Pokémon Rate My Team
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My current team isn't getting the results I was expecting for the Battle Tree. Any improvements would be greatly appreciated!
Rotom-W @ Life Orb.
IV's 31 in everything but attack.
252 SpA 252 SpD 4 Defense
-Hydro Pump
-Thunder Wave

Glaceon @ Icicle Plate
IV's- 31 in everything.
252 SpA 252 Hp 4 SpD
-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball
-Hyper Voice
-Ice Shard

Gallade @ Galladite
IV's- Best everything but Special Attack.
252 Attack 252 Speed 4 SpD
-Psycho Cut
-Shadow Sneak
-Close Combat
-Ice Punch

Thanks in Advance for any recommendations!

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I mean, you could throw a z crystal in there
why would a z crystal be better than leftovers on rotom or choice specs/life orb on glaceon
I need a reason why.  You can't expect me to do that without a reason.
Isn’t Glaceon pretty bad in competitive?
What other pokemon do you have that you can use for the battle tree?
That I am willing to use:  I have Goodra, Gardevoir (not mega), Gyrados (mega), and Lucario (not mega, Physical sweeper).  Let me know if you want the sets for any of them.
This is only for the Battle Tree, not competitive.  Maybe an occasional Wi-Fi battle, but it is mostly for the Battle Tree.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Rotom Wash is fine. For the Glaceon, you could try and replace something with Hail. Usually this move sucks, but it works great with Glaceon's Ability Snow Cloak, which boosts its evasion by 20%. Additionally, you're now free to replace Ice Beam with Blizzard. And if you want, you can add Aurora Veil to decrease damage done to you.

Close Combat is really strong, but it lowers your defense and special defense. Replacing it with Brick Break means you deal less damage, but at least your stats aren't lowered. I'm more of a safe player, so I tend to avoid stat lowering moves.
Hope this helps :D.

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