Pokémon Rate My Team
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I'm slowly getting back into National Dex AG and I made some good progress. I got to 1824 as my ladder peak, and I want my team to be rated. Here is the Pokepaste.

Rayquaza-Mega @ Choice Band
Ability: Delta Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Ascent
- Earthquake
- Aqua Tail
- V-create

I wanted a powerful mon that could hit hard, so I decided on Band Rayquaza. Dragon Ascent is powerful stab, Earthquake and V-create take care of steels, and Aqua Tail hits P-don

Ditto @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Imposter
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
IVs: 30 Atk
- Transform

Pretty simple. Copies Zacians, Calyrex, Mray, and others.

Shedinja @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Wonder Guard
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Swords Dance
- X-Scissor
- Poltergeist

While this may seem like an odd choice, Shedinja has been very helpful. It walls many Pokemon such as Kyogre, Arceus Ground, and other mons that don't have a counter for it. I can also use this to troll Ditto that try to come in on Zacian and Primal Kyogre. I use Protect to scout the opponent and Swords Dance to set up. I can also sacrifice it I need to safely bring in a team mate.

Kyogre-Primal @ Blue Orb
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Origin Pulse
- Thunder
- Ice Beam
- Rest

Another weird set of mine. I often use this as a lead. Relaxed nature is so I can move slower than most Primal Groudon. Defense EVs help it to survive a strong attack (Dragon Ascent) and KO the opposing mon. Origon Pulse is STAB, Ice Beam kills Mray after Defense drop, and Thunder is for hitting other Kyogre and birbs that may switch in as well as for the para hax chance. Rest is for recovery.

Arceus-Dark @ Dread Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Judgment
- Recover
- Refresh

I mainly use this to counter LO Bacon birbs and Caly-Shadow. Calm Mind makes it bulkier, Judgment is for attacking, Recover for healing, and Refresh so I won't be crippled by toxic and such.

Zacian-Crowned @ Rusted Sword
Ability: Intrepid Sword
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Behemoth Blade
- Close Combat
- Wild Charge
- Substitute

For my last member I have Zacian. Behemoth Blade is strong STAB, Close Combat hits steel types, Wild Charge takes care of Kyogre and Birbs, and Substitute is mainly for Smeargle.

Concerns: Do I need a hazard setter and defogger? What mons should I be most concerned about?
Thanks for the feedback :)

I’ll replace Shed with Don as it checks Ogre and can set hazards
Are hazards absolutely necessary though? Also tbh I kinda perfer Shed over Don because it allows me to beat some mons that could give me trouble. I'll try Groudon though. What does Groudon counter that the mons on my team could have trouble beating?
Groudon does what Shed does, and better (expect for walling GroundCeus — but Ogre already does that). And yes, you’re better off with hazards than no hazards, that chip damage is real good.
Groudon is doing good so far. Got to 1800s
I don't think you really need Aqua Tail on Rayquaza-Mega as you already have Earthquake for Primal Groudon. Try Extreme Speed for it so to revenge kill other faster threats. Shedinja doesn't really justify the moves, all it does it is to spread status conditions to the team, so opt out for Baton Pass / Protect / Toxic or Will-O-Wisp / Poltergeist instead. Hate that Primal Kyogre set, it's looking really dumb to be honest. It still can't switch to Mega-Rayquaza as it gets 2HKOed no matter what are the investments, and it's not better than Defensive Primal Groudon. Arceus-Dark should be faster, preferably 96 Spe EVs with Timid Nature so to outspeed Yveltal, Adamant Mega-Rayquaza, etc. Zacian always loves Adamant as the speed tie isn't doing much. Anyways, you have nothing if they reveal Crunch Zacian-C, as well as nothing for Xerneas. Bubye Shedinja as it carries Hidden Power Fire most of the time. You got no Mega-Ray, Kyogre, Primal Groudon, etc. counters, and no you can't just rely on Ditto to beat them.
Okay. I've been playing around with different things. I changed Nature to Adamant (I think...). I originally had Aqua Tail in case Groudon managed to live Equake or something (but me is a stoopid kid). I had the defensive EVS on Primal-Kyogre so in case the opponent switched to Rayquaza or something it wouldn't one shot me with Dragon Ascent  (non-boosted) and I could fire off an ice beam. I'll try out the speed on Darkceus. I have my ways of dealing with Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza (Since I have Groudon now). (Also RestOgre has really saved my butt a couple times so that's why I have it :/)

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