Pokémon Rate My Team
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My pokemon will be as follows. please do let me know below of what Pokemon i could use as well that would synergies well with this team.

Roserade nature: Timid
evs 252 sp atk 252 speed 4spd +spe -atk
ability: Natural cure or Poison Point
Giga Drain/Energy Ball
Sludge Bomb -
Shadow Ball - could also slot in sleep powder here
Some form of Spikes - Dazzling Gleam
items: Life Orb or Black Sludge
- Side Notes: Roserade is one of the few fast spikers in all of pokemon. You don't have to spike immediately, but do it when you think so

nature: jolly
ev 252 att 4 spd 252 spe +spe -spa
Flare Blitz/Fire Fang -
Crunch - Move relearner
Close Combat/Earthquake -
Wild Charge/Thunder Fang -
item choice band

evs hp 252 attack 252+ spd 4 +atk -spa
Ability: Adaptability (broken ability)
Swords Dance
Aqua Jet (Priority because it is slow)
Crabhammer (it is stronger than Liquidation and has high cri rate)
Knock Off (Its weaker than Crunch but does 2x damage if opponent is holding an item and trashes their item)
- Items: Expert Belt, Sea Incense, Life Orb

Nature: Calm
evs hp 252 def 4 spd 252 +spd -atk
Wish > Dazzling Gleam
Roost > Aura Sphere
Thunder Wave is good but if you are afraid of status effects on your team you can use Heal Bell
- Items: Heavy Duty Boots or Leftovers
- Side note: makes Togekiss a defensive pivot and a healer

Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD +atk -spa
Adamant Nature
- shadowclaw
- Sacred Sword
- King's Shield
- shadow sneak

- Nature: Careful, Impish
evs hp 252 4 atk 252 def Def+ -Spa
- Moveset:
Stealth Rocks > Payback (having a mon be able to set up rocks is big)
Toxic/Roar >
Heavy Slam (either you can passively damage your foe or phase them out)
body press
- Items: Leftovers obviously
- Side Notes: Mudsdale is more of a defensive mon, being able to take of advantage of that is use and you can use him as a pivot.

Format? Is it Gen 8 OU or are you playing online SwSh?
@tinymushroom i am playing online swsh and will be ou or any format
What's the item on Aegislash?
@Kreyalis OU is not a format you can play on your cartridge, and "any format" is just unhelpful. If you're playing single battles in your game, then you're playing a format called Battle Stadium Singles (currently Season 8). It is important that you specify the format you're playing because the advice you'll get will differ greatly depending on what it is.
Here is a resource that will help you become acquainted with what Pokemon are good in BSS. You should pay the most attention to the 'unrestricted' part, which will carry over to seasons where restricteds are not allowed: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/series-8-sword-shield-bss-viability-rankings.3679374/
It's fairly clear you didn't build this team with BSS in mind, which is your main problem. Next time, you should research the battle format you're playing before you start teambuilding. Your movesets aren't awful and would improve with more reading.
Why Roserade?
This is almost the same as https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/329751/what-is-a-good-in-game-team-for-sword-and-shield?show=356118#a356118 , which is a post intended for in-game play.

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