I have a couple of suggestions for you.
First, Sand Force Landorus is NOT something you need to prep for. Practically everyone using Landorus will be using its therian form, since it's more powerful and has intimidate. Even if you do run into a landorus-incarnate, it will most likely be sheer force or have their own Tyranitar to activate Sand Force already. Sand Stream is much more useful. Moves are good ( you can use superpower over brick break if you want) but a good standard spread is max attack/HP, minimum speed, weakness policy.
Tyranitar @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Protect
- Superpower
- Rock Slide
- Lash Out
Using protect on a Choiced Pokemon is almost never recommended because you'd lock yourself into it. It's okay if you plan on Dynamaxing Rillaboom often, but you'll usually want another attacking move like superpower or wood hammer.
Goodra really struggles in Series 7. The Tapus are all back, giving a lot of fairy types for it to deal with, as well as lots of popular Ice-Weak pokemon, making ice beam or ice punch a very popular coverage move, not to mention Dragapult and Togekiss being unbanned. I'd suggest dropping it since you already have dragapult.
Dragapult is very strong next to Indeedee because of Indeedee's follow me + ghost immunity, so to capitalize on this, a dragon dance set is nice. Clear Body prevents intimidate, which is much more useful than Infiltrator. You probably don't need a max max spread because of Dragon Dance, though.
Dragapult @ Life Orb
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Darts
- Phantom Force
- Dragon Dance
- Protect/Fly
Coalossal also suffers in this format. Landorus-T and Tapu Fini are both on over a quarter of all teams and hae 4x Super Effective moves. Dracovish also got sand rush as well, so it can outspeed Dragapult and OHKO Coalossal, so I'd drop it as well.
Indeedee is good support but you don't need 3 attacking moves. Run Follow me, Expanding force, and Protect/Heal Pulse/Helping Hand/Safeguard.
Finally, for your last two slots, you have lots of options. I think that the best Pokemon for you to consider are Dracovish/Dracozolt, Dusclops, Landorus-Therian, and Incineroar. Dracovish and Dracozoltboth have Sand Rush to pair with Tyranitar and have the option of Bulldozing to activate the Weakness Policy. Dusclops can also proc the weakness policy with bulldoze and both set Trick Room as well as stop it from Stakataka with imprison. Incineroar is good general support that helps with Kartana, and Landorus-T (preferably Scarf) can deal with Tapu Koko. Ursifu would also be a good fit because you don't have a good Celesteela answer.
Extra thoughts:
- If you don't want to use Incineroar, Assault Vest Rillaboom could be helpful for Fake Out Pressure. (AV Rillaboom is probably more consistent in general.)
- If you opt for Landorus-T, Togekiss would be a better follow me Pokemon for your team because of the ground immunity.
- If you decide to go for the trick room route, Amoonguss is another great redirector that is great in Trick Room.
I hope this helps!
(PS: If you need feedback on a team, it will save you a lot of time if you fully decide what you're going to use before getting the Pokemon in-game.)