Pokémon Rate My Team
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So I've never done competitive battling before, but I figured with how easy it is to train Pokemon in Sword and Shield, I thought I'd make a team based on, along with Steel, my favourite type, Ghost.

Seeing as it is my first time making a legit team with EV training and competitive movesets in place, it might not be quite there in terms of standards, but here it is nonetheless...



Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Disguise
EVs: 252 Attack, 4 Special Defence, 252 Speed

  • Swords Dance
  • Shadow Sneak
  • Play Rough
  • Shadow Claw

Standard Mimikyu set, same as the Battle Tower one. Works a charm! I normally hate using moves which have 90 or less accuracy but Play Rough is a must here. One Swords Dance and you're KO'ing most things that don't resist Fairy or Ghost, and who aren't physical walls.


Jellicent (F)

Item: Leftovers
Nature: Bold
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP, 160 Defence, 96 Special Defence

  • Acid Armor
  • Recover
  • Ice Beam
  • Scald

My first of two (and a half) walls in this team. Unsure on the EV spread, but this should allow me to take hits very well, especially if I can land a Burn or Freeze from Scald and Ice Beam respectively. Acid Armor is there to boost up a "meh" but not bad Defence, once I have one or two of those up, then Recover is my best bet.


Aegislash (F)

Item: Weakness Policy
Nature: Brave
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Attack, 4 Defence
IVs: 0 Speed

  • King's Shield
  • Swords Dance
  • Iron Head
  • Sacred Sword

My favourite ever Pokemon. One-shotted half of the Elite Four in Ultra Sun, and despite its nerfs to stats and King's Shield this generation, it still does the job. I didn't wanna go with all Ghost type moves on the whole team, hence why there aren't any on Jellicent and Aegislash. It's a fairly standard set: once a Swords Dance is set up, then most things get KO'd. A real danger for this thing is Corrosion Salazzle who resists both damage based attacks, and can Toxic though my King's Shield, but that aside it does one hell of a job!


Corsola (M)

Item: Eviolite
Nature: Careful
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 HP, 160 Defence, 96 Special Defence

  • Strength Sap
  • Will O Wisp
  • Stealth Rock
  • Night Shade

Nothing beats a good stalling technique, and in Gen 8 there are few better at it than Galarian Corsola. Eviolite speaks for itself. Despite the nature, this is more of a physical wall - with HP at 324, and Defences boosted to around 430 each with Eviolite, it can absorb a number of hits while draining the opponent's Attack. Every Pokemon does have a weakness though and this one is Knock Off, which cripples it and renders it almost useless, but that aside, it wears down physical attackers with ease.


Polteageist (F)

Item: Focus Sash
Nature: Modest
Ability: Weak Armor
EVs: 4 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed

  • Shell Smash
  • Stored Power
  • Shadow Ball
  • Giga Drain

Probably my favourite Gen 8 Pokemon, the fact it can rip almost anything to shreds after one Shell Smash makes it the MVP of this team. Focus Sash is self-explanatory, you'll look like an idiot getting one-shotted after Shell Smashing. Stored Power makes for a lethal attack, even more so if you're brought down to 1HP from a super effective attack. Other two moves speak for themselves too, Shadow Ball for STAB and Giga Drain if I want to recover.



Item: Assault Vest
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Steelworker
EVs: 160 HP, 252 Attack, 96 Defence

  • Power Whip
  • Heavy Slam
  • Shadow Claw
  • Earthquake

Never got the chance to use this until now, and while it's not the most used on my team, it's so well rounded and comes in handy a lot. Despite its low Speed, it has the Defence and Special Defence, even more so in case of the latter thanks to the Assault Vest, to take hits very well, and dish out a huge amount of damage. I went with Heavy Slam over the other two popular Steel Type moves for Dhelmise, being Gyro Ball and Anchor Shot, but any of the three can do well. Other STAB moves are obvious, and Earthquake is there for Steel and Fire and Poison coverage.


As I said earlier I'm new to competitive so if any other EV spreads, items, movesets or Pokemon altogether are better for this set then do let me know!

Gyro Ball is way better than Heavy Slam on Dhelmise.

1 Answer

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Mimikyu is good. Personally, I run drain punch and find it extremely useful/powerful. I would like u to consider. But of course this comes at the cost of non-priority, shadow claw STAB. It's just an option I would recommend.

Jellicent-i would say move more EVs from def to sp.def as u hv moves to bolster def. Options:
96def/160 sp.def
4def/252 sp.def

Aegislash - very powerful pokemon. Pity it got nerfed in gen 8. Perhaps gyro ball as it is slow. Or keep iron head.

Corsola- same thing as jellicent. Another option is to dedicate them to being either a special wall or physical wall.
Corsola would be physical and jellicent would be special.

Polteageist is good.

Dhelmise - the reason why anchor shot and gyro ball is more popular is bcuz gyro ball does more damage most of the time and anchor shot has good effect. Definitely change heavy slam. Has passable but awkward EVs.
