Pokémon Rate My Team
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I haven’t posted in a while so I decided to ask if one of my powerful mono teams is good. Here it is.

Inteleon @focus sash
Ability: sniper
Nature: timid
252 SPA , 252 SPE, 4 HP
Snipe shot
Ice beam
Mud shot
Focus energy

Azumarill @ leftovers
Ability: sap sipper
Nature: Quiet
252 SPA, 252 DEF, 4 SPD
Ice beam
Rain dance
Play rough

Slowbro @ leftovers
Ability: regenerator
Nature: bold
252 HP, 252 DEF, 4 SPD
Rain dance
Body press

Toxapex @ air ballon
Ability: Merciless
Nature: relaxed
252 HP, 252 DEF, 4 ATT
Frost breath
Knock off

Barraskewda @ choice band
Ability: swift swim
Nature: adamant
252 ATT, 252 SPE, 4 DEF
Close combat
Drill run
Psychic fangs

Gyarados @ leftovers
Ability: Moxie
Nature: adamant
252 SPE, 252 ATT, 4 HP
Power whip

I'm just going to give a brief explanation for each Pokemon, since it's mostly the movesets that need changing.

Inteleon isn't even on the viability rankings, so it's replaced by Keldeo, who is a superior special attacker. Azumarill isn't the greatest not on a stall team, so it's replaced by Swampert who provides an Electric immunity and rocker. Slowking is mostly better then Slowbro if you have Toxapex, and should be used as a Teleport pivot. Toxapex should be a physical wall, and should definitely not have 4 attacking moves. Since this isn't Rain, Barraskewda is outclassed by Urshifu as a Choice Band wallbreaker. Gyarados is replaced by Tapu Fini, who provides the team with speed control.

Updated team: https://pokepast.es/82211fe87066b1f2
Thx for the comment. Inteleon was supposed to be a sweeper with focus energy and snipe shot. Barraskewda was supposed to take control of the weather with swift swim and sweep teams. Thx

2 Answers

2 votes

Hello, i will try to help you with that mono water.

Mono Water has usual either balanced teams,or rain teams.
I also saw some stall teams,but they are not used that much.

So,about ur 6 pokémon.

Inteleon is not that good,u should better try volcanion.
Volcanion can run,and with toxic + steam eruption + flamethrower can easily
destroy steel,if u run sub along with those 3 moves,u can then be a huge thread for either
flying and steel,which are the strongest types in the current metagame.

Azumarill sad sipper isn't that bad at all for the ability,but azumarill special attacker is like ????
+ sad sipper boosts physical attacker.Anyways i would just use classical CB set,which is way common and still a strong set.
I would also use this spread :
Azumarill (F) @ Choice Band
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Superpower
- Knock Off
- Aqua Jet

Slowtwins should just use classical set in ss with teleport fs.
Anyways,Slowking is better on Water teams,and help against fairy and psychic as well,if u see the monotype VR
u will also see that Slowking is A while slowbro is D.
Slowking @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 29 Spe
- Future Sight
- Ice Beam
- Teleport
- Slack Off
The set looks like that.
Ice beam helps with Dpult,which is a huge threat for Water (i'm also a Ghost player so ik it very good)
29 ivs in speed to teleport after other slowtwins

Same thing,what are those sets ? Completely wrong set for this mon.
You should check more on smogon dex to get an idea,tpex needs to take hits and haze potential wallbreakers.
You should then use.
Toxapex @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Toxic
- Recover
- Haze

This is a great set,u need adamant only for rain tho,and u have no rain setters.
Rain dance isn't great on mons like Azumarill or Slowbro,this strats jut don't work in a mid-high ladder.

He isn't bad at all,u should use water stab instead of outrage but u miss Urshifu-R which is needed on a water team like this,he is good in just every water team.
Also Slowking + Urshifu-R are a strong core,you should just take the smogon's sets with CB which is this.
Urshifu-Rapid-Strike @ Choice Band
Ability: Unseen Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Surging Strikes
- Close Combat
- Aqua Jet
- U-turn

You can also choose for thunder punch instead of u-turn for mantine,if u decide to don't run any mon with Toxic.

U miss Tapu Fini which is really strong which his CM Taunt set,he can destroy flying by taunting haze and leech seed,and he is also powerful against other types.
You also miss an Electric checker.As water-ground,swampert is the best electric checker for water,you can also decide to use rotom-w.
Slowking and Swampert are a good defensive core for electric.
Also,if u run rainless team you don't need Skewda at all.
Remember that if u run rainless water,u are going to most likely auto-lose to Electric.

I will also share u some water teams i ve in my teambuilder,between them should also be some sample teams.
They all have a nickname describing the team.

If u want to use what i told u,the team will loke like this :
While making the team i noticed that u either choose between fini or azumarill,and as i said,taunt cm fini can really destroy teams so i choosed him over azumarill.

I hope it helps

–2 votes

Not bad it looks good I would want that team
here's what I would change:
Inteleon: None I like the moveset and it works very well, I have this exact pokemon on sword except take away focus energy with hydro pump and it works very well
Azumarill: This one is not very good to me I mean the ability Sap Sipper takes care of grass but what about electric or poison you with your moveset it won't work well.
Slowbro: Ok no offense but this is the worst pokemon on your team here's a quick summary of this pokemon
Psyshock: This is ok
Block: this is fine with pokemon weak against psychic or fighting anything else it's useless
Body Press: Can't fight this one because whenever you use this on your opponent the move is just stronger because defense is its best stat
Toxapex: If I'm correct this pokemon is from Ultra sun or moon but the fact that you transported over is smart
because they are both frost breath and knock off are powerful moves problem: electric types are super effective on this pokemon but I don't know how to deal with it sorry
Barraskewda: nothing wrong but this problem: Item Choice I would go for anything that would boost up your attack power like life orb then your killer
Gyarados: Ahh this is the best one on your team all you got to do is be careful with electric types and moves
well that's all thank's for reading my tips bye :)
