Pokémon Rate My Team
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So, I enjoy ORAS. And I enjoy Double Battles. But, I'm not so good with the whole 'woah World Championship-tier god teams', so I wanted to ask for help. The reason I say 'hypothetical' is that I don't want to spend a few hours grinding only for this team to be disregarded as trash. This is just my idea. Also, I don't know the whole 'UU, OU, NU' kinda stuff - I'm just battling for fun. I'm battling in the Battle Spot, btw, and my main opponent will be my friend, but I like to battle randoms too.

The Team:
Accelgor @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Unburden (I got so lucky, and yes I already have this one)
Timid Nature (+Spd -Atk)
EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Spd, 4~ Sp. Atk
IVs: No idea.
- Bug Buzz (To stop against Taunters, also Psychic Coverage for Tentacruel)
- Final Gambit (To deal with anything that sets up any stat minus Spd and probably Def)
- Encore (Accelgor's Speed + Encore strat has always been my favorite thing to troll with)
- Spikes (Chip Damage, also why I send him out first)
This guy's always out first, so I can Spikes while almost definitely going first. If, let's say a Garchomp, is out, and starts Dragon Dancing, I can use Final Gambit to hopefully outspeed and kill with the boosted Hp, or if I'm feeling confident, I can Encore and try to kill without sacking the bug. Bug Buzz is just there for STAB and chance Sp. Def drop for my Tangrowth.

Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Clear Body
Timid Nature Again
EVs: 252 Sp. Def 252 Spd 4~ Hp
IVs: Not a clue
- Toxic Spikes (Free Poisoning)
- Aqua Ring (Healing)
- Muddy Water (STAB, Ground Coverage, Essentially Sand Attack with damage)
- Venoshock (STAB, Double Power on anything that's been Toxic Spiked)
Tentacruel is the bulkiest thing I know that can learn Toxic Spikes, so he's often first as well, just to get TS down. It's main priority is to survive anything that hits before it, and be as fast as possible to lower the chances of encountering anything that can. If it lives or doesn't take that much damage, I can set up the healing with Aqua Ring - the reason why I don't use Rain Dish + Dance is for my Char-growth strat - then spam Muddy Water for accuracy drop, the Venoshock the poisoned switch.

Tangrowth @ Wise Glasses/Leftovers/Big Root
Ability: Chlorophyl
Timid Nature Again!
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Spd, 4~ Def
IVs: As much of an idea as my opponent's hand in Uno.
- Solar Beam (Instant Charge from Charizard's Sun, STAB destroy everything)
- Giga Drain (STAB + Healing, especially with Big Root)
- Ancient Power (Flying, Bug, Ice and Fire Coverage, Omni-Boost is nice too)
- Earthquake (Poison Coverage, doesn't affect Charizard)
I like Tangrowth as a Defensive/Offensive Pokemon because it can tank a lot of Physical Moves and deal a lot of damage with Special ones. I pair Tangrowth with Charizard so that it can get the Chlorophyl Speed Boost, instant-turn Solar Beam, and sweep. I don't know how offensive to go, so I'm uncertain about the item choice.

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze/Drought
Modest Nature (+Sp. Atk -Atk)
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk 252 Spd 4~ Hp
IVs: How many planets are there again?
- Flamethrower (STAB, Generic Fire Move)
- Sunny Day (In case Drought runs out)
- Solar Beam (Insta-turn Rock and Water Coverage)
- Earthquake (Double Earthquake with Tangrowth, Electric Coverage)
Charizard is there for the Chlorophyl Speed Boost on Tangrowth once it becomes a Mega. It doesn't have much more of a purpose than that, and staying alive for as long as possible.

Mightyena @ Nothing
Ability: Intimidate
Rash Nature (+Sp. Atk -Def)
EVs: 252 Atk 252 Sp. Atk 4~ Spd
IVs: You know, I'd tell you, but my leg is kinda killing me...
- Snarl (Sp. Atk Double target STAB. It's just Intimidate but a different Stat and damaging)
- Sucker Punch (If I ever encounter a kid using Aura Sphere Mewtwo or something, STAB)
- Thief (STAB, Steal something like Leftovers or a berry from a staller, especially Aegislash)
- Fire Fang (Coverage, Chance Burn)
Intimidate is broken in Doubles, as is Snarl. I'm not too fussed with the other two moves, so go wild.

Thundurus @ Sorry, I have generally no idea.
Ability: Prankster
Not certain on it's Nature, accidently already caught it bc it's a legendary, pretty sure it increased a defensive stat and lowered an attacking one. I just remember it wasn't very good.
EVs: 252 Hp 252 Def 4~ Sp. Def (Weird, but it's only got one attacking move anyway.
IVs: E
- Volt Switch (STAB, When the deed is done, R U N.)
- Thunder Wave (Paralyze everything to protect Tangrowth)
- Taunt (Just to be annoying)
- Double Team / Rest / Torment / Attract / Toxic / I have no idea why does a Prankster not know status moves
I know it's SO hard to tell, but I'm not adept in Pranksters at all. I just really adore Thundurus' ability, but the problem is that it learns two generically useful Status moves, and then I have no idea. Volt Switch is into anything I want once it's use is served.

Strategies, Ideas, and the Annoying Hard-Counter
I start with Accelgor + Tentacruel, to set down Spikes and Toxic Spikes. I either stall with Bug Buzz (Covering Tentacruel's Psychic Weakness) and Muddy Water (Covering Accelgor's Rock), sacking them, or switch into Tangrowth and Charizard, my decision based on my opponent's setup. Then I turn Charizard into a Mega, kill anything Tangrowth's weak to with Earthquake and Ancient Power - maybe snagging a nice omni-boost - then spam Flamethrower and Solar Beam, switching to Giga Drain when Tangrowth starts to die. Thundurus and Mightyena are backup, and aren't needed most of the time. The only hard counter I see is Primal Groudon, who can, if they're using Ground-Fire-Grass-Rock, can kill both Tentacruel and Accelgor unless I Final Gambit, which mightn't even kill, then he can Sun-boosted Fire Tangrowth and Rock Charizard. He can also Rock Thundurus and potentially even Fighting Mightyena if it's being run. I'm thinking of replacing Mightyena or Thundurus, but I don't see any ways of killing Groudon. My one has a decently bad nature (+Sp. Def - Sp. Atk) and I already EV trained it + leveled it to level 80, so that isn't an option, and I enjoy using only one legend. In addition, one of my friends is borrrowing my Omega Ruby account so I can't grind for an Adamant Groudon, either. The only counter I have for it is to Chlorophyl Boosted Tangrowth and Charizard Earthquake Spam, but they'd both have lowered attack with their natures, so even that might not defeat it. And that'd be sacking half my team and weakening the other half. For ONE Groudon. So yeah, suggestions might be helpful. On the other hand, if my opponent is running Groudon, they're probably using a Sun team since it's doubles, and that's benefit me because I wouldn't need to waste a spot on Charizard. But, that'd negate the Groudon counter, sooo... yeah.
Anyway, I'd like some help fixing up some loose ends!!


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