Pokémon Rate My Team
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I am not sure if asking to rate 1v1 Teams is allowed, but I am asking it, so Mods please correct me if this isn’t allowed. Anyway, in my defense if it isn’t allowed, technically team coverage is a very good thing in 1v1. If all your Pokémon to select from are Grass Types and your opponent has a Fire Type to select from, then that battle probably won’t end well. So Coverage is something to worry about. Here for my general team Poképast Link, and here for my Non-Ubers None-Legendary Team.

Role: Fast Special Sweeper
Moltres-Galar @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Berserk
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk

  • Shadow Ball
  • Air Slash
  • Fiery Wrath
  • Nasty Plot

Moltres is like my [Gen 8] 1v1 Yveltal. It is fast, and usually can live some hits, allowing Beserk to setup. I usually use Nasty Plot first, and then I sweep next turn. However, if it is out-sped, then it usually will not be able to knock the opponent out before it is knocked out.

Role: Fast Special Sweeper
Naganadel @ Life Orb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk

  • Nasty Plot
  • Draco Meteor
  • Sludge Wave
  • Flamethrower

Naganadel can really sweep. It is fast, does a lot of damage, and can often end any battle with a Nasty Plot boosted Draco Meteor. It’s Poison Type counters Fairy, but can KO’d if something does out-speed it. (Not often.)

Role: Fast Special Sweeper
Spectrier @ Leftovers
Ability: Grim Neigh
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk

  • Shadow Ball
  • Dark Pulse
  • Hyper Beam
  • Nasty Plot

Spectrier is probably the NVP of this team, and with good reason. Set up a Nasty Plot, and sweep with Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, and Hyper Beam. Hyper Beam might not be the best on this set, but I think that a Nasty Plot charged Hyper Beam is deadly. However, coverage on this set is not the best, and that might not be the best thing.

Summary: I think this is a really good [Gen 8]1v1 Team, but Moltres might not be the best on it.

Team 2; Non-Uber/Legendary Team.

Role: Bulky Physical Sweeper
Grimmsnarl (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature

  • Spirit Break
  • Darkest Lariat
  • Light Screen
  • Reflect

When I use Grimmsnarl, I usually setup Light Screen or Reflect, depending on the opponent. Then I use Spirit Break or Darkest Lariat depending on the opponent. However, Grimmsnarl is usually going last, but that isn’t much of a problem thanks to it’s bulk and Light Screen/Reflect.

Rillaboom @ Life Orb
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

  • Grassy Glide
  • Knock Off
  • Swords Dance
  • Earthquake

So Cinderace is banned from [Gen 8] 1v1, so I have to resort to second best, Rillaboom. I usually lead with Swords Dance, then Knock Off. After that, I use Earthquake or Grassy Glide. I go first 40% of the time, and if I am in a situation where I can’t go first, I use Grassy Glide. He can live some hits, allowing me to setup Swords Dance and Knock Off.

Role: Fast Physical Sweeper
Salamence @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

  • Brick Break
  • Giga Impact
  • Dragon Claw
  • Dual Wingbeat

Probably the most powerful member of this team, Salamence. I have Dual Wingbeat and Dragon Claw as STAB, Brick Break as Ice Coverage and Giga Impact as a Sweeper Move. I usually just use Giga Impact for the OHKO, but if Brick Break, Dragon Claw, and Dual Wingbeat are Super Effective, I use them. It can live 2-3 hits, and can usually OHKO everything.

Summary: While this team might be weaker then the other team, this is a Non-Uber/Legendary Team, what am I gonna do about it. I think this is pretty good, but Grimmsnarl might be a little on the weak side.

I dunno if this is allowed, to ask for [Gen 8] 1v1 teams, and to ask to have 2 teams rated, but in total it is 6 Pokémon, and I could use a little help on this. So, can anyone help rate these teams?

Ohhhhhh ok. Yeah that makes more sense.
Yeah, but I still want an answer on this, because I see that 1v1 is a tag, and others have asked 1v1 questions and gotten answers.
Two things not much
1. Dark Pulse is useless on Spectrier. Its weaker than Shadow Ball due to STAB and has basically the same type matchups
2. Earthquake is horrible for Rillaboom since grassy terrain lower the power of ground type moves.

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