Oh boy, this team needs some work.
Toxapex: Usually people run a set of Toxic Spikes + Baneful Bunker + Scald + Haze. Toxapex should have Baneful Bunker somewhere on the set, and since you have a Defogger and not a Rapid Spinner, maybe instead of Toxic get Recover.
Urshifu: If you’re running a water team, first keep in mind that after Rain, Fire-type moves have 50% power. Fire Punch, therefore, is kind of useless. Get something like Bulk Up instead. Liquidation is not ideal for Urshifu, get Surging Strikes. I guess U-turn is okay, but maybe get Substitute so you can Bulk Up safely.
Pelipper: Nothing wrong with this, except that I would run Scald over Hydro Pump for the better accuracy. After the Rain boost, Scald already has 120 power + STAB (which makes it 180), as well as a Burn chance.
Rotom: Will-o-Wisp is fine, I guess, but after a few Scalds (which should, once again, IMO replace Hydro Pump) the opposing Pokemon is almost guaranteed to be burned. I would recommend getting Thunder in the place of Will-o-Wisp, since it has perfect accuracy in the rain.
Primaries: You gave it Torrent and no Water moves... I would give it Liquid Voice + Hyper Voice for the damage output and the fact that it bypasses Substitute, which can be helpful. Otherwise, it’s fine.
Seismitoad: It’s a physical attacker XD. If you are getting Stealth Rock consider also removing Defog on Rotom and getting some other move, getting Toxic Spikes on Toxapex, and adding Rapid Spin Starmie to the team, perhaps in the place of Primarina. Moveset could be Stealth Rock + Liquidation + Ice Punch + Earthquake.
Thanks for reading. Hope I helped!