Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey guys! I am in desperate need of finding some well rounded types / good Pokémon to add to my team and Would be glad to hear any suggestions. Please note that this is for UM US competitive play Below is my team comp so far: (I only have 3 Pokémon I know I wanna use, have been trying to find a Groudon counter as well since everyone on competitive uses him)

Greninja- Abilty: Protean Item: Icium Z
Timid: 252 SpA 252Speed6hp
Dark pulse
Ice beam
Grass knot

Magearna- Ability: soul heart Item: Steelium Z
Modest : 252Spa 252hp 6Defense
Fleur cannon
Flash cannon
Focus Blast
Heart swap
(This is a great counter Pokémon to all the Xerneus I’ve been seeing... heart swap + flash cannon equals team sweeper)

Dragonite: Ability- Multiscale Item: Persim Berry
Adamant: 252 att 156SpDefense 102 Speed
Iron Tail
Dragon Dance
(Dragon dance 1st turn with damage reduction always lets me survive with health and normally speeds me up enough to 1hko most Pokemon with his whopping 408 base attack at level 100)

I added Kyogre to my team as a Groudon counter
Kyogre : Ability Drizzle Item: Blue Orb
Timid: 252 Speed 252 SpA 6 D
Water spout
Signal Beam
HP Rock
Please note that I partake in single battles, not really ever double or triple battles

Give me feed back, suggestions, and some great new members to the team. Thank you!

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> What are you playing? Link Battles, BSS, BDS, Championship battles, or free battles?

Please answer this

you cannot just make a competitve team and not tell us what it is for.
Any abilities / moves. It’s just currently used for free battle single battles. I don’t like using Uber legendaries as I like to feel more original.
Why are you playing where your opponents can use Groudon but you can't? You realize this gives you a huge disadvantage, right? Can you find a format where the Pokemon you don't like are banned?
> free battle single battles.
> I don’t like using Uber legendaries as I like to feel more original.

I think you should play battle spot instead of palying in a  format where you will have a disadvantadge

1 Answer

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I dont really think Kyogre's moveset should be fixed up with if u can get them Origin Pulse, Ice Beam, and Calm Mind instead of Water Spout, Signal Beam, and HP Rock. For a fire type I think Marowak is good Item: Thick Club, Nature: Jolly (if u can), Moves: Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Shadow Bone, and Stomping Tantrum. Finally for a grass type I recomend Lurantus Moves: X-Scissor, Solar Blade, Sunny Day, Poison Jab, Nature: Adamant ( If you can get it) Item: Miracle Seed, also take the Steelium Z of Magearna and give it a Focus Sash.

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Why Leftovers on Marowak? Thick Club Marowak is way scarier vs Ubers. Loads of Pokemon will likely outspeed Marowak regardless of Jolly, I find Adamant to be the better nature. No need for Fire-Grass-Water core too, maybe ingame but not competitive. An Electric-type Pokemon like the frequently-used Tapu Koko can usually combat Water types better, plus Lurantis isn't even a Contrary set.
Why would you use Marowak and Lurantis when you can use Groudon and Shaymin?
PottyLittleDotty I thought thick club was only for Kanto time to edit.
@sumwun because not everyone has access to a Shaymin :P it’s also free battling but looking to do competitive . Thank you for the suggestions on Kyogre, and I’m gonna look into getting those Pokémon with that build. I’ll let you know how it goes. Thank you to everyone who contributed in helping !
There are still plenty of grass Pokemon better than Lurantis. What about Kartana?
Also you still haven't told us what Pokemon, moves, or abilities you're not allowed to use.