Pokémon Rate My Team
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If the title wasn't enough, the format is Battle Spot doubles, and its for free battles. I'll also be giving six Pokémon, since I'll be switching it up.

Chaos (Mewtwo) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 Spe, 4 SpDef
Nature: Modest
IVs: 0 Atk
Shadow Ball
Aura Sphere

I've found that its pretty good with an Expert Belt due to its coverage. I prefer Modest over Timid for the slight boost in power. This is one of my leads for the simple fact that it can cover a lot, like other Mewtwo's, bulky Steel types, and Eviolite Chansey/Blissey (Psystrike).

My other lead:

Cyclone (Rayquaza) @ Lum Berry (changed the Yache Berry to this)
Ability: Air Lock---> Delta Stream
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Nature: Adamant (I like the boost in power still)
Dragon Dance
Dragon Ascent
Extreme Speed

Paired with Mewtwo, it makes a great lead. Really, the only trouble I've found is it cant OHKO Primal Kyogre. Lum Berry is there to end Outrage confusion or to shake off a burn. Outrage is STAB, Dragon Dance is setup, Dragon Ascent is STAB and here for Mega purposes, and Extreme Speed is strong priority.

Backups/Switch Ins:

Pepper (Tapu Lele) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 SpAtk, 4 Def
Nature: Timid (speed now I guess)
Energy Ball
Dazzling Gleam (doubles)

Not to be paired with Rayquaza. I accidently used Extreme Speed in Psychic Terrain once... didn't end well. But anyway, the Choice Specs insure its attacks hit hard. EVs in defense allow it to take Iron Head from threats like Silvally better. With these moves I make sure I hit a lot of Pokémon for at least neutral damage.

Krookodile @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Nature: Jolly
Brick Break

This was kind of my ace throughout my first playthrough, so I transferred it to my new save file. This Pokémon is on here for the sole reason that I love it and I'm not taking it off my team. It has Intimidate for the obvious attack drop, making it a bit bulkier. The Life Orb is here for great damage output, allowing it to hit harder than usual. Outrage is for the likely switch-in to Rayquaza to avoid Earthquake, and Brick Break is a splash of coverage. Crunch and Earthquake are its STAB moves.

Drifty (Sylveon) @ Leftovers (Tell me if a Pixie Plate is better. I just wanted extra bulk)
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 128 SpDef, 128 HP
Nature: Bold
Hyper Voice
Shadow Ball
Heal Bell/Calm Mind/Wish/Misty Terrain (I cant decide, also, Misty Terrain is to protect Rayquaza from other Rayquaza. It would also replace Mewtwo as my lead if I do use it)

I had this Eevee bred for me (thx Glazio). I'm still putting everything together, so it's not ready yet, but this will be its future moveset. The last slot I'm not so sure about, help with that is much appreciated. Toxic is for Toxic stalling, and why I want Lefties as opposed to a Pixie Plate. Hyper Voice+ Pixilate wrecks things, and Shadow Ball is coverage. He is Tapu Lele's backup.

Rotom-F @___ (I'm not quite sure yet, I haven't been using an item)
Ability: Levitate (why couldn't this form get something else?)
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 Spe, 4 SpDef
Nature: Timid
Air Slash
Volt Switch
HP Ground

This is the last member of my team. Really, I only use it if I feel Krookodile won't be able to get the job done. I've been having a bit of trouble with the item though. Air Slash is STAB, Thunderbolt is also STAB, Volt Switch can get me out of some sticky situations, and HP Ground is for Rock and Electric types. I was thinking a Choice Scarf maybe with Volt Switch for chip damage, but I'm not sure.

So, there is my team. Any changes can be made, though don't expect me to accept all of you advice. Adding new Pokémon is appreciated too. Thanks!!! :)

edited by
I'd recommend Refresh over Heal Bell. Heal Bell heals the team of status conditions, but Refresh has more PP. Although you'll probably go with Wish, which is a very useful attack. If it was me, I'd go with Hyper Voice, Toxic, Refresh, and Wish, but it's all up to you.

PS: Drifty's nature is Bold.
You could always make Rotom Wash form and give it Wide lens and then teach it Thunder.  Just a suggestion though.
I already have a Rotom-W on my Gen 8 Battle Tower team, so I wanna switch it up.

P.S.: Tysm
For Sylveon, your item depends on what you want.  Do leftovers if you want.  If you want Sylveon to hit harder, use Pixie Plate and keep your moveset.  If you want leftovers, I would use Charm as a fourth move to help buff it.  I would go for Pixie Plate, but that is just me.
Wait, I thought Battle Spot shut down. And do you mean VGC19 since BSD does not have legends

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