Your set looks very good. You could consider Fire Blast over Flamethrower for a bit of extra damage if you want, but that’s really up to you. You don’t need to replace U-turn with Thunderbolt, as U-turn is essential to pivoting and Thunderbolt doesn’t hit all that much that one of your other moves can’t get.

This is the Smogon set, so it’ll serve you perfectly well. I have no complaints.

You could try Haze over Strength Sap to stop attackers like Spectrier and Hydreigon from setting up and wiping your team, but Strength Sap usually works perfectly fine.

I personally like Drain Punch in place of Shadow Claw on my Mimikyu (I also play Ghost Monotype) in order to hit Steel types and give Mimikyu a reliable source of recovery. However, if you feel Shadow Sneak is not adequate Ghost STAB, then you should keep Shadow Claw on the set -- just be aware that Steel types will wall you far more easily.

A defensive set with Toxic, King’s Shield and Leftovers could work quite well, but you definitely need multiple attackers on this team. I’ll post a defensive set, so you can playtest each one and see what works best for you.
Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Substitute
- Toxic
- King’s Shield
- Shadow Ball

Very solid set. You could try a Focus Sash or perhaps a Life Orb as an item instead if you find that you don’t need the extra Speed the Choice Scarf brings. Thunderbolt is a viable coverage move as well, and it can be helpful in place of Focus Blast.
Overall, this seems like a very good team. There are more options that you can use, like Spectrier to snowball quickly, and Blacephalon to provide extra lines of defense against Steel types. You’re weak defensively, with vulnerabilities to common moves like Sucker Punch, Knock Off, and Shadow Sneak. Plan accordingly, and keep playing, keep experimenting until you find a good balance. My advice is by no means definitive, but I hope I helped at least somewhat.