Pokémon Rate My Team
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This team was inspired by my love of gimmick/cheese teams, so I decided to try and craft a competitive one. It's a Shedinja soak team which is painfully difficult to work those gen, it seems, but I tried anyway. The rest of the team is to protect Shed so that he can keep up his mind games, and also to fill in his offensive gaps.
Nearly everything is subject to change. Thank you in advance.

Shedinja @ Wonder Guard
Adamant, w/ Safety Goggles
252 Atk / 2 SpD / 252 Spe
-Ally Swap
-Bug Bite
-Metal Claw
Shedinja is there to provide mind game pressure with Ally Swap while soaked. Bug Bite to stop recycle and any recovery. Wisp helps suppress physical threats to the rest of my team. Metal claw was tossed in solely for the 10% att up. Might as well buff while stalling, eh?

Seaking @ Lightning Rod
Timid, w/ Focus Sash
252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spd
-Hyper Beam
What can I say. Electric coverage while alive. Soaks Shedinja, and then depending on the rest of my team either soaks enemy to set up for Solar Beam/Freeze Dry, switches out, or yeets out with a big attack if needed.

Mr. Rime @ Screen Cleaner
Bold, w/ Heavy-Duty Boots
252 HP / 212 Def / 8 SpA / 36 SpD
-Rapid Spin
-Freeze Dry
-Slack Off
Multi purpose utility, bulk, and sustain. Field clear should I need it, and Freeze-Dry to combo with Soak. Safeguard for obvious reasons.

Clefable @ Magic Guard
Modest, w/ Lifeorb
252 HP / 252 Def / 4SpA
-Calm Mind
-Solar Beam
Same job as Rime, different coverage, but no field clear.

Ninetales @ Drought
Timid, w/ Heatrock
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
-Nasty Plot
-Fire Blast
-Solar Beam
General sweeper with weather to trump any shenanigans and pair with the solar beams. Disable to possibly cheese away a threatening move given the opportunity.

Goodra @ Sap Sipper
Jolly, w/ Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 4SpD / 252 Spd
-Thunder Punch
-Super Power
Choiced to sweep after punishing any grass moves from switching into them. Thunder Punch to combo soak if it works out that way.

Don't really know what direction to take it. I thought since I have goggles on Shed I could swap for A-Ninetales and run Veil/Blizzard instead of Sun/SB... but haven't entertained it much. After testing this team a bit it's clear that Seaking doesn't pull much weight, and have attempted switching for Inteleon for the speed and SpA, but the electric trump is too valuable to me.
ANY criticism and guidance is welcomed. Thank you in advance!

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