Pokémon Rate My Team
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Just a heads up, everything you can think of that could counter this, I probably already have as well, and I have done my best to counter them. I'm considering adding a Gluttony/Recycle Snorlax to the mix. 252 HP/DEF 4 SP.Def.

Anyway here it is:

Team Name: Destruckle


Oranguru @ Mental Herb
Inner Focus
252 HP/130 Def/130 Sp.Def
Hyper Trained(HTd) HP, Sp.Atk., Def., Sp.Def., 0 Spd
Trick Room

Shuckle @ Chesto Berry
252 HP/252 Sp.Def/4 Def.
HTd HP, 31 Def/31 Sp. Def/0 Spd.
Shell Smash

3rd: (to replace Oranguru)

Pyukumuku @ Aguav Berry
252 HP/162 Def./96 Sp. Def
HTd HP/Def./Sp. Def, 0 Spd.
Psych Up
Baton Pass......

Venusaur @ Black Sludge
Overgrow (not sure if it be worth obtaining a HA Venusaur)
252 HP/230 Def./28 Sp.Def
HTd HP/Def./Sp. Def, 0 Spd.
Leech Seed

I also have subs for Venusaur that I use sometimes, and they are:

Clefable @ Bright Powder
252 HP/208 Def./50 Sp. Def
31 HP/31 Def./31 Sp. Def/0 Spd.
Cosmic Power

Cloyster @ Leftovers
Shell Armor
252 HP/252 Sp. Def/4 Def.
HTd HP/ HTd Def./ HTd Sp. Def.
Aqua Ring

I would like to maybe see about using a Snorlax instead, so if anyone has any suggestions as to how I could fit one into this team smoothly, I'd love to hear it.

Okay so the strategy is, Oranguru sets up Trick Room and then uses Instruct while Shuckle sets up with Shell Smash, using Rest as needed. Inner Focus is ideal for Fake Out leads. The Mental Herb guarantees the Trick Room unless Oranguru dies or gets double Taunted. Absorbs the Taunt, I get off the Trick Room, and then use Taunt first so that they can't use it themselves. Protect is useful when they try to double focus the Oranguru, leaving Shuckle free to do as he pleases. It actually happens quite often. Instruct is to speed up the setup process for Shuckle.

Shuckle is pretty self-explanatory, Shell Smash until Defenses are maxed out, then Toxic. Infestation is to prevent opponents from switching out and delaying the Toxic stack. Rest for HP and status issues.

I typically just let Oranguru die so that I can send out Pyukumuku. Pyukumuku comes out with the Aguav Berry, which is useful in the case of taking a big hit from a supereffective move. Unaware nullifies opponents who try to "even out" the stats by maxing their attacks. Psych Up to copy Shuckles maxed out defenses, which will be shortly transferred to Venusaur via Baton Pass. Soak is to deal with pesky things such as Ferrothorn, which resist every single move except Infestation, which does nothing since Ferrothorn typically run Leftovers and Leech Seed and Ingrain. Rest is for recovery.

Edit: I realize that without the Psych Up, the Pyukumuku is pretty much useless. Although many times when I am just left with Pyukumuku, the 64 frickin Baton Pass moves are enough to win a PP stall war. That, coupled with 16 Rests, 32 Soaks, and 16 Psych Ups is typically enough to PP stall an opponent or two or even three to death, as long as Pyukumuku takes damage at a 5HKO ratio or less.

Pyukumuku Baton Passes to Venusaur, who quickly locks down the Ingrain to prevent being Roar'd out by opponents, losing all those stats. Leech Seed is quite useful if I can hit both enemies. Toxic, obviously, Black Sludge, obviously, and then Protect to maximize the respective potential recovery and damage.

Any questions please let me know. I love this team, and it typically wins against almost anyone as long as I play smart. I even won against a Primal Kyogre once. Usually those give me trouble. But another time, my Pyukumuku took 26 damage from an Ultra Necrozma's Light That Burns the Sky

It's well tested and has been tweaked many, many, many times. Also the main first 4 all have their moves PP Max'd to optimize the stall-ness. It has saved me countless times in the case of battles to the death via Struggle.

Very open to suggestions for the other 2 slots tho. I tried a Cresselia there once, it was okay. Leftovers, Levitate, Careful, 252 HP/252 Def/4 Sp. Def, 31 IVs all around both natural and HTd/"Pretty Good" Spd. IV
Psych Up, Substitute, Protect, Rest.

That's pretty much it. Let me know what you think! This was made from scratch, no searching up "what moveset is good for ___" none of that noob garbage, so I realize it's a bit different, but I appreciate the feedback in advance <3

edited by
This team is totally shut down by Taunt :/
Yes, I'm aware, but Shuckle has infestation, which allows him to not struggle, and you'd be surprised how rarely I see taunt being run in double battles on the battle spot. Usually I can still manage a win, it's just difficult. But that's what the mental herb is for on Oranguru, so I can at least get the setup

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