Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey so I’ve recently beat Pokémon Sword and I’m looking into the more competitive side now. I Believe I know a good deal about EV and IV training at this point, and I’ve got what I think is a pretty solid team right now. I only have 5 members however, and thought ya’ll might be a able to help. I also plan on using this mainly in both doubles and singles matches. Please include the following-
Place on team:
EV spread:

\/\/ Current Team Member Info

Item: Choice Band
Physical Sweeper
EV: 252 Attack/252 Speed/4 HP
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Swift Swim (Great speed after max geyser is used )
Poison Jab (coverage for grass)
Liquidation (Great with stab)
Close Combat (coverage/ raw power)
Psychic Fangs (coverage/ break through Screen and Reflect)

Item: Choice Specs
Special Sweeper
EV: 252 Sp. Attack/252 Sp. Defense/ 4 HP
Nature: Modest
Ability: Trace
Moonblast (Great Stab)
Psychic (Great Stab)
Shadow Ball (Coverage)
Energy Ball (Coverage)(Also I thought about thunderbolt here but decided on energy ball)

Item: Leftovers
Defensive Wall
EV: 252 HP/ 252 Defense/ 4 Sp. Defense
Nature: Impish
Ability: Iron Barbs
Power Whip (Stab)
Thunder Wave (To paralyze)
Spikes (for swap ins)
Knock Off (Item destroyer)

Item: Life Orb
Physical Sweeper
EV: 252 Attack/252 Speed/4 HP
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Defiant
Brave Bird (Stab)
Close Combat (Heavy Hitting)
Iron Head (coverage)
Rock slide (coverage)

Goodra (Shiny!)
Item: Assault Vest
Sp. Defense Wall
EV: 252 Sp. Defense/ 252 HP/ 4 Defense
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Sap Sipper
Fire Blast (Ice coverage)
Dragon Pulse (Stab)
Sludge Bomb (coverage)(considered sludge wave)
Ice Beam (Dragon Coverage)

Thank everyone again for the help! It is very appreciated!

What Pokemon, moves, or abilities are you not allowed to use?
Just not legendaries. So any hidden ability or regular ability that is available I don’t mind putting in a little more work for it to be great. And moves can be whatever works best for the team as a whole, giving coverage or filling In a role I lack.
Can you use 6 Pokemon in one battle? Or do you look at the opponent's team and each player pick 3 or 4 Pokemon to use?
For the sake of the argument, for the singles let’s do the 6 on 6, but the doubles I usually play multi battles so then it would only be 3 + 3 v 3 + 3
This (and the links on there) will probably help more than a team rate. https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/ou-forum-rules-ou-council-info-and-announcements.3656260/
The only pokemon I would recommend would be something like Pelipper as it can use tailwind and it has drizzle to really set up your Barraskewda. But this is probably better for doubles.

1 Answer

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So far, I'd say your team is missing something against Ice, since I entered your team so far into a type coverage checker and your only weakness right now is Ice. So try finding a good Fire type, Electric type or Rock type Pokemon. But after looking at your team, I'd say Coalossal would be good.

Coalossal @ Weakness Policy
ABILITY: Flame Body/Steam Engine
NATURE: Modest (+SpAtk -Atk)
EVs: 252 SpAtk/252 Def/4 HP

Hazard Setter And Remover

Ancient Power
Stealth Rock/Spikes
Will-O-Wisp/Rapid Spin

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Thank you so much! I’ll see if I can’t do that right away. Appreciate it!
Good point. Sorry :)
Why would you use Coalossal when you can use Rotom? Rotom's defensive typing is a lot better, and it learns volt switch.