Pokémon Rate My Team
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Here is the format in case if you'd like to rate this even though you are a person with 0 Experience in 1v1 :P


1v1 Team:

Charizard-Mega-Y @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hidden Power [Electric]
- Will-O-Wisp
- Blast Burn
- Solar Beam

The Charizards are currently rocking the Meta, especially since annoyances like Wobbuffet (once in awhile) have to guess if they're Physical or Special first turn, as well as some Mega X's being split. Will-O-Wisp is safe for stalling a Special wall low enough to OHKO it, as well as cripple physical attackers, while Roost offers recovery. Protect is good for Z-move blocking/move blocking in General.

Landorus-Therian @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Lax Nature
- Earthquake
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Knock Off
- Superpower

Landorus once again is a god in a Metagame. While not S rank, A+ allows this pokemon to be a very common pick on teams. HP Ice helps a lot against other Landorus. Knock-off defeats "Sub-FEAR" (explained at bottom) and is a versatile move altogether. Earthquake is self-explanatory. Protect helps stall heal, while Fly makes a killer Z-move. 4 Speed is to out-speed defensive Lando.

Zapdos @ Electrium Z
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 HP / 32 Def / 224 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Roost
- Thunder
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Thuder-Wave/Thunderbolt

Edit: Zapdos now, since Koko got banned after that last time I played...

About: Sub-FEAR
Similar to FEAR. A sturdy Pokemon (usually Aron; Magnemite is banned) Has Toxic, Protect, Endeavor, And some other fourth move (not priority, Endeavor+Quick Attack, etc. is banned) holds Berry Juice. It poisons you first turn, Endeavors you second turn, and you faint from poison damage. So, Magic Bounce, Knock-Off, and Multi-Hit moves break this strategy.


edited by
1. I forgot MG has Mold breaker xD. Just a mistake. Like you have written Zapdos' ability is Electric Terrain.
2. Mega Charizard should be able to rip MG in sun, with Will O Wisp and Solar Beam.
3. Magnezone is immune to poison.
4. MegaZard Y has Will O Wisp, can't it break sturdy?
5. "I will be also helpless against chansey with scarf
Without Knock Off Lando? Are you meaning Trick Chansey? Trick fails if either pokemon is holding Z-Crystal and Mega stone. Chansey can't survive a single superpower from LandoT.
6. Pls don't give lando and Zapdos EVs in Defensive stats.
I watched your replies. on the first battle, a guy tried to perform CurStall with Mimikyu. But he failed because Mimikyu didn't has Figy/Aguav berry and substitute.
Second Battle: You OHKO'd a Pinsir with Gigavolt Havoc.
Third Battle: You defeated a Special MegaZard X (!). Idk why it was special lol. Roost was helpful because the MegaZard X was special. Roost is a situational move.
Zaps doesn't have electric surge. It has pressure or static (or volt absorb depending on wut game  u r playing)
that was an editing error, Leafy (Fixed)
The 1v1 meta actually tells us to invest in at least 1 pokemon that has hp and or defense EV's to A) survive hits, and B) beat Counter/Mirror Coat users. Not trick, if Lando had a scarf like you suggested. :P
I changed Landorus recently, is it fine now?
Sturdy Donphan is the most common counter user, it also use Head Smash to rip MegaZard Y.
I use MegaSlowBro to counter Counter/Mirror Coat user.

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