
-Destiny Bond
252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP

Metagross @ Metagrossite/Clear Body/Jolly
-Meteor Mash
-Zen Headbutt
-Hammer Arm
HP 4/252 Atk/252 Spe

I’m new to competitive Pokémon, so go easy on me. Constructive criticism please

Are there any Pokemon, moves, or abilities that you're not allowed to use?
We use flat rules, so no special mons. That's all though
Actually, Jolly Garchomp is generally favored over Adamant in Doubles unless if it was Choice Scarfed, mostly to Spam Earthquake more effectively. Use Poison Jab instead of Iron Head, it hits Fairy Types just as well and hits Grass Types too. Use Dragon Claw or Fire Fang instead of Outrage, even if you have a Persim Berry, Outrage still sucks in doubles and may hit your Teammate. Use Groundium Z on Garchomp to take out bulkier threats it wouldn't otherwise. :P

Tapu Koko is frail and generally won't be able to use Roost as it needs survive most attacks without losing half of it's HP. Grass Knot should be more useful to Koko than Roost.

Gengar is very situational- not every Pokémon can be poisoned, Toxic can miss, and you could get Taunted. They can also switch out after being Poisoned and cure it/avoid being damaged by Poison/Ghost moves. This strategy is essentially stopped by Dark, Steel, And Poison Types, and Destiny Bond is countered by Will-O-Wisp, Priority Moves, and Taunt :P

Mega Metagross can benefit from better moves than Protect, Hammer Arm, and Zen Headbutt, like Bullet Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, or Earthquake, for example. (The Priority is worth having 2 Steel STAB Moves).

Then again, I could be wrong... :P
I think Garchomp isn't good even with jolly nature because it's hard for any ground Pokemon to not be outclassed by Landorus.
What do you think I should use instead of Gengar?
Try using Incineroar. It and Landorus are pretty much the 2 best Pokemon in every doubles format.
Okay, I can look into that. Do you think the rest of my team is good?

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