Pokémon Rate My Team
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I play on Smogon Showdown's Gen 7 OU Singles format, and have been using this team for quite some time with pretty good success. It's not very orthodox, but it surprises a lot of people and can deal with or checks most of the common threats of the format. However, special tanks/stallers, specifcally Toxapex (When Heliolisk is gone) and Chancey. Please suggest ways to deal with bulky defensive Pokemon such as these!

Typhlosion @ Choice Scarf
Nature - Modest
Ability - Flash Fire
EV's - 252 Sp. Att - 252 Spe - 4 Sp. Def
Moveset - Eruption, HP Ice, Focus Blast, Heat Wave

Heliolisk @ Wise Glasses
Nature - Timid
Ability - Dry Skin
EV's - 252 Sp. Att - 252 Spe - 4 Sp. Def
Moveset - Focus Blast - Thunderbolt - Hyper Voice - Signal beam

Decidueye @ Assault Vest
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Long Reach
EV's - 252 HP - 252 Att - 4 Sp. Def
Moveset - Shadow Sneak - Leaf Blade - Brave Bird - Steel Wing

Clawitzer @ Scope Lens
Nature - Modest
Ability - Mega Launcher
EV's - 252 Sp. Att - 252 HP - 4 Sp. Def
Moveset - Aqua Jet - Aura Sphere - Dark Pulse - Water Pulse

Stoutland @ Leftovers
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Intimidate
EV's - 252 Att - Def 120 - Sp. Def 120 - HP 16
Moveset - Retaliate - Play Rough - Wild Charge - Crunch

Tyrantrum @ Life Orb
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Strong Jaw
EV's - 252 Att - 252 HP - 4 Def
Moveset - Outrage - Ice Fang - Earthquake - Stone Edge

Why don’t you use any Pokémon that was rated OU?
I believe it was because some of the teams original members were OU, such as a greninja I had at one point.  I liked the format and was comfortable in it, so after changing out Pokemon I just stayed. If my memeory is correct Decidueye was OU at the time as well. But I could be wrong about that last part.
You have all attacking moves. This team is walled by.... walls.

1 Answer

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Your team really needs some fix, and this team was for Gen 7 RU instead of OU.
Why Choice Scarf? it’s totally useless. live Orb was more suggested seems you will completely stucked with Eruption. But if you really want a choice item, a Choice Spes was a much better option. Replace HP Ice to HP Grass for more successful coverage. Heat Wave was completely Outclassed by Flamethrower and Fire Blast. Switch it depends you want Power or less pow but better acc. Otherwise, it was a good set.
Wide Glasses was useless, replace it with live orb or choice spes. Replace Signal Beam to surf for good coverage and Focus Blast to Volt Switch, but you could depends yourself.
Replace Steel Wing to Knock Off and Shadow Sneak to Spirit Tackle. Also, you may switch Brave Bird to Roost for Successful Healing.
Scope Lens? Are you sure just increase some Critical Chance? Change it to Choice Spes or Leftovers.
Retaliate? Change it to return if you want a good Normal STAB move. Scrappy was much more better than Intimate. Wild Charge was unnecessary, you may want a pursuit user in your team so change it to pursuit and Crunch change to Superpower for a good power move.
Looks fine, butI’ll suggest change ability to Rock Head and change Stone Edge to Head Smash and Ice fang to Crunch.

Hope it helps!

edited by
A Scope Lens boosts your crit ratio, a Wide/Zoom Lens boosts accuracy :P
oopsy lul...