Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello there, I love playing Pokemon Showdown. Specifically, the team-building part. I've been trying this monotype Normal team, and it's not the best, but I'd love to hear others' opinions about it. I've only lost once to a rain team because of Belly Drum and Azumarill, but I guess that's just the meta in Monotype. Tell me your thoughts, and I'll be happy to listen (and not defend my points like a judge). Also, I've provided EV and IV spreads along with natures this time, so I hope that this team would be good in your eyes.

Smeargle @ Mental Herb
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spd / 4 SpD
Nature: Timid (+Spd, -Atk)
Stealth Rock
Toxic Spikes
Dragon Tail

Smeargle doesn't have access to Moody, so I went for the next best thing, Own Tempo. Confusion really overwhelms this Pokemon, and while Technician is technically better because it's using Dragon Tail, Smeargle isn't use for offense and it's more for being an annoying Pokemon who sets up entry hazards and forces other Pokemon to suffer these hazards until the foe's entire team has been hit at least once by Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes. Spore is for those hard hitters who just won't leave you alone. Put them to sleep and continue your Dragon-Tailing. So yeah, that's Smeargle's role for you. Was originally going to Baton Pass over-time healing moves (Aqua Ring/Ingrain/Grassy Terrain) to a Big Root Snorlax for automatic passive recovery each turn so I can set up freely and pull of a Belly Drum then recover some good health until I learned Baton Pass was banned. By the way, Mental Herb is here because Taunt is Smeargle's worst enemy.

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)
Rock Slide

Snorlax comes into the fray with fantastic bulk as well as sweeper potential. Set up a few Curses, recover health with Leftovers, then sweep with a STAB Double-Edge. Snorlax's problem is that it really can't hit Ghost types that sport Levitate, but thanks to the new games, Gengar isn't a problem anymore and we can easily get rid of them with a dainty Earthquake. Rock Slide is to cover Flying, Bug, Ice, and Fire Pokemon who could bring me trouble. Other than that, this is really just a regular Snorlax set with nothing too special about it.

Pidgeot @ Pidgeotite
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
Heat Wave
HP Fighting

Mega Pidgeot is the absolute MVP of this team. With a Speed boost from its Timid nature, it can outspeed many Pokemon and hit real hard with a No Guard Hurricane. Heat Wave and HP Fighting are coverage moves that Pidgeot has access to, and with that amazing Special Attack stat, it can really dent Ice types and the likes. Roost is for recovery, but it can get hit by Ground moves later because you're way faster, but luckily most Garchomps could theoretically outspeed it.

Chansey @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Nature: Bold (+Def, -Atk)
Seismic Toss

Chansey has been a saving grace in a ton of battles. And it all boils down to one move - Counter. Nearly no Chansey I ran into ever on Showdown ran this move, and you should all start slapping Counter on EVERY Chansey you run. If you EV train the thing in Defense, it'll be able to tank Fighting moves pretty well and will retaliate (not literally) using Counter, which in all my battles, fa: inted at least two Pokemon. Sadly, I haven't been able to laugh devilishly at a Belly Drum + Huge Power Azumarill who spams Aqua Jet all day long under rain yet because the pink egg can't even survive a single hit. Note to self: consider Focus Sash as a viable Chansey item. Or don't and go on with life. Anyways, Seismic Toss is the offensive move, Aromatherapy removes your status ailments, and Soft-Boiled is good for the body.

Porygon-Z @ Life Orb
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Atk
Nature: Mild (+SpA, -Def)
Giga Impact
Hyper Beam
Tri Attack

This is one unusual Porygon-Z set. It's a weird mixed attacker that works way too well. You may be asking "Why is Giga Impact and Hyper Beam in the same Porygon-Z set? That's illegal!". Well, you'll be surprised on how efficient it is. Life Orb boosts your attacking power, the Mild nature increases Special Attack, and Hyper Beam is STAB with Normal, so you'll obliterate nearly everything that's not Ghost, Steel or Rock type with Hyper Beam. What you use is up to Download. This also helps scout some crucial EV distributions. With their lower Defense or Special Defense stat combined with either your Physical or Special boost, along with a 150 base power move that gains STAB and Life Orb boosts, and finally Porygon-Z's fantastic Special Attack (only for Hyper Beam though). Psyshock is for coverage and is just an excellent move in general, and Tri Attack is STAB filler that can burn, paralyze, or freeze.

Ditto @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Imposter
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def
Nature: Careful (+SpD, -SpA)

What an odd Ditto build, huh? I know. Many people expect physically defensive Dittos because that's literally Smogon's recommendation. However, I like to kick it up a notch and turn to the Special side because it's really good to pack the element of surprise. Imposter can help see what moves the opposing Pokemon has, and with Choice Scarf, you'll probably outspeed the opposing Pokemon which you transformed into. This is great against mono-Dragon teams where transforming into things like Mega Latios is amazing because of Calm Mind setup plus the delivery of Dragon Pulse from a speedy Pokemon was always favorable in battle.

So, that's all. What am I missing? What should I change? Let me know if you actually answer. And I hope you do.

0 Atk IVS on your Special Attackers
I don't like this Porygon set, sorry. That looks very simple to wall and exploitable due to the recovery turns. Mixed Normal attacks are even less of a commodity when you're playing Monotype. Z-Conversion is plainly better. Also, what is Psyshock coverage for, exactly? Use Thunderbolt to break bulky waters and hit Steel for neutral damage.
Replace HP Fighting on Pidgeot as well. It's rarely a good idea to use both Fire and Fighting coverage, as they overlap too much. HP Fighting is also a weak attack.

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